
Thank you to all the Mac Geeks who made the MacCast such a joy to produce this year. I wish you all a very happy and safe holiday. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza and a joyus Festivus to you all.
Thank you to all the Mac Geeks who made the MacCast such a joy to produce this year. I wish you all a very happy and safe holiday. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza and a joyus Festivus to you all.
The Maccast by Adam Christianson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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The MacCast © 2012 | Powered by WordPress
Hosted by Dreamhost
Thanks Adam
In just a year you and the show have become a part of my daily routine as i commute to and from work. You turned the worst part of my day into one of the highlights.
Merry Christmas and a great New Year.
Well done and a Huge Thank You :)
Adam, to you and yours festive greetings with hopes for health and happiness in 2006. Thanks for a great show, your industry and efforts are greatly appreciated. Finally, at the risk of being controversial, Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas Adam. Thanks so much for a fantastic podcast this year – I listen to new episode as soon as I get home from school and it’s always a nice way to end the day for me.
Best wishes for the new year. Matt.
Thanks for the great work Adam, we all really appreciate it.
Merry Xmas to you Adam and to your family and to all Maccast listeners :)
Merry Christmas to you Adam! With all your hard work you really make my life a little sweeter and give me something to look forward too. I don’t know how you manage to get it all done each week, but KEEP IT UP!!
happy holidays adam and thanks for all the hard work youput in!
Well done Adam on my favorite Mac based podcast by a large margin. I love your no nonsense style – heck, even my wife loves listening to your podcasts and she’s not a big tech person at all so you must be good!
Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year from the UK!
Have a great holiday!
Thanks soo much Adam…I absolutely love the MacCast, and when I suscribe to other tech/mac podcasts, I find that they totally cannot compare with yours.
I love the way you can fluently give us the news and report interesting comments….unlike other podcasters!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you.
Hey guys enjoy your holidays, be safe, and Adam thanks for putting so much time into the maccast, you sir rock! lol.
Merry christmas Adam. Thanks for taking the time to put the show together.
the clock says it’s Dec 24th (is the time wrong?). It’s Dec 25th (here in London) Merry christmas
peace and love to all.
and chocolate to all.
merry christmas adam and the rest of the maccast listeners
Great show – Merry Xmas Adam, BUT an even bigger Merry Xmas to me!!! Santa just dropped me my first EVER Mac – 19″ Powerbook :-)
Merry Christmas MacCast, Adam, and Listeners. I hope that Saint Nick made multiple trips to Cupertino for you all.
To ChrisM: A 19″ PowerBook???
Merry Christmas!
Nice job this year, keep it up next. Best Wishes. Your fellow mac geek
Merry Christmas
To Joshua: Woops 17″, got a bit overexcited!!!!!
Merry Christmas, Adam, and all the best in the new year !
Thanks for the MacCast.
What can I say that hasn’t already been said.
You have the best ‘cast covering the Mac platform!
The best to you and yours for this coming new year.
Hey Adam I am only ~14 and I love your show. When our family got a PowerBook you were my first podcast! Now I subscribe to many podcasts but my Uncle and Me both agree yours is the best.
Merry Christmas
A big thank you Adam to all the time and effort that you put into The Maccast. I really don’t know how you do it ! Looking forward to listening to all your podcasts next year – can’t wait to hear the first after Macexpo !
Best Wishes for 2006 Adam.
Happy new year, Adam! Will we be able to enjoy a new episode before 2006? =)