by Adam Christianson
Hey Geeks! In case you were not aware I am currently at the Podcasting and Portable Media Expo in Ontario, CA. This is THE annual show for podcasters and is a whos who of all your favorite shows. I have already run into Leo Laporte (TWiT), Alex Lindsay (MacBreak Weekly), Cali Lewis (Geek Brief TV), Dave Hamilton (MacObserver), Ken Ray (Mac OS Ken) and many others. On Friday I did a live recording on the iProng Radio Show, so watch for that to come out in a couple days.
I have been super busy and I have been a little slower than usual answering my email, so if you sent me something you may not hear back until next week. Of course there will be a new MacCast coming out next week too, but if you want to get an early fix I have something for you to checkout. Today (9/30) at 1:00 PM (PST) Victor Cajiao (Typical Mac User) and myself will be doing a live show at the Orange County Podcasters booth on the show floor at the Expo. If you are in town be sure to stop by the booth, but if not you can listen live, just go here for the stream. Victor and I will be talking to some great podcasters who are also big time Mac Geeks including Rob Walch (Podcast 411), Fr Roderick (Catholic Insider), John Chambers (One Minute Tip) and Paul Figgiani (The Point Podcast). It should be a great “cast” and don’t worry if you miss the live stream because I will also be releasing it as a special episode of the MacCast.
Listen to the OC Podcasters Live Feed Now!
by Dale Mugford
If you haven’t been notified by software update already, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.8 Update is now available for download, and offers a variety of enhancements, fixes and features for both PPC and Intel Mac users.
According to Apple, the update is recommended for all users and includes general operating system fixes, as well as specific fixes for the following applications and technologies:
– Connecting to wireless networks using the EAP-FAST protocol
– Apple USB modem reliability
– Using OpenType fonts in Microsoft Word
– Compatibility with 3rd party USB hubs
– Scanner performance
– RAW camera support
– Printing documents with Asian language names
– Performance of the Translation widget
– Broadband network performance
– Security updates
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Stuff, Guts, and Video 001
Written by: James Alguire
Categories: Mac Pro
by James Alguire
Stuff, Guts, and Video posts are Hints and Tips to help get more from Apple’s Pro Applications.
There are at least three ways to perform most of Final Cut Pro’s functions; Onscreen Buttons and tools, Menu Selections, and Keyboard Shortcuts. While the novice FCP user will edit primarily with buttons and menus the professional learns and uses the keyboard shortcuts needed to get work done more efficiently. Developing a commanding grasp of the essential keyboard shortcuts is one key to editing quicker and smarter in Final Cut Pro.
Not every function in FCP essential to your video editing workflow will have a corresponding keyboard shortcut out of the box. Fortunately Apple provided tools to create new shortcuts or modify existing ones in Final Cut Pro 4.X and later. Here is a good example. To import files, you could use the Command-I keyboard shortcut, but if you have organized video, audio and still image in several folders it would be better to use the Import Folder command which has no keyboard shortcut. Here’s how to make one!
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MS Messenger 6.0 for Mac Released
Written by: Alex Curtis
Categories: News
by Alex Curtis

Publisher: Microsoft
Software Version: 6.0
Price: FREE
Processor: Universal (Intel/PPC)
More Information: Microsoft Messenger 6.0
Today, Microsoft released a new version of their instant messaging app, Messenger, version 6.0. This version brings Intel based Mac support as a universal binary, and packs a other new and notable features:
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Just as we suspected… Software Update just alerted me to the availablity of iTunes 7.0.1. According to the note it says, “iTunes 7.0.1 addresses stability and performance issues with Cover Flow, CD importing, iPod syncing, and more.”. So what are you waiting for, go grab it and let me know what is fixed and what isn’t.
To get iTunes 7.0.1 , just run Software Update or you can get it here. The update requires Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later, or Windows 2000/XP.
Update: CoverFlow now seems to scream on my Dual Core Mac Mini. Anyone else?
OS X Driving School
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Hints & Tips
by Adam Christianson
An important aspect of learning to drive is knowing and understanding the signs and symbols we see when on the road. Your operating system also has many signs and symbols. The more you understand and can read those signs the better driver you will become. This a series will offer you quick little “driving” tips for OS X. In each lesson I will take a quick look at just one element of OS X and give you a little lesson in maximizing it’s functionality.
