Birmingham, UK
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Feedback
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20050429.mp3 [12.1mb 26:28 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 55. The Tiger Release Special, sort of. Sorry gang, but technical issues made this show not what I had originally intended. I give you the full scoop including a play by play of the event.No live interviews, because my iRiver decided not to cooperate. I plan a kind of make up, so don’t be too mad please. Thanks. New Music, Silent Blue Room By Andrei. Some content may not suitable for human consumption.
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Tiger Las Vegas Pics
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Feedback
Listener Rick sent in a link to his pictures from the Tiger release in Las Vegas, NV. If you have picts please let us know.
Here are some pictures I took tonight at the Tiger release in Las
Vegas, NV at The Fashion Show Mall.
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20050427.mp3 [20.7mb 45:12 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 54. The Tiger Pre-Release Special Podcast. Apple announces new PowerMacs, reduced pricing on Apple Cinema Displays, rumors of new international iTunes Music Stores and .Mac 3.0. Special Report: Installing Tiger. Listener tips on installing Tiger and The MacCast GeekCam Dashboard Widget is released. New Music, Oh, Not Today By Philo. The rhythm is gonna get you. Shownotes in HTML or OPML
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GeekCam Dashboard Widget 1.0.5
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: News
It’s here just in time for Tiger. MacNeo, has created the MacCast GeekCam Dashboard Widget for OS X Tiger. Click here for screenshots.
[ Download GeekCam Widget ] ~129Kb
Note: My boss saw the site today and requested that I not run the cam while at work. I am still trying to figure out a compromise so the cam maybe offline for a while. Talk about crappy timing.
BimP Podcast for LEGO fans
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Feedback
I like LEGO and I have metioned it before on the show. Well it turns out there is a MacCast listener who does his own LEGO podcaast. Here is a snippet of the email he sent me:
I noticed during the last podcast that you were a fan of LEGO. Just
wanted to let you know that I have started a new LEGO podcast. On the
show we discuss LEGO fandom for the adult fan of LEGO (AFOLs) and
whatever items I think might be of interest to LEGO fans (I sneak a
MAC plug in every chance I get). Time permitted (and I know your time
is precious!), check out my podcast at:
If your into LEGO you may want to check it out.
Podcasts on a Virtual iPod
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: News
If you don’t have an iPod yet you may want to give this a spin. It is a really cool virtual ipod with several Podcasts, including the MacCast, preloaded. It works just like the real thing. Too cool.
[ Virtual iPod at ]
New PowerMacs At Amazon?
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: News
Hey. I just saw this posted in the MacCast forum and I guess it is out on the news sites. It looks like Amazon has posted pages for the new PowerMac G5s going up to 2.7GHz.
PowerMac Dual 2.0GHz at Amazon
PowerMacDual 2.5GHz at Amazon
PowerMac Dual 2.7Ghz at Amazon
MacCast 04.25.2005 – No Show
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Sorry gang no show today. I have been working hard to prep the Tiger pre-release show and make other updates to the site. Look for the Tiger pre-release show on Wednesday and then the live Tiger release show on Friday.
MacCast in MacWorld!
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: News
I just got this info from listener Robert:
You were mentioned in the current Macworld, here is a link to the web article
Also you were on page 72 of the print issue.
I guess I am going to need to pick up this issue. It’s great to get press like this. I had no idea. I was also mentioned over at Mac DevCenter,