Looks like the folks at MacZOT are at it again. This time it is another Mystery Bundle. For the next 5 days (July 13th to July 17th, 2006) you have the opportunity to pick up 5 great Mac shareware applications for just USD$5.00. The only catch is you won’t know what you’re buying until the buying period over. It’s not a bad risk. I can tell you that I have purchased Mystery Zots in the past and wound up with some great apps. Now, you may find that you won’t want or use all the apps in the bundle, but for USD$5.00 you don’t have much to lose (go without the latte for one day). Plus, any apps you find you don’t want make great gifts for your favorite podcaster ;)
MacCast 07.08.2006
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20060708.mp3 [23.2mb 00:50:37 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 148. Strange and random iPod news, a teenager blames getting struck by lightning, National Semiconductor fires employees and takes away their iPods, 10 new iPod Interface designs filled with the European trademark and design office, is Microsoft planning a wi-fi iPod “killer” for Christmas? Apple sued for stock option grant irregularities. Apple announces new educational iMac. Apple cancels plans for new Portland, OR retail store. Chicago radio station offers custom iTunes Music Store interface on their web site. OS 10.4.7. quietly adds Dashboard “phone home” feature. Ellen Feiss is appearing in an upcoming French short film, Bed and Breakfast. Apple may add spreadsheets to iWork ’07 with “Charts”. 10.4.7 Intel OpenGL update from Blizzard. Review: PocketMac for Blackberry. How to manage OS X Mails “Previous Recipients”. Should you turn your Mac off or leave it on? How to place folders or files anywhere in the Dock. Additional comments and thoughts on Codeweavers CrossOver for Mac. What is Apple’s definition of owning music? Tips on keeping your iTunes purchased music. Remember to vote at PodcastAlley
New music, Closer to Ourselves by Jody Whitesides [Buy on iTunes]
Man who catch fly with chopstick accomplish anything. — The Karate Kid (1984)
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Apple working with Sony on PS3?
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Cool Stuff
On the official PS3 website, click on “Specs” or “Gallery” and then click back in your browser and you’ll see an Apple logo fade in and out quickly in the middle of the PS3 console in the image. Take a look at the image on the right and you can make out the faint Apple logo. Click the image to see the full screen grab I made from the sony PS3 site.
UPDATE: Looks like they may have updated the file and the logo is no longer there. You can still see the faint logo in the screenshot I took. Click the image on the right and you can see the full screenshot. It is a faint logo just above controller.
Mystery solved: And no, this isn’t a secret hint of the PS3 running a custom version of OS X. It is the more logical explanation of some contacted designer who didn’t want to pay for his software. An update on Engadget points out that the Apple logo will flash on projects authored with a trial version of Apple’s Shake. Oh well, here’s to daring to dream.
read more | digg story
MacCast 07.04.2006
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Listen to today’s show here! 
MC20060704.mp3 [24.0mb 00:52:18 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 147. French iPod law adopted in stripped down form. Apple reports stock option irregularities to SEC. Run Windows applications on Intel Macs without Windows using CodeWeavers CrossOver. Apple officially recognizes MacBook stain issue. Apple releases revised 10.4.7 update for Intel. OS X Security flaw once again over-hyped. Apple offers new retail configurations on MacBooks. MacCast One Minute Tip #17 – Screenshots. Parsley is Atomically Delicious, not “automatically”. Review of SlimDevices Squeezebox. Slow Parallels performance? Check memory allocation. Take advantage of Account login items. Using Keychain Access. What is it good for?
Music, Stars and stripes forever by John Philip Sousa
Am I bugging you? I don’t mean to bug ya. — U2: Rattle and Hum (1988)
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