So what happens when you head to the BBC for a job interview and end up on the BBC news? Just watch the video and find out. This poor guy, Guy Goma, was at the BBC expecting to be interviewed for a job as a data support cleanser. But when he arrived he was somehow mistaken as an IT expert, Guy Kewney, who was scheduled to be interviewed about the Apple vs Apple court case. He was quickly wisked up to a TV interview which he mistakenly assumed was part of his interview. Karen Bowerman, the business presenter conducting the interview, quickly realized Guy didn’t seem to know much about the Apple vs. Apple case and cut the interview short asking just three quick questions. The whole thing was caught on tape and it is pretty funny. The video is available on You Tube and on the BBC web site. Watch the guys face as the segment starts, it’s pretty funny.
MacCast 05.13.2006
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20060513.mp3 [17.6mb 00:38:26 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 137. MacCast listener survey results, Updates to QuickTime, OS X Security and FrontRow, Apple Store Fifth Avenue opens May 19th. Apple partner announces iPod phone. FOX adds huge video lineup to iTunes Music Store. Apple changes “Made for Mac” licensing fee. How to get video from your Mac to your TiVO with Tivo Desktop for Mac, also how to play AAC files on TiVO. Listener review of 17″ MacBook Pro. Tips for getting better battery life. Is BootCamp good enough for day to day work in XP? Does a keyboard shortcut exist to bypass OS selection in BootCamp and can you remap the command key in Windows? Trick to use an XP SP1 CD to install under BootCamp… Slipstreaming. Get free exhibit hall passes to the MacGathering in Hollywood California this weekend.
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New music, Paper December by Your Blue Regret
I don’t know what’s worse: getting blown up in nuclear war or having a 7-11 on every corner. –– Gleaming the Cube (1989)
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MacCast 05.09.2006
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here!

MC20060509.mp3 [14.6mb 00:31:53 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 136. MacBook arriving Today? Next week? Who knows? New iPod ad with 60s spin. New iTunes and iPod patent filings. Judgement in Apple vs. Apple lawsuit. Samsung caught stealing from Apple. New Intel chips get a new name. Two more Apple Retail Stores open this week. MacCast One Minute Tip #14 – Getting Info. More on how to dry out electronics. Explaining the “Endianness” of file systems. How to watch full screen video on underpowered Macs. Who is the “PC” in the new Mac ads? MacGathering Promo.
New music, I’m Moving On by Tount.
Promo for My Trivia Podcast.
You’d be amazed what you’ll agree to when you’re on fire.
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MacCast 05.04.2006
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here!

MC20060504.mp3 [19.1mb 00:41:36 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 135. Welcome new iTunes listeners. Apple running new “Get a Mac” campaign with six new TV ads. Is Apple already hiring a new Aperture team? iTunes tracks still a buck. French DRM legislation doesn’t pass. Bigger iPod Nano with video Portal Player is not out of the iPod game yet. Next OS X file system may come from Sun. Apple Store openings in Colorado and Toronto this weekend. iPods sent in to entertain trapped miners in Tasmania. Battery defect makes MacBook Pro issues a trifecta. Feedback on my Parallels comments. Can Parallels use a Boot Camp partition? New Mac virus story on AP is a re-run. Listener review of MacBook Pro 15″. Washing your iPod (Don’t try this at home). MacNurse can help cure your Macs ailments. Tip on merging images with Photoshop PhotoMerge. MacCast in interview on Typical Mac User Podcast. I will be at the Mac Gathering on May 19th and 20th in L.A.
New music, Contact High by Lindy Dobbins & The Red Velvet Manx
Ok, I’ll meet you at the place near the thing where we went that time.
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New Belkin N1 line set to rev-up WiFi
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: News
Belkins new lineup of pre-N (802.11n) products is set to hit the US on June 1st. Offering speeds of up to 300Mbps, 802.11n wireless is the key to being able to stream HD video content over Wi-Fi. It also means you can maximize the bandwidth on your network, so now you don’t need to worry about opening that website while on a critical Skype call. The main piece in the Belkin-N lineup is the N1 Wireless Router ($149.99 USD), but it also includes a Notebook Card ($99.99 USD) and a Desktop Card ($119.99 USD). The N1 Wireless Router is based on Atheros’ XSPAN™ technology. It has a cool network status display and offers security with WPA2-Personal, 64-bit, 128-bit WEP encryption and enhanced firewall. Plus, the N technology is backward-compatibe with 802.11b and 802.11g networks making the transition a little easier. The only drawback is this will be out prior to the full ratification of the N spec, but I would think that any changes would be easily patched with a simple firmware update. At any rate, if you need top performance from your Wi-Fi these may be worth checking out.
New Mac Ads
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: News
I was just watching Deal or No Deal and saw one of these great new Mac ads. Yes, you read that right new MAC ads, finally (Right. I didn’t count the Postal Service redux ad). I happened to catch the “Virus” ad (pun intended) and got a good chuckle out of it. I especially enjoyed the part where the “PC” crashes. There are a total of 6 ads and they all follow the same motif. Two guys, one is a Mac and the other a PC, and they discuss a topic pointing out how each relates to it and, of course, pointing out how the Mac does a better job of it. Hey, they are Apple ads after all. The good news is all the ads are up on Apple’s web site so, if you haven’t caught them on TV yet you can stillsee them here. It’s Mac addict PC bashing at its finest. To go along with the ad campaign Apple has a section of their site devoted to all the reasons Why you’ll love a Mac Great if you need some solid reasons to give your friends and family for making the switch. Enjoy.
[ Watch the ads ]