Congrats Apple! Thanks for 30 great years. And for those who don’t know, that “other” guy is Ronald Wayne, Apple’s 3rd founder.

Congrats Apple! Thanks for 30 great years. And for those who don’t know, that “other” guy is Ronald Wayne, Apple’s 3rd founder.
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W00T W00T…. i guess we wait untill cupertino around midday… and see what happens :)
:) Happy birthday apple!
Anyone tried this quiz on their history?
I did! I got 9 out of 10.
Perhaps Monday will see some announcements.
What does woot mean? I see it written sometimes?
According to http://www.urbandictionary.com woot means: “Woot originated as a hacker term for root (or administrative) access to a computer. However, with the term as coincides with the gamer term, “w00t”.
“w00t” was originally an trunicated expression common among players of Dungeons and Dragons tabletop role-playing game for “Wow, loot!” Thus the term passed into the net-culture where it thrived in video game communities and lost its original meaning and is used simply as a term of excitement.”
so are there going to be any annoucements or what? most places I go I see it says that apple wont be announcing anything :(
to bad….but happy birthday anyways apple!
There must be something big coming, because there is no mention of anything at apple.com. Not even a hint of a 30th anniversary and I can’t imagine that apple is going to let this pass without something. The more secrecy, the bigger the announcement!
Happy Birthday Apple! I plan to still be using your products through the next 30 years. I can’t wait to see what amazing innovations you have up your sleeves.
Now, where’s the special birthday announcement? Don’t cop out on us Apple.
P.S. I got 8 out of 10 right on that Apple quiz.
http://apple-history.com/ has a great overview and history of all of apple’s products.
Happy Birthday!
I’m a little disappointed today. It’s already 9:35pm East Coast and there’s not a single mention of anything from our friends in Cupertino. This is almost as sad as parents forgetting a kid’s birthday. Well, maybe not that bad, but gee whiz!
Too bad there was no announcement… But I thought it was too good to be true. I expect an announcement of some sort soon anyway, ’cause its been too quiet at cupertino for too long.
P.S. The Appleologist failed the quiz, only a 7 out of 10. (But I’ve only been a Mac user for 3 years). I had no idea Apple had come out with a digital camera before!
8 out of 10!
I don’t even have a mac yet!
(that will change as soon as iBooks switch to Intel)
I have to plug TWiT podcast #48. Great great show dedicated to Apple. A must hear!