We have discussed this issue on the cast before. There is a known issue with some single 1.8 GHz processor G5 Macs where they freeze and lock up more than they should. There is even a web site and petition, g5freeze.com, dedicated to the issue. Well many had hoped one of the hundreds of bug fixes in the just released 10.4.3 update would resolve the issue. It didn’t. The good news is, I have just found out a fix is in the works. A listener just got off the phone AppleCare and the rep said there is a firmware update due out before the end of the year. Apple just needed the 10.4.3 update to be released first. This information comes after the listener had several tech support calls and had his issue escalated, so I would tend to believe him. Stay tuned.
Happy 100th Video
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Feedback
Well the next show is the 100th and messages and well wishes are coming in. Thank you to all who are taking the time to help mark this special event. Listener Starfire sent this great video and I just thought it was appropriate to share. Enjoy.
[Watch Happy 100th video] (QuickTime ~3.00MB)
MacCast 11.01.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20051101.mp3 [22.2mb 00:48:21 64kbps]
A podcast about Macs done by a Mac geek for Mac geeks. Show 99. OS 10.4.3 update finally released and contains over 550 fixes. Creative president blames Apple and Samsung for flash memory shortage, unplayed podcasts display the blue dot on 5th Gen iPods, Apple Airport ranks high in PC Mag survey. Own a Mac? AMEX doesn’t want you. Apple sells 1 million videos in 19 days. It’s a 5th Gen iPod, not a video iPod. Listener reports getting electric shocks from iPod headphones, more on encoding video for iPods, new iPods are driving Quicktime Pro and AppleCare sales, additional ideas on remotely accessing your Mac, watch streaming TV over the Internet from your Mac, Apple Store in Portugal is not an officail Apple store. Stanford publishes special audio content on iTunes. Frappr MacCast map.
MacCast 100th Show web site. Thanks to these sponsors for provding products fo the give away:
Comic Life from Plasq
Stock Photos from Motion VFX
Animated desktops from Animation Bureau
Toucan, Slideshow app from Boudewijn Pelt
Buh Ba Ba Ba CD from Shagg
$10.00 iTunes from Tom McGuire
Catalog (Disc cataloger) from Neometric Software
Laptop sleeves and cases from MacCase
DEVONthink Professional & DEVONagent from DEVONtechnologies
New music, Varsity Jacket by Twin Cam
Promo from Entirely Entertaining
Well, here’s a another nice mess you’ve gotten me into.
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