MacCast 02.25.2005
Written by: MacCast
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20050225.mp3 [17.8mb (38:55) 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 31. This show is super jam packed with all kinds of juicy news and updates. It is way too much to cover here, so you are just going to need to tune in to this one to get all the tidbits. Please enjoy. New music from Jim Bryson, visit him at Shownotes in HTML or OPML
Featured Music: Impaler, Jim Bryson
Second PodBrix Mini Figure Released
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: News
Podbrix, has released it’s second edition collectible mini “LEGO” figurine. This one is titled “Keynote” and features Steve Jobs doing a presentation and holding an iPod Shuffle. The limited edition of 300 hand numbered and signed figures went on sale at midnight on February 25th and sold out in just 36 minutes.

New iPod Photo Packaging
Written by: MacCast
Categories: News
New iPod Photo packaging is thinner, has foil lettering and less emphasis on the word “Photo”.

Listener Rick’s Setup
Written by: MacCast
Categories: Feedback
MacCast listener Rick sent in a photo of his Mac set up and said this:
…I noticed your page has photos that listeners have sent of their systems – well, I took a pic of my oldest Mac (a now non-workin Mac SE/30 that I bought for £20 from my Math tutor’s son who had it via University in Australia of all places and they had it from a University in California) and my iMac G4.
That’s not the whole retro collection, there’s a Mac Colour Classic that I bought in a charity shop for £12, ‘cus they couldn’t work out that you had to turn it on via the keyboard. I also have a few older PowerMacs (6100, 7100, G3 Platinum, G3 Blue). I don’t have room for all these Macs – but I keep collecting them!

MacCast 02.23.2005
Written by: MacCast
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20050223.mp3 [5.4mb (11:54) 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 30. I am way tired from my trip so this ones a quickie. Apple’s new iPod Minis and Photo iPods. All listeners are not happy about the new pricing on the iPod Photo. New music from The Rantings of EVA. Listen in. Shownotes in HTML or OPML
Featured Music: Infrared, The Rantings of EVA
MacCast 02.21.2005
Written by: MacCast
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20050221.mp3 [12.6mb (27:36) 64kbps]
Show 29. Live from Ney York. Apple seeks out iPod game developers, Toshiba struggles with Shuffle demand, iPod Photo added to “delay” conspiracy, and Apple sued, again, for retail strategy. Request for shorter audio comments, Simon Toon gives us a great new MacCast intro, educational perspective on Mini eMac debate, the AirTunes public radio mystery and my addiction. Please help. Listen in. Shownotes in HTML or OPML
Featured Music: Twilight, Starfisher
MacCast 02.19.2005
Written by: MacCast
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20050219.mp3 [18.5mb (40:20) 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 28. Another full show. Motorolla iTunes cell phone (again), no Sony Apple buyout, iMac and iPod rumors galore, PC user switches forever, Macs really are faster than PCs, Bonjour to Rendevous and Panther not dead yet. Listeners give legal advice, respond to Mini vs. eMac, want to know how to safely run system updates and correct my quick judgement of Steve. all this and new music from Hayworth. Listen in. Shownotes in HTML or OPML
Featured Music: Gasoline, Hayworth
MacCast 02.16.2005
Written by: MacCast
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20050216.mp3 [14.5mb (31:39) 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 27. This show is packed. Keeping safe with your iPod in NYC, Apple wants your switcher story, new MacCast ad, Apple stock prices rises based on Sony rumors, we have not seen the iTunes phone yet, Mac Mini AV dock concept, Tiger retail packaging, are new iPod Minis coming and Apple give rumor sites a reprieve in the lawsuits. Steve should be careful about hurling stones at Napster, a listener want to know about MacMini vs. eMac, MACAdam may not be such a victim and feedback on MP3 cell phones. New music from Choptank Murphy. Listen in. Shownotes in HTML or OPML
Featured Music: Grey Angel, Choptank Murphy
In a newsletter released Wednesday, Apple gave customers a first look at the packaging for OS X Tiger scheduled for release in the first half of 2005. The package is all black with a large platinum “X” that extends off the edges of the box. Drop shadows add to the illusion.
PJK’s Computer Setup
Written by: MacCast
Categories: Feedback
MacCast listener PJK who does the PJK Podcast sent in this pict of his home setup. I wonder if he is always that neat?