MacCast 07.29.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20050729.mp3 [13.7mb 29:56 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 78. New Mac Mini and iBooks released, iPhoto 5.0.4 update released, Apple opening two more US retails stores this weekend, planned Apple Music event in Tokyo. Could it be iTunes Japan? iTunes Phone to debut in August, yeah whatever. Apple will supply 30,000 iBooks to Florida schools, buy some pants, get a song, Canadian “iPod tax” will not be moving forward thanks to Supreme court. Survey shows Podcasting far from “mainstream”, even with help from iTunes and Sharp sales reps brag about their chip in new video iPods. Using your DV camera for iChatAV, Windows Media player issues under Tiger. Are XBrite™ LCDs better? Follow-up on the iPod -36 error. Vote for MacCast at Podcast New music, Wrong Way by Secret Suburbia.
Ninty percent of the game is half mental.
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Correction: I said the new ATI Radeon 9550 did not support Core Image. Apparently I had read wrong information and several listeners pointed out the fact that the 9550 DOES support Core Image. Carry on.
Reinvented Software is proud to announce the release of Feeder 1.2. Feeder is an application for creating, editing and publishing RSS feeds on Mac OS X. Version 1.2 introduces full support for working with the iTunes RSS extensions announced with iTunes 4.9, including an iTunes Music Store preview.
Feeder is packed with thoughtful features to enhance the experience of creating and managing feeds from start to finish including auto-complete and templates to save repetitive typing, automatically updating publication dates and much more. Feed content can be rich with images, links and formatting: Feeder’s editing features help you add these easily and generates a preview to show how your feed will look in a newsreader or RSS-aware browser.
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All You Need is Love… and iLife
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Editorial
The first time I heard that the Beatles’ AppleCorp had sued Apple Computer, Inc. back in 1981 over the “Apple” name, it stung. Then when AppleCorp and Apple Computer settled another lawsuit in 1989, I was somewhat disappointed that the Beatles felt entitled to additional financial compensation from Apple Computer. And now that AppleCorp is planning to take Apple Computer back to court for a third time, I am absolutely outraged.
As a product of the final years of baby-boomerdom (1960), I grew up listening to my two older brothers’ hand-me-down Beatles’ albums (ancient large music discs made of black vinyl plastic). When I was very young my older brother, Ted, had me convinced that Paul McCartney was the greatest man on earth (behind God and himself, of course). My friends and I would often pretend to be the Beatles, and I proudly took on the role of Ringo Starr and used an old tree stump as my drum set.
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THOUGHT OUT has agreed, the best interest of the long-term success of the now named Ped™ product line is recognition away from the coincident relationship of iPed to the iPod. This new recognition of Ped™ branding will show the true value of our products. Our products work with many other devices on the market as the designs are intended to achieve greatest result with iPods but not limited to them only. Essentially, current and forward implementations of our products should be understood they are not only for iPods.
The Ped™ product line design is an elegant “device Ped-estal” that should function with many other consumer devices that consumers may desire.
iPed to Ped™
iPed2 to Ped2™
iPed Shuffle to Ped USB™
Look for the new branding name Ped™ as THOUGHT OUT quickly phases out the previous brand name.
Also, be sure to checkout the full lineup of “Ped” products at And watch for a great new “Ped” coming soon.
MacCast 07.26.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20050726.mp3 [17.3mb 37:44 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 77. New Mac Mini and iBook part numbers show up in Apple’s database, photos of widescreen iBooks on Apple’s web site? I think not. iPods at RadioShack in time for the Holidays, Delicious Library Co-Creator goes to work for Apple, latest Safari updates seeded to developers and Apple campus does not appear on new Microsoft mapping software. MacCast One Minute Tip #4 – Photos and DVD. Stuffit Expander no longer included with OS X, Widows Media Player crashes under 10.4.2, a great alternative to Windows Media Player, Video Lan Client, turn your external USB hard drive into network storage, what to do if you get a “-36 error” when syncing iPod in iTunes, different Mac boot-up options and a recent switcher shares a story of “The Apple Store experience”. Special offer from Showmacster. Don’t forget to vote for MacCast in Podcast Awards Way to support the show: PayPal donations on, shop at and get great MacCast logo items at MacCast under attack by hackers, again. Please keep your emails and audio comments coming. New music, Polyvinyl by Aratone.
