MacCast 04.13.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20050413.mp3 [16.5mb (36:09 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 49. Tiger is coming on April 29th, Apple’s earnings beat estimates, iPod is #1 flash player in February, iTMS coming to Japan by year end, HP begins selling iPod photos and will we see new PowerMacs next week? Some concerns about PowerMac cooling systems, MacCast listener offers more evidence of new G5s, OWC offering MacMini upgrades and get $30 off .Mac from Apple. Special Report: Scanning 35mm Negatives and Slides #2, iPod Shuffle armband listener review, Tiger compatibility, listener offers GMail accounts, how to make your PC look like a Mac and The SourceCodeMini podcast promo. Enjoy! Shownotes in HTML or OPML
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Check out Part 2 of MacCast Ara’s four part special report on how to convert your 35mm prints and slides into digital format. Click here for Part II.
Your PC wants to be a Mac, really.
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Feedback
Listener Shooby sent me the following info on a program that turns WinXP into OS X, at least visually. It look pretty cool, but it tweeks a lot of stuff, DLLs and registry included so use at your own risk. Also the website is really cool. It looks and operates just like OS X, but in a browser. Amazing.
There’s a program for us PC users who are really into macs or are saving up to get a mac called flyakite. Basically, it replaces DLL’s and other system files to pretty much make your pc like a mac. It’s on version 2.0 right now, and I have to say, IT’S FLIPPING AWESOME! I took a screenshot and attached it for you to see. I’m using it to get used to using a dock and mac interface and stuff before I get my powerbook in June, I suggest all PC mac enthusiasts use it too!
Click here for a screenshot of Shooby’s OS X converted WinXP box.
DO eat iPod Shuffle
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: News

MacGeek Danny’s wife decided to do Apple one better and designed a Shuffle you can eat. Mmmm… Apparently she is a cake making machine, check out her other creations.
Tiger Timer Widget
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: News
Since OS X Tiger with Dashboard is still a ways off. I suggest checking out the original widget app, Konfabulator. To help get you started with “widgets”, I have created the Tiger Timer. Tiger Timer, using Konfabulator, will sit on your desktop and countdown the days to the arrival of OS X Tiger. Enjoy!
[Download Tiger Timer Widget for Konfabulator]
To install: Just download the .ZIP file. and unzip into your ‘Documents’ –> ‘Widgets’ directory on the Mac or the ‘My Documents’ –> ‘My Widgets’ folder on the PC. Then open the widget in Konfabulator.
MacCast 04.11.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20050411.mp3 [13.6mb (29:38 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 48. Mac Mini gets 1 mile wireless range, use your Shuffle without iTunes, Australian iTunes Music Store opening delayed, Jobs again one of Time’s “most influential”, Apple temporarily halts AppleCare in Washington state, Apple to open midtown Manhattan mega store and Tiger GOLD master post removed from AppleInsider. Darrell’s Guide for New Mac Geeks #3, please send tips to new email address MacCast special report on scanning slides and negatives, iPed Promo has ended, Dan Klass on PodcastAlley voting and new music for MacGeeks in love, Love Like This by Joshua Stike. Are you listening? Shownotes in HTML or OPML
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Check out Part 1 of MacCast Ara’s four part special report on how to convert your 35mm prints and slides into digital format. Click here for Part 1.
MacCast 04.08.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20050408.mp3 [14.1mb (30:44 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 47. .Mac subscribers get free 30 days of T-Mobile Hotspot, rumor about widescreen iBook’s (I don’t think so), Hitachi new MicroDrive technology explained Schoolhouse Rock style, the USTec Mac Mini Holster. Is there a Norwegian iTunes Music Store coming soon? Appeals court dismisses Apple shareholder lawsuit and Apple is the 422nd largest company in the world according to Forbes. The Mystery Track was… What if? by Accrington Stanley, web site Apple Store Mobile the European response and more educational discount woes. Plus MacCast discounts on iPodderX and the iPed. New Music, New York by Nicolas Erdei. A tribute to the families of the victims of 9/11. Listen in. Shownotes in HTML or OPML
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Mystery Track Revealed!
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Feedback
Here is the info on the music played on Wednesdays show. Listener Dom sent the track which is from his brothers band.
They are a band from Southampton, England and have a good catalogue of CDs for sale. Their website is , although it is currently in re-development. If anyone is interested in purchasing their records while the site gets back up and running they can email
Top Podcast Awards
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: News
Hey, according to this AP release it looks like a site called Top Cast is taking nominations for Podcast awards. Anyone wanna nomiante their favorite show?