MacCast 11.30.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20051130.mp3 [27.8mb 01:00:34 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 105. NBC and others thinking of suing over TiVO iPod support. Is Apple hoarding iPods for its own stores? France expected to reduce iPod “tax”. Mac Mini entertainment hub in the near future? Apple plans to open retail store in Rome next year. Disney and ClearChannel bring ads to iPods. Rumor that AppleCare will finally be available in Florida Security Update 2005-009 released. Follow-up on Rogers and Shaw iTunes issues. MacCast One Minute Tip #7, Resetting the PMU. Follow-up on Mac disk utilities. Getting iTunes/iPod videos to play in sequence. Review of the IceLink Plus car stereo integration by Dension. Mac music, so easy a 12 year old can do it. I discuss several recent questions on the new Intel based Macs. An endorsement for Apple SoundTrack Pro over Bias PEAK Pro. Macs and the threat of viruses. Encouragement to experiment with drag and drop in OS X.
New music, Future Memory by Heth and Jed
Promo for My Triva Podcast
I’m not wearing my lucky underwear.
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A Brief and Warped History of the Mac, part 11 (Single Button Simplicity)
By Rick Tanner
I’m a huge fan of the MacCast. There are several reasons why I favour it over pretty much every other Macintosh PodCast – such as Adam’s style and the fact that we seem to largely agree on a lot of things. But that’s not to say that we agree on everything – I know that Adam is not a fan of Apple’s traditional single button mouse format. Sparked by Apple’s new Mighty Mouse – this week, I want to look at the importance of the single-button mouse on Mac’s interface.
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A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. VidBit 002. In this second installment of the MacCast VidBit, Joseph Nilo from the MacPro Podcast shares a product review of the Digital Lifestyle Outfitters (DLO) HomeDock. In this clip from his latest video podcast he shows how this device pairs up great with your 5th Gen iPod to provide integration with your home entertainment system. I hope you enjoy this VidBit and be sure to checkout the MacPro Podcast.
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MacCast 11.25.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20051125.mp3 [27.8mb 01:00:42 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 104. Apple Stores offer “Black Friday” sale, iPods will be a hot holiday gift item, shortages are expected. Apple announces long term agreements for Flash memory. Aperture is Gold Master and should be available next week. Mac OS X 10.4.3 for Intel cracked. Apple iTunes Music Store ranked 7th in US retail music sales. TiVo will support video transfer to iPod. Customers report Issues downloading full album purchases from iTunes. Comments on the Snowball’s PC interview. Where in the world is J.H.? A warning on using Switch Rez. Turns out batteries not covered under AppleCare. Lots of feedback on moving iLife libraries. What to do for OS X maintenance. My thoughts on 2-button Apple laptops. PocketMac review. How to run FinalCutPro 4.5 on a new dual core G5 PowerMac. What do you know, XBox 360s are overheating? Hmmm.
New music, Dormant and Grey by Derek Clegg.
Promos from The Jersey Boys Podcast, Sounds for Sights (50% MacCast offer), MacPro Video Podcast and The Ponderplace
You will have your own challenges, and I’ll bet you’ll meet them splendidly.
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Interview with Snowball’s PC Podcast
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
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snowballspc002.mp3 [32.1mb 01:10:03 64kbps]
I had the opportunity recently to be interviewed by Steven “Snowball” Saylor of Snowball’s PC Podcast. Steven did a great interview and he really go into the why and how of the MacCast. We discuss how I began the MacCast and he really digs into my process for creating the show. We talk about content, show prep and all about the equipment I use to create the MacCast. Take a listen. I think you will find it very fun and informative.
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MacCast 11.19.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20051119.mp3 [22.3mb 00:48:45 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 103. Special shoutout to Victor from the TypicalPC User Podcast. Apple’s Genius Bar Concierge reservation system launched, MacWorld rumors are getting out of hand, EMI Records needs to get their stories straight, iPod battery settlement appealed, but not by Apple. Security vulnerability discovered in iTunes, Apple COO appointed to Nike Board of Directors, Motorola plans new ROKR for 2006. Company to offer non-iTunes DRM’d music for iPods and FrontRow 1.0.1 update released. A fourth Apple Store is opening this weekend in the UK, tip on sharing and moving iTunes/iPhoto libraries, how to use a standard camcorder A/V cable with your 5G iPod, tip to improve 5G responsiveness, the Address Book learns some PhotoBooth tricks, customizing your Mac interface, screen issues appearing on new 15″ PowerBooks and 10.4.3 update causing a monitor refresh rate issue.
New music, Sex in a Box by Granian
The whole point about irrational behavior is that it IS irrational!
