As eluded to on todays (10/27) show, I have been doing several interviews lately. This one was kind of more a special co-host gig and there were some slight technical difficulties with my iBook battery dying in the middle of recording. Thanks to Jared and Nick for having me on.
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MacCast 10.27.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20051027.mp3 [27.6mb 01:00:09 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 98. Corrections from last show, iTunes Music store Australia launched. Apple says iTunes biggest competition is P2P. MacWorld benchmarks new Dual Core G5s. The new G5s low power tricks, pirated copies FrontRow and PhotoBooth showing up online, next (huge) Tiger update should be out soon, new Apple retail store in Thousand Oaks, CA opens Oct 29th and Apple will replace broken 5th Gen iPods no questions asked. I GMail, you GMail, everybody GMails? Not quite. I have no more GMail invites. Other services and software for getting your gadgets back. How to convert your DVDs and put them on your iPod. How to offer remote Mac tech support to family and friends. Ways to get TV remotely through the Internet. Apple Backup 3.0.1 released. A special discount for MacCast listeners on “Ped” products from
MacCast 100th Show web site. Thanks to these sponsors for providing products for the give away:
Plasq, Comic Life
Motion VFX, Stock Photos
Animation Bureau, Animated desktops
Toucan, Slideshow app from Boudewijn Pelt
Buh Ba Ba Ba CD from Shagg
$10.00 iTunes from Tom McGuire
Catalog (Disc cataloger), Neometric Software
Thanks to Colin and James who purchased me items off my Amazon wishlist.
New music, Walk the Line by NOW is NOW
Promos from Mac Tips Daily and Spurcast
I brought my own pillow so I won’t get my spit all over yours.
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MacCast 100 Site up
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Well I finally have the MacCast 100 site up. I have all the details on the gifts for the 100th show, so get your postcards in ASAP. I am still working on getting the postcard gallery installed, so that is still to come. Stay tuned.
Thanks to listener Mike for the logo.
Some thoughts on Aperture
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Feedback
Listener Stefan sent in these great comments and observations on Apple’s new pro photo app:
I just wanted to offer a few comments on Apple’s new Aperture app, the purpose and position of which, in particular with respect to Adobe Photoshop, seems to leave some questions open. I did not have any chance to use Aperture yet, so I cannot comment on any details. I am not a professional photographer, but I /do/ shoot RAW pictures with my Nikon DX70, so I have some experience with handling these.
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MacCast 10.22.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20051022.mp3 [28.7mb 01:02:43 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 97. New PowerMacs systems, new PowerBooks, Apple’s new pro photo app, Aperture, price drops on cinema displays, Apple releases iTunes 6.0.1 update, Apple posts Pro Applications Update 2005-02 and is iTunes Music Store Australia coming next week? iPod Nano lawsuit filed, Correction on the Correction, fast forward and rewind do work on iPod Video, great technical review of iPod with Video on ArsTechnica, exchanging your recently purchased Apple items for the new stuff, Quicktime Pro 7.0.3 has an export for iPod feature, response to GDisk software, what is ECC RAM and do we need it? Lost iPod? The milk carton for iPods. Fixing an issue with no sound in iTunes videos, comments from Podiobooks Tee, and issue with double Lyrics when pasting in iTunes. A special discount for MacCast listeners on “Ped” products from Why the eMacCast is delayed behind main feed.
MacCast 100th Show Submissions. Send a postcard with name and email and mailing address to:
Adam Christianson
The MacCast
6965 El Camino Real
Suite 105-442
Carlsbad, CA 92009
United States of America
New music, Sudenly Wonderful by Miggs
Promos from Tech News Radio and Allias
Jack, please, I’m only an elected official here, I can’t make decisions by myself!
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So now with laptops we are computing in some pretty public places. Here is a little video that takes an awkward situation to the extreme. Enjoy.
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A Brief and Warped History of the Mac, part 10 (Future OS)
By Rick Tanner
With Mac OS X version 10.5, Leopard in the works and Windows Vista, er, having its name unveiled, my thoughts have turned to the future. Mac OS X is the best operating system ever developed – its unique blend of high power UNIX and stylish, easy to use interface mean that the new version of Windows will really have to go some to catch up. We all wait with baited breath for Steve Jobs to stand on a stage and say, ‘Tiger is great, but for all the developers in this room – it’s old hat, because look what Leopard can do…’ Well actually, the most exciting part is what he says after that. New tweaks to the Aqua interface will probably filter in, great new features to make your life easier will crop up – and if they don’t, we’ll all be very disappointed.
So what is to come in Leopard? Well as I gaze into my crystal ball, I am at a loss to speculate what might appear. Better optimisation on the Intel Macs that will be commonplace by then is a strong likelihood. Even more extreme graphics, with support for PDF spec 1.6 built into Preview, more real time effects filters in Core Image and probably some other graphical innovations that none of us can guess.
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MacCast listener and cartoonist Chuck from sent in this comic. I think it hits the nail on the head. Thanks Chuck.
So with the announcement of the new Quad G5s, I thought I would price out my dream Mac setup. Is it OK if your computer is worth more than your car?
Hey I just noticed that if each listener to the cast donated $1, I could pick this baby up. :D