Apple Store updates coming?
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: News
At about 9:45 AM PST I noticed (see image below) that the Apple Online Store was showing a message that it was down for updates. Not sure if this is just a routine update or if something major is being added. Stay tuned.
Update: Oh well. It’s back up and I cannot see any major updates. I got excited there for a minute and thought maybe we were going to get a little pre-MacWorld treat. Looks like this was just a routine update after all.
MacCast delay. New show soon.
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20051229.mp3 [0.4mb 00:00:59 64kbps]
Hey geeks. I just wanted to let you know things have been a bit crazy for me with the Holidays and I am now a bit behind in my show prep. I just got through a few hundred emails and I am working hard to prep and produce the next show. Please hang in there a bit longer I appreciate it. I should have a new MacCast out in the next couple days and after that be back on the normal schedule.
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Thank you to all the Mac Geeks who made the MacCast such a joy to produce this year. I wish you all a very happy and safe holiday. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza and a joyus Festivus to you all.
MacCast 12.22.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20051222.mp3 [25.2mb 00:55:00 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 110. 1GB iPod Shuffles sold out until January. Apples marketing group was considering a 1GB iPod Nano. Will the first laptop with an Intel Yonah be an Apple? Stick a fork in it, Internet Explorer for Mac is officially done. Next Manhattan Apple Store near Empire State Building. Apple and ABC add Commander in Chief to iTunes. Apple working with others on specs for next generation display connector. Security flaw in iTunes and Quicktime detailed. Will Apple expand consumer offerings in 2006? MacCast One Minute Tip #009 – Application Integration. Insurance followp up, be careful because claims can cost you your coverage. Has Apple increased .Mac bandwidth? Tip on getting past the iTunes seven CD burn limit. Be sure to keep a USB keyboard around if you are using Bluetooth. How to convert audio formats in iTunes 6. A special Christmas Keynote from the Catholic Insider. FYI. iTunes podcasts, if your not listening it stops updating. How to find stuff and tips for using the web site. Sounds for Sights Christmas giveaway.
New music, I’m Drinking Up Christmas by Plan Nine Print.
Promo for the GMail Podcast
He puzzled and puzzled till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before! Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas… perhaps… means a little bit more!
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MacCast 12.17.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20051217.mp3 [25.4mb 00:55:30 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 109. Intel Yonah Chips available early in January. 13.3″ Intel widescreen iBook rumored. Fan manages 8GB iPod Mini upgrade. Student advisor ousted for encouraging students to use Macs [link]. Lots of new iTunes stuff, Google iTunes search, Podcasts user reviews and ratings as well as top 100 by category, free tracks with PayPal purchases of iTunes gift certificates, Apple cancels iTunes rintones and HBO expresses interest in iTunes video. Lots of feedback on removing Apples rumored removal of Firewire 400. Follow up on Mac insurance “riders”. The history of widgets on the Mac, Konfabulator and Yahoo! Widget Engine as Dashboard alternatives and ways to keep widgets on your desktop. Options for how to share files between a Mac and a PC and will new Macs feature “Intel Inside” branding?
New music, My Own Merry Christmas by Geoff Smith
Promo: Just Joshin’ Podcast
There’s always work at the post office.
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What’s on Dubbyas iPod?
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Random Thoughts
Looks like there was a candid moment caught on tape by the UKs Sky News in which US President George W. Bush took out his personal iPod and started discussing his music. The interview of course did not go without a mistake or two. At one point he accidentally reffers to Don McLean as Dan. The President also appears to own multiple iPods as he also mentions owning a Shuffle. I wonder just how many iPod he has?
[Link to Sky News Video] (Requires Windows Media Player)
I know, where’s the show? Saturday.
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
I usually like to get at least two shows done a week, so I am sorry you haven’t had a new MacCast since the 10th. I have been dealing with holiday craziness along with a busted hot water heater. I am also just barely keeping a cold at bay, so I have been trying to get more sleep (which for me means getting in bed before 1 Am, ha). I should have a BIG show out Saturday so be watching your feed.
Netscape 8 for Mac OS Xp?!
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Random Thoughts
From the, “Boy isn’t that stupid” department, listener Ira pointed out to me that the new version of Netscape, Netscape 8, is now available for download. There is currently no Mac OS X version, but Netscape kindly offers that Mac users “Download the Windows Xp version”. Now, while I am sure they mean this as an option for those Mac users who also own a Windows PC, the text is not that specific. I wonder how many new or novice Mac users will download the Xp version and spend a few minutes in frustration as they attempt to run a .EXE. Either that or Netscape has some inside knowledge about then new Intel based Macs ability to run Windows apps? Maybe those rumors of Intel Mac OS X multi-OS virtualisation technology are really about to come true? I doubt that is what they meant. Darn.
Intel Ad Features Safari Browser
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: News
A MacCast listener just sent me this screenshot of an Intel ad that appeared in this PCWorld article. It was very interesting to note that the browser image in the dog’s mouth is an Apple Safari browser. Now I know that usually the artist who designed the ad will be a Mac user and they just happened to take a screenshot from their browser and use it, but it is funny none the less. Plus, if you remember I noted a while back how the new Intel logo has a distinct “Aqua” look about it. Are we seeing more merging of the Apple Intel cultures?
MacCast 12.10.2005
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20051210.mp3 [20.8mb 00:45:22 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 108. Not so fast, Intel Macs are still not expected ’til June. NBC dives in big with iTunes promotion. iTunes video sales better than expected. Do Intel Macs signal death of FireWire? Creative Zen Vision:M targets iPod on multiple levels. Apple Store offer Express iPod Checkout. Portal Player looks to acquire wireless knowledge. Google Earth coming to Mac, BEAT version leaked. Sending web pages via Mail. Free public domain iPod movies. Questions about Mac Mini as a DVR. Buying insurance for your Mac. Dealing with dead pixels on your LCD.
New music, Christmas Wish by Gidgets Ga Ga
Promos from, Irvine Underground, StoryNory and The Balticon Pdcast.
You know, kindergarten is like the ocean. You don’t want to turn your back on it.
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