Those guys think they’re revolutionaries. They’re not revolutionaries, we are.
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UPDATE: Well of course the new Mac Minis and iBooks are out today, but as I mentioned the widescreen images were a hoax. Guess this is what happens when you record at 12:00 AM and then post in the morning. ;)
A Brief and Warped History of the Mac, part 5 (in which the Mac is reborn)
By Rick Tanner
Welcome back to my column – by now I’m sure only the dedicated Mac Geek will be with me so I can probably say whatever I like. Knickers.
Last time, we left the Mac in 1997 preparing a comeback, having bought NeXT, and in so doing regained Steve Jobs. The new PowerMac G3 had been launched and the PowerBook G3 was on its way.
But, what people were waiting for – well, what I was waiting for anyway – was a consumer Mac based on the G3 processor to replace the Performa range of computers. The machine we got was not what had been expected.
A few years before this, Apple had recruited a young British designer, Jonathon Ive to their design department to work on projects like the eMate (a laptop computer for schools based on the Newton) and Twentieth Anniversary Mac. Jobs approached Ive with plans for a machine that would return to the Mac’s roots and revolutionise the computer industry yet again. He wanted Ive to design the future – and it was going to be Bondi Blue.
Continue Reading », the top technical audio podcast resource worldwide, announced today a first of its kind sponsorship deal with, a Citrix Online product
Spokesperson Todd Cochrane says, what is significant is that this is the very first multi-podcast sponsorship deal. This agreement is a large win for our members and the network. A significant amount of work lead to getting to this day, with the network barely being 6 months old it is evident that when like minded podcasters come together and build a branded network, along with developing a legal marketable framework, with the necessary statistics reporting, then by presenting a well laid out marketing plan, we were able to sign this sponsorship deal. This solidifies our ideals that “podcasters do the work, and indeed podcasters get paid”.
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MacCast 07.21.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20050721.mp3 [11.3mb 24:38 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 76. More video iPod speculation, Motorola media event may finally unveil iTunes phone, Apple planning clearance of old inventory via, Apple offers storage upgrade for .Mac and limits bandwidth and new Windows worm masquerades as iTunes download. Stuffit Expander no longer included with OS X, what are OS X “Proof of Purchase” coupons for? Setting up birthday reminders on your Mac and Airport Express Airport Extreme questions. Vote for MacCast at New music, Oh I See by Tyler Dodds.
These humans are dangerous, don’t you understand that? They think that they’re as good as we are!
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iTunes 4.9 Phone Trick
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Feedback
This is pretty cool and was sent in from listener Jeff.
1) Open iTunes 4.9 and open the Preferences
2) You will see the Podcasting tab with the “i” Podcast icon.
3) Now change your display to only show 256 colors and watch the icon change to a “phone” icon.

MacCast 07.19.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20050719.mp3 [18.2mb 39:45 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 75. Apple reports record earnings for 3rd quarter, 500 Millionth song sold on iTunes, Apple update round-up, upcoming Apple Retail Store openings, Apple extending store hours, Japanese iTunes Music Store coming in August, early reports indicate Mac OS X Intel boxes are fast and possible new iBooks announcement today. If you have Tiger, don’t use TechTool from your AppleCare CD, Apple refunding money and working on iTunes Music Store iPod Shuffle issue. Should Apple get into video sales? SuperDrive not burning all disks at promised speeds, Carbon Copy Cloner may be working under OS 10.4.2 Tiger and a 3-Button mouse follow-up. Vote for the MacCast at New music, No. 5 with a Bullet by Inverse.
I want an Oompa Loompa now!
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