DEVONtechnologies has just updated it’s popular DESKTOP TRANSPORTER software to version 2.0.1. For those who do not know what Transporter is, it is a “remote desktop solution that allows users to use other Macs on either the local network or the Internet without physically accessing them.” Version 2.0.1 adds some bug fixes and a few cool new features. It now includes a status tab which displays your Mac’s local IP address along with what port Transporter is currently listening on. Also in this settings panel is a function to set the resolution/size of the monitor you are controlling. One of the welcome improvements is a greatly improved online help system with details on setting up port forwarding and links to networking tools and utilities. Transporter 2.0.1 is a free upgrade to all Transporter users and for everybody else it is $29.95 with a 4 week trial and discounts for students and teachers.