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A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. A special episode of the Maccast from Macworld 2008. We take a look at Skullcandy’s new iPhone FMJ iPhone headphones along with a preview of a great new upcoming product.
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MC20080124SP_01.mp3 [5.2MB 0:05:40 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. A special episode of the Maccast from Macworld 2008. We take a look at Belkin’s upcoming Podcast Studio.
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MC20080122.mp3 [15.9MB 00:34:48 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. A special episode with some interviews taken post Macworld 2008 keynote. I disucuss reactions to Apple’s announcements with Spencer from the floor at the Apple booth. I also sit down with fellow podcaters Ken Ray (Mac OS Ken) and Tim Robertson (My Mac) and get their reactions to Macworld and the keynote announcements.
New music, Careless Love by Lindy Dobbins
Special Thanks to our Sponsors:
Smile on My Mac, check out the new DiscLabel 5

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A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. A special episode of the Maccast live from Macworld 2008. We take a look at HP’s new Photosmart Pro B8850 Photo printer. The B8850 is designed to appeal to the growing segment of pro-sumer photographers and may also be ideal for you graphic artists and photographers out there. I had a an opportunity to get a sneak peek at the new offering and was able to get a moment with John Forster, product manager for HP, to talk about their new offering while here at Macworld.
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A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. A special episode of the Maccast live from Macworld 2008. Victor Cajiao (Typical Mac User) and I run down all the announcements from this years keynote and give you our take on what Jobs had to say.
Special thanks to our sponsors:

Circus Ponies – Free 30-day Trial of Notebook
The Gadget Locker – Save up to 20% on select items.
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Maccast 2008.01.08
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
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MC20080108.mp3 [32.4MB 01:10:40 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 213. Mac marketshare hits 8%. Apple sued over iTunes “monopoly”. Apple granted display docking patent. iPhone sales drop-off in France, up in UK. Radiohead goes iTunes anyway. iTunes Rentals looking imminent. Avon calling, Andrea Jung joins Apple Board. 8-Core Macs revealed pre-Macworld. First iPhone Trojan Horse. MacBook Pro Trackpad wake from sleep issue. How to export iMovie Project to iDVD. Setting up a kids Mac station. What’s the best format/bitrate for importing in iTunes. Leopard, .Mac, and iCal syncing woes for some. Switcher asks about Photoshop Elements for the Mac. Listener Questions. PC viruses can use a Mac.
Join us at Macworld for the Mac Meet and Mingle
A very special thanks to Russell Brown
New music, Save Me by Tripleswitch (iTunes)
Special thanks to our sponsors:

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If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions. –Pulp Fiction (1994)
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Apple today announced that the entire line of Mac Pros will now come standard with two 4 core Intel Xeon Processors. That’s a total of 8 cores starting at USD$2,799.00. One hell of a lot of power. The baseline system now specs out with Two 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon “Harpertown” processors, 2GB memory (800MHz DDR2 fully-buffered DIMM ECC), ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT graphics with 256MB memory, a 320GB Serial ATA 3Gb/s 7200-rpm hard drive, and a 16x double-layer SuperDrive. Build to order options will allow you to take the processors up to 3.2GHz and bump the graphics card to a 512MB NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT or a 1.5GB Quadro FX 5600.
Now this announcement is cool and all, but the real interesting thing here is the timing. Apple typically does these quiet bumps during Macworld. This announcement has come a week early which in my mind says one of two things (maybe both). One, they wanted to get an announcement out this week and steal a little press from CES or two, Macworld is going to be HUGE in 2008. I can’t wait for next week.
Maccast Loop 2008.01.06 – #037
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Loop
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This is Episode 037 of the Maccast Loop. “The Loop”, offers a whole new way to join the Maccast community. It is recorded live each Sunday at 10:00 AM PST/1:00 PM EST. Using the Talkshoe network we offer live audience participation using text and audio chat. You can subscribe in iTunes or by using the links above and then join us live next week.
Maccast Loop – Episode 037
We are back after a brief time off for the holidays and Victor even fights back a nasty cold to make the return. In this episode we talk about how to troubleshoot wi-fi issues, what we think about rumors of iTunes adding movie rentals and what it may mean for the future of Apple TV, and get into the USB2 vs Firewire debate.
The Maccast Loop is your opportunity to become a part of the Maccast. Each week the hottest topics and issues from the Maccast will be discussed and you will have the opportunity to give your feedback LIVE. Join host Adam Christianson and producer Victor Cajiao (Typical Mac User Podcast) as you become part of the show. Share your thoughts, opinions, tips, tricks, and knowledge of all things Macintosh. The Maccast Loop completes the circuit, closes the loop, and brings the Maccast community even closer.
Thanks to my audio engineer and producer, Victor Cajiao (Typical Mac User Podcast [iTunes]) and to all the listeners and participants who make this show possible.
Looks like an observant Maccst listener, Fred, may have found the source of that secondbMacBook Pro wake from sleep issue I told you about on the last show. Despite the recent patch from Apple, many of our listeners were still experiencing a problem with their MacBooks where the trackpad and keyboard would become unresponsive after waking from sleep. Fred discovered that in his case his Remote Buddy software (a great app that I have recommended on the show before) may be causing the issue. He wrote the developer and sure enough there seems to be a bug in OS X’s handling of the USB bus when waking from deep sleep. If you want to know all the down and dirty facts there is this post up on the Remote Buddy support forums. In my understanding is that there appears to be a bug in the IOKit with connections made using the IOUSB*UserClient. This issue seems to effect the newer “Santa Rosa” (I still hate this term as it is technically not correct) MacBooks. In these models the USB bus for the internal trackpad and keyboard is shared with external ports. When waking from sleep OS X goes through the USB bus and re-establishes it’s USB connections. The issue is the timing of events. If a 3rd party app makes a call to reset the USB bus at the wrong moment during this process, it may inadvertently lock-up the IOUSBController rendering the USB ports, internal trackpad, and built-in keyboard unresponsive. Annoying, but should be relatively easy to patch in the next OS X update. For now the workaround would be to turn off deep sleep mode or to un-install any 3rd party apps that may be triggering the issue.