Traffic Lights
Being OS X users we are all familiar with OS Xs traffic signal. You know, those little red, yellow and green “lights” at the top left of each window? You are probably familiar with the basic functionality of these buttons. But these little guys are more tricked out than you would think.
Red means stop
You probably already know that clicking the red button on your window will close it. You many also know that holding down the ‘Option’ key while clicking the red button will close all the windows, but there is one more trick up reds sleeve. The “red light” also provides a bit of info that I find extremely helpful. Just like it’s real life counterpart it lets you know when to stop.
It alerts you when it might be time to stop and save your file. In many applications if you notice a little black circle inside the red button it is the OSes way of letting you know you are between saves. Once you save your file the black dot will disappear and then come back when you make your next change.
by Alex Curtis
One of the real strengths of OS X is how information given to one app is be pulled into another automatically. This post will build on the previous one, showing how another apps that come with Mac OS X, in this case Mail, can use all the contact information you’ve already painstakingly added to Address Book. Let’s have a look, shall we?
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My hosting woes continue…
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Follow-up, Podcast
Well guess I’m batting 1,000 in the bad luck department. Just as I get my hosting issues resolved and finally push out a new show, starts having issues. You see I actually have 2 hosting companies. hosts this site, but beacuse of the large amount of bandwidth required for my podcast the MP3 and AAC files for the show are served up by Libsyn. Just after I posted todays show the emails started. Some of you are reporting getting 404 errors and are unable to access the show. My first thought was, “Oh no, here we go again”, but in checking the new GoDaddy dedicated server everything seems to be humming along just fine. So then I chek the Libsyn support blogand see this message, “Sunday Update On Network OverloadIt looks like we are still experiencing overload on parts of our network. The connections are swamping the media nodes and this is causing the 404s you may be experiencing”. Well I guess Sunday has rolled into Monday and the issue is still not resolved. Wholy dung beetle Batman! Sorry for all the trouble folks. The errors appear to be pretty widespread, but some of will luck out an might actually get the show (I was able to downlaod both the MP3 and ACC editions right after I uploaded them). Please DO NOT harass Libsyn about this issue. They are well aware and working to fix it. They don’t need a bunch of email distracting them from the task at hand. Dave and the guys over there are good friends of the show and have always been outstanding. I will update you as soon as I have more info.
MacCast 09.25.2006
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Download today’s show here! 
MC20060925.mp3 [22.3mb 00:48:34 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 159. I’m Back! iTunes 7 offers a bad experience for some. Mac Pros are CPU upgradable. Next Apple event planned for Sept. 25th. iTunes generates $1 million for Disney in the first week. Apple unveils new store design. Apple releases security and Airport updates, was the MacBook WiFi hack legit? Is Apple trying to claim ownership of “podcast”? iTunes 7. Bugs, fixes and workarounds. View your pix from card or camera directly in iPhoto. The MacBook Random Shutdown Syndrome (RSS), the fix. How to get horizontal scrolling from a plain vertical only scroll-wheel mouse. Why there are no Blu-ray drives in Macs. iPod Texas Hold ‘Em lets you play the game listening to your own music. Correction on procedure for battery cycling. iPod can’t do all Canadian time zones. The “GoDaddy” report. Podcast Expo is this weekend.
New music, Set Me Free by Anthony Rankin
“There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese. “ — Teen Wolf (1985)
Shownotes: HTML or OPML
Subscribe to the Podcast Feed or Get the MP3
by Scott McGrath
Podcasters who use the Mac are very familiar with Rogue Amoeba‘s respected Audio Hijack Pro utility, which provides an excellent interface for recording Skype calls, iChat sessions, and similar internet communications applications directly to audio files. Once those streams are stored safely on disk, the next logical step is to edit captured audio to construct a completed program. Rogue Amoeba is positioning its new Fission utility as a lightweight audio editor capable of editing MP3, AAC, Apple Lossless and AIFF audio files. A typical application might include cutting and splicing files, but one very nice feature is the ability to produce a smooth crossfade between regions. Crossfades are used in audio editing to produce a smooth transition between audio events, and help prevent awkward splices and annoying audio pops when making transitions.
Rogue Amoeba notes that Fission can also be used to break up long audio recordings, create ringtones, and remove unwanted portions from audio files. Fission costs USD$32.00 direct from Rogue Amoeba’s online store. Existing users of Audio Hijack Pro can upgrade for USD$18.00 and both programs can be purchased together in a software bundle for USD$50.00. Fission 1.0 is released as a Universal Binary and a trial version is available for download at