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MacCast 11.16.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20051116.mp3 [24.6mb 00:53:44 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 102. MacCast Expo Report, I rundown the list of many people who I meet at the show (sorry if I missed you), give my thoughts and impressions and say thanks to all the listeners who made it out and stopped me to say hi. Special thanks to Adam Curry, the PodShow crew, Victor from Typical PC User podcast and of course Leo Laporte
iPod Nanos are now shipping with protective sleeves, Macs are not immune to Sonys DRM tricks, Jobs offers OS X for free to $100 laptop project, your cell phone may interfere with your new 5th generation iPod, iPodder Lemon latest victim in Apple’s iPod name protection assault, Apple finally releases single CPU G5 firmware update and first seeds of OS 10.4.4 is released to developers. My impressions of the 5th generation iPod, Quad core G5s hit the streets and look to deliver on their expectations. You want to know when will you be getting your iPod Settlement. The origin of the “sosumi” system sound and moving your “Libraries” doesn’t always work out. Looks like our subscribe/unsubscribe experiment failed.
New music, Sun Lotion by Steadman and promos, The Pocket and the Pendant, Real Gamerz and PodCacher
It’s like how hot dogs come in packs of 10, and buns come in packs of eight or 12 — you have to buy nine packs to make it come out even.
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MacCast 11.10.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20051110.mp3 [22.8mb 00:49:52 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 101. Apple files patent for “tamper resistant” code. Apple files trademark for Rosetta, Cingular drops ROKR phone price by $100. Lennon catalog available for download, but not on iTunes. CBS and NBC to offer $0.99 TV shows on demand, but not on iTunes downloads (yet). Web site features s history of Mac Browsers. Rumors of Intel Mac Minis at Macworld. Apple Store to open in Brea, CA on Saturday. Apple “Concierge” to help with Genius Bar woes. iDoom 1.1 released for iPods running iPodlinux. New MacCast video VidBits released. Correction on MacPlus hard drive size. Flip 4 Mac’s WMV Player plays Windows Media Files in Quicktime. Explanation why OS X software updates can vary in size. Dictionary application not working on clean OS 10.4.3 install. Strange keyboard and mouse behavior after 10.4.3 update. Spoofing your browser header to access “non-mac” sites. Review of Visual Thesaurus 3 by Thinkmap. Get Info window now displays Architecture info. Call for any real world experiences with PocketPC sync applications and DON’T buy a Mac for Christmas.
New music, Bad Love Life by DJ Topshelf and Mr. MacGeek Promo
He’s waiting in purgatory for the day of his rebirth — which happens to be this Thursday!
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A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. VidBit 001. Welcome to the premiere edition of MacCast VidBits. VidBits are short video segments inserted into the feed and will cover subjects relevant to all Mac Geeks. With the introduction of the 5th Gen iPods supporting video I think these segments will be a fun addition to the MacCast. In the inaugural edition we have Mike Caputo from Animation Bureau. He covers the new iPod in depth, showing you all the ins and outs of this new device. I hope you enjoy this new addition to the MacCast and we hope to be bringing you more great content in the future.
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MacCast 11.07.2005 – Show 100!
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20051107.mp3 [34.8mb 01:15:55 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 100. The original show 1 opener. My thoughts on 100 episodes. Show 0, The lost episode. Why I started the MacCast, who am Iand why am I qualified to do this show? What has the MacCast become? Where are we going?
The recipient ot the 4GB MacCast iPod Nano is Bob Ballinger (Fort Collins, Colorado, USA). For the full list of gift recipients visit the MacCast 100th Show web site. Thanks to these sponsors for provding products fo the give away:
Comic Life from Plasq
Stock Photos from Motion VFX
Animated desktops from Animation Bureau
Toucan, Slideshow app from Boudewijn Pelt
Buh Ba Ba Ba CD from Shagg
$10.00 iTunes from Tom McGuire
Catalog (Disc cataloger) from Neometric Software
Laptop sleeves and cases from MacCase
DEVONthink Professional & DEVONagent from DEVONtechnologies
Apple having a hard time keep up with 5th Gen iPod demand, Airport update 2005-001 released. Ia s fix for single processor G5s in sight? CBS in Talks with Apple for iTunes video content, NBC rumored also. New King Kong Trailer available in iPod format. Lugz Footwear tells Apple to stop running iPod Ad. Will we see new Intel iBooks and PowerBooks before June 2006? Correction on Virtual Network Computing (VNC) acronym. Success of the OS 10.4.3 update seems to be getting mixed reviews. Listeners chime in on what’s fixed (and broken) in the OS 10.4.3 update. Many confirm getting ear shocks from iPod earbuds. Why iPod battery life never lives up to Apples marketing hype. More iPod video conversion tools. Thoughts on why Apple dropped Firewire support in new iPods and some solutions for adding USB 2 to older Macs. Listener has issues with Soundtrack Pro multitrack project files, needs help. Thank you to some generous listeners for Amazon wishlist items, especially Alan Claughn for the new iPod! Buy a t-shirt from Podcasters Unite and support podcasts at the same time.
Music, Uncharacteristic by John Hoskinson
Listeners congratulate me on 100 shows and a promo from GNews Central
If you had a clue as to what you were talking about, you’d be dangerous!
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