MacCast 09.08.2005

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: Podcast

Listen to today’s show here! podcast-mini2.gif
MC20050908.mp3 [20.2mb 44:01 64kbps]

A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 87. Apple’s big music announcements, Motorola iTunes phone, iPod Nano, new iTunes 5, QuickTime 7.0.2 update released, Steve Jobs will not keynote at Apple Expo and Sony and Apple in licensing talks for Japan iTunes Music Store. Listener reaction to Apple announcements, hurricane relief PSA, listeners iMac G5 power supply issue, yet another mac browser, Shiira. If you have audio issues check the MIDI Setup, how to cancel the save dialog from the keyboard, a review of SuperDuper and eMacCast Artwork Contest Winners, new motion|VFX contest. New music, In a Long Time by 46 Bliss. Bonus podcast promos.

Even a poisonous snake isn’t bad. You just have to keep away from the sharp end.

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There are 20 comments on MacCast 09.08.2005:

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  1. Wilf | Sep 08 2005 - 12:03

    Thanks Adam for this eagerly awaited show! It’s really been a busy few days in the mac world!

  2. Jason | Sep 08 2005 - 01:13

    I upgraded iTunes 5 on both a Windows XP Pro machine and a 12″ Powerbook with Tiger. On both machines, the in-iTunes upgrade option produced a message that said that 4.9 was the most current version. On both the XP and OSX machines, I closed iTunes, downloaded v5 from and then installed. Upon reboot, both systems ran v5 just fine.

    I think the new design is a bit of a yawn. I was expecting a major revolution or at least a significant evolution, but 4.9 to 5 was not it.

    I called one of the local Portland Apple stores and inquired about the Nano. I was told to call back next week some time and “maybe” the Nano would be in stock. I called again this morning (I’m pushy that way) and found out that all 4 Nanos are in stock. They’ve got one on hold for me now. Putting my shoes on… getting car keys…

  3. Jason | Sep 08 2005 - 01:56

    One note about the Madonna thing. Pthhhtt.. And what’s with that darn photo?? It looks like a low budget porn still, or like she’s asleep in the back seat of a car, shoring like a lumberjack. I cringe every time I open the iTunes store and get assaulted by her gaping yap.

  4. Hugo | Sep 08 2005 - 01:10

    I have this alarm program called AlarmThingy, it used to work fine with iTunes 4.9, now with iTunes 5 it just does not work anymore. So I decided to make my own alarm program from scratch. Well, I have never used applescript, is there a good source on line to learn applescrip to manipulate iTunes and make it play a song when the alarm goes off?

  5. maccast | Sep 08 2005 - 03:41

    Why not just use iCal? You set an event and then set an alarm to open an MP3 file. If you have iTunes set to play MP3s the file will open and play in iTunes.

  6. Bruce | Sep 08 2005 - 04:00

    I don’t like the photo either Jason, but it’s a small price to pay for having Madonna’s music on the iTMS. People have been wanting this for years. As far as I’m concerned it’s the biggest news Apple released next to the iPod nano.

    I tell you the nano is going to be a HUGE success. Already, four people at work who don’t yet have iPods are dying to get one. I myself will most likely pick one up as well. The nano looks to be the best iPod Apple has yet created. So long mini.

  7. Jason | Sep 08 2005 - 04:49

    I got my iPod Nano this afternoon!!!! Woohoo!!

    Check out the story and the photos…

    All my whining and complaining about the delay have been silenced. The iGods have sent good things and I am a happy camper!

  8. Jason | Sep 08 2005 - 05:08

    Ha ha. I plugged in the Nano, went to the registration screen and found that there’s no option for registering the Nano!! Doh! This sure wasn’t thought out very well! I tried registering under the iPod option and got an error refusing the serial #. I tried under iPod mini and Shuffle and got the same error.


  9. Jeff | Sep 08 2005 - 06:02

    not to be rud, but when is the eMacCast version going to be posted?

  10. Justin Winokur | Sep 08 2005 - 07:39

    Bruce, the biggest news as far as iTMS songs will be the Beatles.

