
What do you do if you are big fan of the Mac and also a big fan of SecondLife? If you are Dario Darrow (in SecondLife) then you create a copy of Apple’s new Manhattan store on your land in SecondLife and stream in the video for the latest Apple announcement.
That is cool. Geeky as hell, and very , very cool… It’s kinda died it’s death with me already, but for that time…
Nice find Chris.
The problem about second life though is it eats your first one up way too quickly. Some of the mac sites I visited once there were empty which again proves to me that when your on the mac there is little time for game play.
This is news to me. Thats cool if you can go into SL and see a virtual Steve give his keynote speech.
Steve invades the virtual! Can you actually buy Mac products in the recreated store?