MacCast Logo Stuff now for sale
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
OK geeks. It sounds like more people are interested in stuff than apparel. I just added a coffee mug, mousepad and bumper sticker to the mix of stuff available at I hope you like it. Purchases will go to help support the show. Thanks.
[ Buy MacCast Stuff here ]
MacCast 04.22.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20050422.mp3 [12.5mb 27:22 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 53. Tiger ships early to some customers, Apple releases Java update for 10.3.9, Apple shareholder meeting met with protests, read Darth Vader’s Blog and Revenge of the Screen Savers. Listener review of Flickr Uploader. Tell us how you use color labels in OS X. Is there a GarageBand like program for the PC? Reciew of the Bose SoundDock and how the GeekCam system works. MacCast t-shirts are now available. New music, That’s Entertainment by Graham McAllister. You so want to hear this. Shownotes in HTML or OPML
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MacCast Apparel is Now Available
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Hey geeks, now that we have a logo I decided to create some t-shirts and other apparel with the new logo. If you would like to get some, head over to and pick what you like. I will get other items, like mugs, stickers and mousepads (does anyone still use these?) up soon.
Cat’s out of the bag early?
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: News
Hey Geeks. Craig over at the Behind the Scenes Podcast just sent me an email on reports he’s seen on the net. I guess some people are getting Tiger early.
Hey Adam, various Mac sites are reporting that Apple has shipped Tiger already to those who ordered online, with delivery dates of the 25th for orders with standard shipping. Not only that, but some people have reported that their orders from MacMall arrived yesterday!
Here are some links, also from Craig:
Mac Daily News
If you are one of the lucky ones who has their copy already let us know.
Search Podcasts
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: News

Wow this is really cool. Podscope has found a way to look inside Podcast content, index it and make it searchable. The results come up and link you to a snipet of audio in the Podcast that contains the keyword you entered. Amazing.
Inspiration for iPod Design
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Feedback
Listener Ant, posted this in the MacCast forum and it is very interenting. Turns out the iPod design might be more retro than we all thought.
Would of been cool if the Lisa was the first Apple computer to play music (given that the mascot is holding an iPod), so I thought I’d take a look at the 22 year old Apple Lisa User Manual (downloadable as a PDF) to find out! Didn’t find a mention of music (though could of missed it) but something that nearly made me fall off my seat, before I realised what it was, is the following pic, taken from page 226 of the manual…

Is it just me or does that have an uncanny resemblance to an iPod! Spooky. For those that haven’t worked it out yet, it’s the bottom of the mouse from the Apple Lisa.
Reasons to switch.
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: News
Paul Murphy of has posted this great article. It explains why Macs are more secure than there PC/ Intel Linux counterparts as well as dispells some of the PCs are cheaper than Mac myths. Very good read. Here are some pull quotes:
The vulnerability exists in Microsoft’s code, but the exploit depends on the rigid stack-order execution and limited page protection inherent in the x86 architecture. If Windows ran on Risc, that vulnerability would still exist, but it would be a non-issue because the exploit opportunity would be more theoretical than practical.
…Macs are less expensive. That’s not what you see in the PC press, but it’s reality. The explanation for that, besides dishonesty on the part of PC reviewers going as far back as 1984, is primarily that Apple’s product cycles resemble those of other consumer electronics manufacturers, not those of the PC industry.
I’ll take a Snickers and an iPod Mini
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: News
Take a look at this. Apparently this is a vending machine, somewhere in the San Francisco International Airport, offering iPods and digital cameras for sale along with the snacks. Besides the obvious concerns about theft, this is kinda cool. I guess there are other airports and locations that have these. If you see one snap a pic and send it to
[Source: Engadget]
Replacing Your iPod Battery
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Reviews
Hey. A friend sent me this link to a nice little article and video over on showing how to replace the battery in your iPod. The one lame thing is that they replace their battery with one that is the same capacity as the original. If I was doing this I would get one of the great high capacity batteries over at Other World Computing,
[ Replacing your iPod Battery ]
MacCast 04.20.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20050420.mp3 [15.3mb 33:2564kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 52. Verizon, Cingular and Sprint turn down the iTunes phone, Rumor: iTunes Mobile ready in June, Rumor: iTunes 4.8 coming in next few weeks, Apple to open second European retail store, Apple iSync security patch released, Apple “paid” to have editor talk about iPod on TV and new PodBrix Mini fig to be released on Monday. Listener reports on getting the most out of your iPod. Listeners want to know about restoring your iPod and Mac Emulators for PC and a listener review of Mars Edit. New music, Missing Part by BuffyGirl. Your ears will never be the same. Shownotes in HTML or OPML
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