The My Dream App semi-finals have begun. Nine finalists remain in the competition. Users are asked to vote for their favorite idea. In this round of voting, three competitors will be eliminated. Those eliminated will receive Mac Mini computers.
Voting has already started and will end on Saturday, October 14 at 11:59 p.m. EDT. My Dream App has been giving free software to voters in the past three weeks. In this round, all voters will receive Voice Candy, a voice recorder for OS X.
Several guest judges are on the panel to assist with the voting: Kevin Rose co-founder of, David Pogue the New York Times tech columnist, and Leo Laporte from This Week in Tech.
My Dream App launched a month ago and has received over 2,700 ideas.
My Dream App was created by Phill Ryu. If you want more information on the contest visit My Dream App.