Maccast 2008.01.31
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
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MC20080131.mp3 [57.1MB 01:02:18 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 214. Apple Q1 numbers are in. Focus on iPhone sales and unlocked phones. iTunes more popular than RealPlayer, duh?! Pink iPod Nano. Fraggles and Farscape on iTunes. Quicktime 7.4 appears to break Premiere and After Effects. Microsoft Office 2008 Security issue and fix. UK pulls get a Mac Ads featuring Mitchell and Webb. O2 increases minutes and SMS for UK iPhone owners. Apple posts updates to Keynote, Pages, Numbers, and iWeb. Macbook Air shipping and Apple TV Take 2 delayed. Wireless issues take Air out of unboxing. iTunes 7.6 Firewall Permissions issue. What to know when buying external drives. What is RAID?
New music, Because You Are by Derek Clegg [iTunes]
Special thanks to our sponsors:

Circus Ponies – Free 30-day Trial of Notebook
The Gadget Locker – Save up to 20% on select items.
Glad your crotch is feeling better. — Grosse Pointe
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MC20080130SP.mp3 [9.2MB 0:10:02 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. A special episode of the Maccast from Macworld 2008. We get a glimpse at Iris a new image editing application from the guys over at Nolobe. The app is currently available in public beta and joins a whole new series of Photoshop alternatives that have recently popped up on the Mac platform.
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MC20080128SP_01.mp3 [5.8MB 0:06:18 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. A special episode of the Maccast from Macworld 2008. We chat with G-Technology CEO Roger Mabon about their G-RAID mini and the G-Drive mini portable hard drive products. We also discuss G-Technologies recent acquisition by Fabrik and what it means for the companies future.
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Maccast Loop 2008.01.27 – #039
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Loop
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TS-80423.mp3 [36.6 MB 00:53:13]

This is Episode 037 of the Maccast Loop. “The Loop”, offers a whole new way to join the Maccast community. It is recorded live each Sunday at 10:00 AM PST/1:00 PM EST. Using the Talkshoe network we offer live audience participation using text and audio chat. You can subscribe in iTunes or by using the links above and then join us live next week.
Maccast Loop – Episode 039
Back from Macworld Victor and I set out to discuss some of the fall out at almost 2 weeks after the Stevenote. Luckily for us you jump in and the conversations take a turn for the better (what else is new, I know). We talk Apple TV, iTunes Movie rentals, how to get a new copy of Tiger, and whole lot more.
The Maccast Loop is your opportunity to become a part of the Maccast. Each week the hottest topics and issues from the Maccast will be discussed and you will have the opportunity to give your feedback LIVE. Join host Adam Christianson and producer Victor Cajiao (Typical Mac User Podcast) as you become part of the show. Share your thoughts, opinions, tips, tricks, and knowledge of all things Macintosh. The Maccast Loop completes the circuit, closes the loop, and brings the Maccast community even closer.
Thanks to my audio engineer and producer, Victor Cajiao (Typical Mac User Podcast [iTunes]) and to all the listeners and participants who make this show possible.
Download today’s show here! 
MC20080126SP_02.mp3 [38.7MB 00:42:18 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. A special episode of the Maccast from Macworld 2008. Audio from the Mac Podcaster Meet-up 2008. Adam was joined by fellow podcasters Scott Bourne (Apple Phone Show), Leo Laporte (Mac Break Weekly), Dave Hamilton (Mac Geek Gab), Ken Ray (Mac OS Ken), Cali Lewis (Geek Brief TV), and Victor Cajiao (Typical Mac User) for a panel discussion on Podcasting. The group takled many of the topics and issues facing the podcasting industry today. The event also included a open mic session where fellow podcasters and listeners were able to ask questions and make comments on items raised by the panel.
Special thanks to the event sponsors Podango and Data Robotics.
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MC20080126SP_01.mp3 [56.1MB 01:01:16 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. A special episode of the Maccast from Macworld 2008. Audio from the Mac Podcaster Meet-up 2008. Adam was joined by fellow podcasters Scott Bourne (Apple Phone Show), Leo Laporte (Mac Break Weekly), Dave Hamilton (Mac Geek Gab), Ken Ray (Mac OS Ken), Cali Lewis (Geek Brief TV), and Victor Cajiao (Typical Mac User) for a panel discussion on Podcasting. The group takled many of the topics and issues facing the podcasting industry today. The event also included a open mic session where fellow podcasters and listeners were able to ask questions and make comments on items raised by the panel.
Special thanks to the event sponsors Podango and Data Robotics.
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For those who have hacked their iPhone, Erica Sudun has put together another little gem of an app called Listen, that lets your iPhone identify songs that it hears playing on your radio, on the TV, or where ever.
Listen is in beta, and the version I’m using is “beta 06†which has a nicer push-button interface than initial releases, and some more useful functionality. Because it’s beta, I should say use it at your own risk—but that pretty much goes for any app you’ve installed on your hacked iPhone or iPod touch.
If you haven’t hacked your iPhone yet, directions to help you can be found here. You can download the Listen app from the Multimedia section of the iPhone Installer app, simply listed as “Listenâ€. After you do so, it’s going to be listen in your Springboard home screen with a purple icon. To start it, just tap on the icon.
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MC20080124SP_05.mp3 [8.1MB 0:08:52 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. A special episode of the Maccast from Macworld 2008. We check out one of the coolest hardware products on the show floor at Macworld 2008, the Eye-Fi. An SD card that works with your digital camera and a web service to send your images directly to your computer on on-line sharing services over your wireless network. Amazing.
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MC20080124SP_04.mp3 [6.9MB 0:07:31 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. A special episode of the Maccast from Macworld 2008. Keep multiple iTunes libraries in sync with SuperSync.
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MC20080124SP_03.mp3 [8.6MB 0:09:02 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. A special episode of the Maccast from Macworld 2008. Mac GPS enabled software takes another step forward with Route Buddy version 2.0. We talk with the developer on the show floor at Macworld 2008 about this great new update to an already loved product.
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