Stupid me. I though I was being smart by pre-ordering Leopard on-line so that I could get my copy in advance of the 6:00 PM retail launch time. It was a great idea and I was even more excited this morning when I began seeing images and getting reports from listeners who were already receiving their copies. Last night I had checked my tracking info and saw that my copy of the fast cat was already in Texas and due to arrive on my doorstep by 10:30 AM PST. My plan was working, joy! Today, I patiently awaited my kitties arrival. The anticipation was exciting, but much to my dismay 10:30 came and went. At 10:32 AM I went on-line to check the package’s status and was met with the horror you see above. The package was in Indiana at 4:47AM?! How could that be if it was due to be on my doorstep in California at 10:30AM? Does FedEx already have teleporter technology they aren’t telling us about? Nope, FedEx had screwed me. I called, they placed a “trace” on the rouge feline, and said they would call later to let me know where she was (yes OS X is a woman). Well, I just got the call and was told that my copy of the latest OS is stuck on the ramp in Indianapolis and won’t be delivered until Monday. Thank you FedEx.
Enjoy the party everyone, hopefully it’s still going when I can join in next week.
Hey Adam,
That sucks! Sorry about you not getting your hands on a copy today. I pre-ordered mine last week from the UK On-Line Apple Store and it arrived at 17.30 this afternoon. It’s already installed and up and running in less than 60 mins on my MacBook Pro. I did an erase and install as I wanted a fresh installation, so far, things look ok.
One early observation is that I can’t appear to create a desktop alias any more for my shared network drives. Leopard appears to insist on using the finder for viewing these drives even when you select the “show original” view from the finder contextual menu. The “make alias” option in now grayed out in the menu.
Hope you have fun with your copy once it arrives and I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on what you think of Leopard and the “features” it has. I’m sure for me it will be an interesting weekend ahead. Keep up the excellent work on the Maccast.
Neil – UK.
I’m in sort of the same boat. My university store that sells Mac OS X has yet to get their shipment in and they aren’t open on the weekend. My excitement now must hold off until Monday.
Don’t worry Adam I’m hanging back so I can buy my copy in a couple of months time at a much reduced rate! LOLz
I am so sorry to hear that. I know that I have been screwed by FedEx more than once here at work. I love how you told the story as a missing cat. I am sure that it will be worth the wait and I can’t wait to hear your thoughts about it on the next MacCast.
I feel your pain Adam. I recevied an e-mail from the webstore that will deliver my Leopard copy (there isn’t an Apple Store anywhere near me, as I live in Norway, and therefore had to order online) yesterday telling me that they weren’t allowed to send out any copies of leopard untill today (friday) after six o’clock in the evening. That basically means that they won’t send the copy out before Monday, which is kind of a humongous bummer. Oh well… I guess I’ll have to keep myself busy this weekend to avoid the agony of waiting…
Okay, not exactly my real name (but pretty close). Imagine us poor Canadians. So close, our dollar is up and Jeff Francis’ oh so difficult beginning in the world series (don’t worry Jeff-Tuum Est)
not a copy to be found up here.
Hopefully nobody will have this happen:
I ordered mine through Amazon hoping to save some bucks (which I did). But the ETA on my kitty-cat isn’t until Tuesday (Oct. 30).
I am in the same boat my package is in the same place to. Maybe fedex had a few problems to sort out. Only thing is im on the east coast not west.
Just go buy it at retail and then return the FedEx delivered copy. Yeah, you may take a 10% hit, but you’ll be enjoying in the goodness.
Same here – from your neighbor down in Claremont. I saw the same exact trace. Except for me, they told me I would get it tomorrow – Saturday. I made sure I heard correctly. The apologized and said it was in Ontario, CA – which is probably where your package is as well. I’m typing this from UTC – thought you would be here. Anyway, have fun with Leopard. I sure will!
Hi Adam
Sorry that it did not work out for you on time. On the bright side, it is now more of a weekend with family. I am sure they like it.
