MacCast Logo Stuff now for sale

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: Podcast

MacCast StuffOK geeks. It sounds like more people are interested in stuff than apparel. I just added a coffee mug, mousepad and bumper sticker to the mix of stuff available at I hope you like it. Purchases will go to help support the show. Thanks.

[ Buy MacCast Stuff here ]

There are 3 comments on MacCast Logo Stuff now for sale:

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  1. argonian | Apr 24 2005 - 09:00

    I just ordered my mug and shirt! Thanks, Adam :)

  2. david | Apr 25 2005 - 11:29

    you totally need buttons. that would be hip to the extreme

  3. maccast | Apr 25 2005 - 12:30

    ok. buttons next. may take a few days.