    I still think if both Apple’s ever get along, they could do a beatles iPod similar to the U2 one and make a killing

  11. Bruce | Sep 08 2005 - 11:31

    Hey Justin I agree with you, the biggest news would be The Beatles catalog. But remeber, the desire for the Madonna catalog was second only to that of The Beatles. Apple nailnig the second most wanted catalog EXCLUSIVELY is pretty big news in my book. One down, one to go.

    I think the idea of doing super box sets as Apple did with U2 is a gret idea and I wonder why we haven’t seen more of them. Both Madonna and Prince would make great additions.

  12. Vassily | Sep 09 2005 - 07:49

    Comment on upgrading iTunes. No problems on a Mac (10.4.+) but on WinXP keeps hanging on QTime install. Do that:
    Uninstall both iTunes and QT on PC as you do with any other Win program. Then, delete their iTunes and Quicktime folders in your C:\Program Files folder. Reboot and then install iTunes 7. It works fine. Did that on 3 PCs (HP, Vaio and a clone) and it worked all right.

  13. Vassily | Sep 09 2005 - 07:50

    Sorry folks…I meant iTunes 5…(was thinkin of QT7) :-)

  14. Jessi | Sep 09 2005 - 07:00

    Hi Adam, you said you didn’t know why iTunes 4 moves Podcasts into the general Library. Well, while it does seem questionable to list Podcasts in the Artists category, there is one clear benefit of this arrangement, and I have been wanting this very thing.

    My old iBook lives in my kitchen and I use it to keep me company while I cook. It plays songs shared from the iTunes on my new iBook. Before this change, the only way I could listen to Podcasts in my kitchen was to re-download them, or to go to the new iBook and manually drag any downloaded Podcasts into the Library.

    Now I can listen to the MacCast while I’m cooking dinner, without going through a lot of folderol. Yay!

  15. Jessi | Sep 09 2005 - 07:52

    Wait, after posting this last comment, and then actually upgrading iTunes, I don’t see this new Podcast arrangement in the update at all! Did you actually say what I thought you said? Maybe I made it up!

  16. Jessi | Sep 09 2005 - 07:59

    Never mind, figured it out. Any downloaded podcasts do show up in the Library. If you don’t have any casts at a given moment, you won’t see them. I like this!

  17. Michael | Sep 09 2005 - 12:18

    Under Windows XP, upgrading from iTunes 4.9 to 5.0 trashed my QuickTime 7 Pro install. I had to re-install QuickTime and then it started working again. Perhaps the iTunes installer shouldn’t install an identical version of QuickTime 7.0.2 if you already have it installed.

  18. Marc | Sep 10 2005 - 04:52


    If any Mac user is having trouble installing iTunes 5, shut down any 3rd party apps, like SizzlingKeys and install, then restart the 3rd party apps.

    I had this issue, and a message saying ‘please shut down iTunes 4.9 before continuing this installation’.

    Thanks to MacFixIt for figuring that out!

    Thanks Adam, love the show!

  19. Trunk Guy | Sep 11 2005 - 08:46

    Great podcast and have to say I am already doing what you have suggested other listeners do – I have a Motorola V3 (had it nearly a year) and I now have an iPod nano ;) I swear you don’t even know you are carrying them. ;)

  20. Anonymouse | Sep 11 2005 - 08:30

    Great shows Adam!

    Apple is aware of iMac G5 issues:

    iMac G5 Repair Extension Program (REP) for Video and Power Issues
    The iMac G5 Repair Extension Program (REP) for Video and Power Issues is a worldwide program that applies to first-generation 17-inch and 20-inch iMac G5 models introduced in August 2004 that have video- or power-related issues as a result of a certain component failure.

    Eligible 17-inch and 20-inch iMac G5 models will exhibit one of the following video- or power-related issues:

    Scrambled or distorted video
    No video
    No power
    The iMac G5 REP for Video and Power Issues covers affected iMacs for up to two (2) years from the original date of purchase. Apple will continue to evaluate the repair data and will provide further repair extensions as needed.