
Woo hoo! Sorry I just need to be a little ego-centric today. I just made it into the featured technology section on the main iTunes podcasting page. I want to thank all of you, because without all the support from the greatest listeners in Podcasting I would not have been able to get here. Thank you.
Congratulations! I notice your subscriptions have gone way up too. You deserve it.
Hey congrats- Just so you know, I’ve tried most of the other mac/apple specific podcasts recently, and nobody comes close the maccast.
Brown nosing session closed.
In true Chicago style I voted early and often.
I subscribed via iTunes on my XP desktop and laptop, on my Mac Mini, and under both my account and hers on the GF’s iMac. I hope they don’t count subscriptions by IP address. |-{)
BTW, if that account thing works, every Mac user can vote repeatedly limited only by the number of accounts they can create.
Congratulations, Adam! I’ve really been enjoying listening to the MacCast and participating in the forums once in a while. I’m glad you’re getting more visibility. I’ve yet to hear another Mac-related podcast as good as yours!
Congrats. Just recently upgraded to iTunes 4.9 on both my Gateway PC and my Mac Powerbook.
So far the only podcast I have on my Mac and iPod is your MacCast.
I think people experiment with the other podcasts, but just keep coming back. You have the depth and the community behind you!
Maccastaway Conrad :)
MacCast is the first Podcast I’ve subscribed to…and I love it. You have a great even-handed style, and I’ll certainly remain a subscriber. Thanks for your good work, and congratulations on getting added to the featured Podcasts page.
Well done Adam. Great format. It’s simple and it just works – kinda like Apple!
Awsemoe. Too bad you have to go the second page to do it.
Well-deserved!! Your podcast is by far my favorite. You don’t waste your listeners time. Interesting to listen to and gives me what I am looking for. Thanks for your hard work and time spent on this.