Kind regards
Go out to CompUSA. They have a $30 rebate on the software. Refuse shipment on Monday and start using on Saturday so you are ready for the MacCast show on Sunday.
PS. Installed and now transferring all files. Time to sleep. Will hopefully awake to a computer ready to go.
So I work for FedEx in Austin TX
We are delivering a HUGE shipment of The new kitty cat today (saturday). Apple did not want us to make delivery till after 6:00 (on Friday). Well that’s just a logistical nightmare.
This story is true……
We were told to do a future delivery request per Apple……..
I live in Indy and it arrived from TN around 6:30 and was out on the truck by 7:30 and delivered by 8:36 AM. I don’t know why there are delays here, it seems a bit odd. Sorry to hear about all the delays, because Leopard is awesome. Hope it all works out for you guys!
FedEx failed to honor the signature release that Apple offers. When I showed them the release form, I was told that it looks like something “Apple made up.” I missed the delivery and had to stand in line at the station later that night. Thanks FedEx.
FedEx failed to honor the signature release form that Apple offers on its order status page. When I asked them why they didn’t leave it, they said the release looks like something “Apple made up,” and that it wasn’t valid. Had to stand in line at the station last night to pick it up.
For San Diego folks, here is what I learned after attempting to pick up my package at my sorting facility (off of Kearny Villa Ct/Kearny Villa Road and 163):
Yes, our packages are here. You can try to pick them up, but the reality is that they literally got here this morning (Saturday). So the best they could offer me is that they would call my cell if they found it amongst the other thousands of copies of Leopard. I asked if there was a way to call the facility directly and they said no. The 800 number just acts as though it is business as usual, i.e. I should be able to go down and pick it up because the computer says it is at my sorting facility. Someone needs to tell the 1-800 folks that yes it is there, but no it’s not easy to find, i.e. it hasn’t been checked in yet.
Anyway, not sure what to tell everyone, i.e. it could be longer than Monday to get it – depending on how fast they sort through all of the packages (Leopard, fire supplies/medical supplies, etc).
I’ll post back here once I get my copy.
Adam – not sure if this affects you, i.e. not sure where your sorting facility is – maybe right in Carlsbad. Good luck.
Hmm, well, I got mine on Friday, BEFORE 6:00PM, and my pre-signature form WAS honored (obviously). This is not to gloat, just to say that it sounds like the Fedex problems are not universal, and that perhaps some Fedex employees need some more training or coaching.
Sorry Adam and all the rest who didn’t get it. I got it and have spent all day today (Saturday) installing it and getting all the little things working again or for the first time. Fun!
So far, I’m liking the new cat. Haven’t got Time Machine running yet, and Migration Assistant did not correctly transfer my keychain, which caused a bit of consternation until I figured it out. Oh, and there’s an update for Keychain Access under Leopard already, which might help some folks out.
Time to fix dinner, and then I’ll tackle Time Machine.
I went to the apple store today just expecting to get a look at leopard, but not actually buy it. but then, we walk out with a brand new imac with leopard preinstalled!
sometimes it’s better to buy stuff in the store rather than online.
I was out at school on Friday but mines arrived during the day :D. Got home at 4 to find OS X and iLife 08 sitting on my desk! Woo hoo! IT was too big to fit through letter box that they had given it to my next door neighbour until someone got back. Thank you TNT and Apple for getting it to me before the 6pm time! Woo Hoo! Though I didn’t install it until the Saturday as I needed the system all that night :P.
my shipping was delayed also! but i was told it was because the fires that we’ve been experiencing. I guess i’ll just have to wait it out, it should be here by Halloween.
That so bites! I know I am late to the party, but I had to post anyway. Oh well… I am waiting to see how things go before making the upgrade. I have heard of a few issues that people are having. Maybe there will be a 10.5.1 in a month or two before I have the money available to pick up the upgrade.
I look forward to hearing about your experiences with it on the show.