Just one more day…

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: Podcast

Sorry Geeks, I know I owe you a show and I am working on it. It’s now 12:34 AM on Tuesday morning and I just finished prepping a BIG show. The bummer is, I am fighting a cold and I think I should get some rest. I am sure the show notes will grow tomorrow, so look for a mega-MacCast on Wednesday. Thanks for your patience.

Apple, please no big news today. OK?

There are 25 comments on Just one more day…:

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  1. Alex Santos | Mar 07 2006 - 03:13

    Don’t get me wrong, we all love the show but get some rest and nurse that cold. We can certainly wait another day.

    We all need a short break especially when we are not feeling well.

    Patiently waiting…

  2. Charles | Mar 07 2006 - 03:29

    Get better first Adam… it’s fine. Don’t always feel pressured to get episodes out… it will become a heavy burden on your soul, and you will start to dread doing it. It’s fine, whenever is cool, just concentrate on getting better and having fun with it. No pressure, just fun :-)

  3. Will | Mar 07 2006 - 05:15

    Sudafed, Hydration, Rest, Nutrition, Podcast – in that order !!!

  4. Cfsporn | Mar 07 2006 - 05:59

    I want a new show but get well first!

  5. Pete | Mar 07 2006 - 06:26

    No problem!!! Take it easy, get some rest! I think we all are appreciative of the free time you give up for us. Hope you feel better!

  6. WIll Risbourg | Mar 07 2006 - 07:55

    Feel good soon!

  7. RedZeppelin | Mar 07 2006 - 07:03

    No big news?!?! Haven’t you heard that Jobs is announcing a new leather cozy for the Mighty Mouse? And it’s only $300!! How can you rest at a time like this?


    Get well soon, Adam. Enjoy your rest.

  8. Christian | Mar 07 2006 - 07:39

    Hey Adam, what’s your hurry? We may be sitting and waiting for a new episode of the Maccast, but don’t you forget about yourself. Get well soon!

  9. Riptide | Mar 07 2006 - 08:10

    I second (wait …fourth?) the comments here. Get better and we will see you in a while.

  10. Wilf | Mar 07 2006 - 08:49

    Yeah, get well soon Adam :)

  11. fitz | Mar 07 2006 - 08:04

    hey adam – it happens to us all,take care get well and looking foeward to the next show. fitz

  12. Peter | Mar 07 2006 - 09:24

    I did a show when I had the flu, take it from me. Get the rest and hold off on the show. We’d rather have you at 100%. Get Well

    Peter’s Mac Tips Podcast

  13. cavanaughphoto | Mar 07 2006 - 09:56

    Adam, we appreciate your hard work on the show. Get some rest. We know that your next episode will be worth waiting for.

  14. Marc | Mar 07 2006 - 10:17

    I stand with the others who posted, get some rest, we can wait, itll be worth the wait.

    sleep, eat, drink take cold medicine!

  15. Pilot Mike | Mar 07 2006 - 11:23


    Take a few days off, rest up and get better.

    It’s not like other podcasters *cough* *cough* always get all the shows out like clockwork.


  16. Chris | Mar 07 2006 - 01:27

    My flu is killing me (not literally ofcourse) – I am very under the weather.

    Adam, do not feel bad, even for a second.

    We are eternally grateful for all the hard work you put into the show. I mean that genuinely.

    We can get Apple news from a multitude of websites anyway.

    What we get from you is the intelligent anaylsis of what’s going on etc. etc.

    Take care,

  17. Rob | Mar 07 2006 - 03:24

    Like everyone else has already said, rest up and get yourself better. Your health is more important than getting the show out – we’ll still be here waiting patiently for when you’re ready.

    Take Care,

  18. Kevin Russell | Mar 07 2006 - 05:43

    Take care of that cold! Man … it’s really making the rounds!

    Look forward to the show after you get some good rest …. we’ll be here then, you take care of yourself now.

  19. Ian | Mar 07 2006 - 06:05

    Hey Adam, get rest, get well, then worry about the show. We can wait, your health can’t.

  20. Marshall | Mar 07 2006 - 08:58


  21. lauren | Mar 08 2006 - 08:18

    Adam, Get better soon! My husband I miss your show!

    !’m curious do you have a tip jar? I want to support your show financially but did not see tip jar on your site.

  22. cctoronto | Mar 08 2006 - 11:51

    Like everyone else, I hope you feel better and just get to the show when you get to the show, no worries…

    It’ll be a pleasure to sit down in my favourite easy chair, throw the iPod on, and listen to the “mege” maccast when the time comes!

    All the best Adam,

  23. cctoronto | Mar 08 2006 - 11:43

    “mega” maccast, I mean…

  24. BirdFluBrainiac | Mar 09 2006 - 03:01

    Ach Adam, yer such a big girls blouse – yer always poorly with something or other – just get on with it ;-)

  25. greg | Mar 14 2006 - 04:51

    Yikes, the show must go on! Kidding. Remember you have this site so we all know nothing drastic has happened to you! btw there is a paypal contrib thingy I believe on the right of the main page that says donate. Here is some cash ; go get a beer and a space heater, drink the beer and put the space heater in front of you face when you sleep. Also Gan Mao Ling is really good for colds; (chinese acupunture treatement)