Review: My Craps Game
Written by: Charlie George
Categories: Reviews
If you have any interest in Craps then this is your a neat app at a price that won’t make you flinch. “My Craps Game” is great for the beginner and the advanced player. For those that don’t know their way around the table, the game helps you out by giving definition to different types of bets. For those who have played it endlessly, you will feel right at home.
Let me say that there is nothing fancy graphics wise about the game, but it makes up for it in the game play. The version that I reviewed was a drag and drop situation while I wished for a right click on the Mighty Mouse to speed up the betting process.
The game is great when it comes to stats, there is a history pane in the right side showing the history of the rolls that have been made. Also is a running count of how much cash you have, how much are you up, or are in the hole. One stat I wasn’t expecting but what is neat is the Points MadeÂ(In Craps the Point is the number you want to roll in order to win), and the Sevens Out(If you roll a seven after the Point is made you lose). This gives you an idea on the tide of the game.
You can pick this via download for $15 USD, $29 for a CD. And for those on Windows, because we can, they also offer a Windows version. If you buy the CD you get both versions, so that may be a route you may want to take.
For the money this is a lot of fun, and it’s not too heavy on the gaming budget. With a rating of one to ten it get’s a solid seven, no pun intended. Great game play, though nothing flashy. But still a great item to pick up.
All I can say is WOW! I really thought that no one really used the enhanced features of the Maccast. Boy was I wrong. Within about 2 hours of posting the last show I had over 100 emails in support of keeping chapters. Thanks to all who sent comments about how they love, use, and depend on the enhanced Maccast. Needless to say the eMaccast is hear to stay. You can stop emailing now.
It does leave me wondering one thing though… with this kind of an endorsement, why don’t more podcasters do enhanced podcasts?
Maccast 2007.05.04
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Download today’s show here! 
MC20070504.mp3 [30.6MB 01:06:45 64kbps]
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