Opening Music
Music is "Say Anything" by Manda and the Marbles
Band's MySpace page
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Apple fined for infringing on own patent
OK, not technically correct but check this out
An East Texas Federal Court ordered Apple to pay $208.5 million in damages to a company called Mirror Worlds for infringing on patents related to Apple's CoverFlow technology.
Mirror Worlds is reportedly trying to get the $208.5 million for 3 separate violations.
Funny thing… Apple has been granted several patents for CoverFlow themselves. In August 2009, February 2010, April 2010, and 1 a week after they lost this case.
Adidas red cards iAd campaign
Business Insider is reporting that Adidas has dropped its plans for a $10 million iAds account.
Guess why? Apple's fanatical control over the creative.
Adidas reportedly tried 3 times to get ad concepts past the iAd gestapo, but failed.
Now they are taking their ball and going home.
John Gruber says, "Get used to it".
iPads still selling like… iPads
Bernstein Research claims the iPad is the, “most quickly adopted non-phone electronic product.”
By selling over 3 million in 80 days iPad completely bested the iPhone first year sales (1 million) and the DVD player (350,000 in it's first year).
Up to 8.5 million sold.
Philip Elmer-DeWitt of Fortune complied a list of 22 predicitons from analysts on Q4 iPad sales
From 3.8 to 6 million units for the quarter
That places the average total iPads sold for the year at around 8.25 million.
iPad taking a large toll on netbooks
Deutsche Bank analyst Chris Whitmore says there is no competition in sight
Yes new tablets are due soon, but he thinks Apple has a 12 to 18 month lead on the competition
I think Apple's edge comes from
Ease of use and simple integration, not bullet point marketing hype.
Grandma has an iPad, not a Blackberry PlayBook
Huge catalog of 3rd party apps
Growing popularity and buzz. The cool factor.
iPad is shaking up markets
Kathy Huberty says its's making a significant impact on netbook sales
NPD numbers show 13% of iPad purchasers bought it instead of a PC and 24% bought an iPad over an eBook reader.
Apps can be installed on Apple TV
You just can't launch them.
I think Apple will start with an "invited" App Store
iSuppli estimates the parts cost at $64.
Apple gets 35% margin.
Old Apple TV sold for more, but had a 20% margin
Apple TVs are reportedly selling out at some Apple retail stores and at least one analyst thinks Apple could be selling 1 million Apple TVs a quarter.
Firmware fix for Macbook power woes
Two updates. One for Macbooks and the other Macbook Pros made in 2007 and 2008 that use the "L-shaped" MagSafe connector.
Addresses an issue with certain MacBook and MacBook Pro models from 2007-2008 that prevents them from charging with new power adapters.
Specific models impacted are:
MacBook (13-inch Late 2007)
MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2008)
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008)
MacBook (13-inch, Early 2008)
MacBook (13-inch, Late 2008)
Verizon iPhone. No, really this time.
Both the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times are reporting that the Verizon iPhone will come early next year.
Verizon executive being coy and dodging the question
An announcement would come from Apple
Apple and Verizon business interests would "align" eventually.
Wedge Partners analyst Brian Blair reported that he thinks Qualcomm Q3 numbers would be up significantly
attributed directly to Apple orders for chipsets
“meaningful order strength” late in the third quarter due to orders related to the coming CDMA Apple iPhone
What about LTE
Uses bigger chips and more battery
Verizon's will be up with 38 cities by the end of the year
Full rollout by 2013
Verizon is said to be working on a technology called Voice over Revision A, or VoRA.
Allows Data and Voice calls simultaneously on a CDMA network, an advantage of HSPDA
Hope would be that a CDMA iPhone would do multiple global CDMA bands
China Mobile could also be getting the CDMA iPhone.
Redesigned iPhone 5
Possibly re-designed Verizon iPhone
internal antenna
Near Field Communication (NFC) technology to work with payment systems
Small design changes, nothing big. Think iPhone 3G to 3GS
Larger screen, by 0.2" to 3.7" (closer to the 4" on some other smart phones".
1.2GHz processor.
4G LTE support.
June 2011
Apple forecloses .Mac homes
Apple sent out email to let users know that it's shuttering the old .Mac Homepages site
In April 2009 Apple told users that as of July 9th 2009 they wouldn't be able to edit content via Mobile Me
The files aren't being removed and should still be accessible from iDisk, but they won't be viewable at the hompage.mac.com address
iWeb sites and Mobile Me Gallery are unaffected
Apple recommends moving content to those services
Dan Moren points to the history
Only Mail and iDisk remain as the original features from iTools (launched as a free service in 2000)
KidSafe, iReview, iCards, and now HomePage are retired.
Apple preps for Q4 results
Oppenheimer analyst Yair Reiner has raised his 12- to 18-month price target for Apple stock to $345
Expected $19.9 billion in revenue
Raised his iPad estimates from 3.9 million to 4.5 million and iPhone numbers from 10.5 million to 12 million units sold in the quarter.
Yair echoes sentiments from J.P. Morgan.
They have a $400 December 2011 stock price target
Revenue of $18.71 Billion for the quarter.
Will Apple do music subscriptions?
Report out of the New York Post says Apple is still in talks with the label to bring a streaming music service to iTunes
Jobs has always said people want to own, not rent, music
Details are light but the service is expected to be $10 - $15/mo. Not sure what that gets you.
Other report says Apple told the labels to avoid doing deals to bring the "Spotify" service to the US saying it would hurt download sales
I think ALL streaming services would ultimately hurt sales, but possibly the aggregate revenue and volume make up for it?
We aren't sure what Apple's plans for streaming service LaLa are
Did they just want to kill it?
I still just want an iTunes "locker" for ALL my purchased content and then streaming/re-downloading for that
Apple bucks house price trend
According to Bloomberg Apple has paid a couple $1.7 million for their home in Maiden, North Carolina
Apple needs the land for their new $1 billion ( I guess now 1 billion 1.7 million) dollar data center.
Donnie and Kathy Fulbright paid just $6,000 for the home 34 years ago and it's assessed value when Apple scooped it up was just shy of $182,000.
The couple is said to have bout a new 4,200-square-foot house on a 49-acre property.
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Feedback, Comments and Commentary
Apple Hardware Test follow-up
Play comment from David.
Don't get the 7" Hype
Can someone make the case for the 7" tablet?
Jim Dalrymple of "The Loop" said Apple built it in their labs along with the 9.7" and picked that form factor.
We don't know why, but I think I do.
The 7" is too big to be as portable as phone and too small to be different.
Seriously, who want's 7" camera and phone.
7" widescreen make little sense for reading full page office documents.
Doesn't seem that "portable" to me and you give up a screen size that makes sense.
Seems more marketing driven
Roll your own offsite backup
Play question from Scott
You will need to follow their instructions for "seeding" the backup.
Basically make a backup locally, move the drive to the remote location,
SSH + RSync
You could "roll-your-own" using SSH (System Preferences-->Sharing-->Remote Login) and the Terminal Command 'rsync'
Acts like "Time Machine" for a volume or directory remotely
George Starcher did a great how-to series for Typical Mac User.
8-part series on remote access with the bonus on SSH and RSync.
Barcode Scanning on the iPad
Play question from Mike
Found an Apple discussion for post that says, You should be able to use any bluetooth barcode scanner that supports SPP (Bluetooth Serial Port Profile) and HID (Human Interface Device) profiles
HID USB scanners also work via the iPad Camera Connection kit.
The scanned data is simply input into a form field as ASCII text just like you had typed it.
The "rub" is that because the iPad sees it an a HID (Human Interface Device), like a keyboard. There is no way to activate the on-screen keyboard when the scanner is connected.
There are even some videos showing the old 'CueCat' scanners working with the iPad.
You may be able to trigger it via a javascript command in your web app, or the 'eject' key on a BT keyboard connected at the same time.
Maybe also you could program a key on your scanner to send the 'esc' key code to activate the on-screen keyboard.
Catalog your iTunes Movies
Play question from Robert
Delicious Library from Delicious Monster
Automatically reads in your iTunes library
Has an HTML export and integrates with iWeb
Issues since 2.0 came out. Mine not loading iTunes movie images.
$40.00 USD
Can import the iTunes data from an XMl export
Select the Movies Library and choose…
iTunes-->Library-->Export Playlist…
In DVDpedia, choose File-->Import Collection…
You can launch iTunes movies from DVDpedia and they have a great FrontRow plug-in.
Export Collection
HTML, MobileMe, FTP, and iPod. Also TXT.
Additional downloadable templates on the DVDpedia site. In 'Extras'
Three Views and iTunes Grid are two of my favorites
$18.00 USD
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"Paralyzed" by Rock Kills Kid
From Musicalley
Artists website
Buy on iTunes
EOL: Floppy Legs
Concept from a London based design firm exploring the concept of electronics that can defend themselves using behaviours found in nature. In this case an Apple floppy drive that sprouts legs and raises itself up when threatened by liquids.