Maccast 2008.07.24
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
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MC20080724.mp3 [77.9MB 01:25:04 128kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 233. iPhone 3G is cheaper, has complaints, and is in short supply. iPhone 2.0 feeling a little more like public beta for some. Update for older iPod Touches. iPhone 3G unlocks and jailbreaks released. Apple apologizes for Mobile Me, offers penance. Apple’s second quarter growth takes it to #3 in the US. Apple 3rd Quarter earnings call. New Macbooks soon? Quad core of iLife updates. 3 New iPhone ads posted. Microsoft and Ubuntu look for more Mac like experiences. Why isn’t TimeMachine talked about more? Fixing Time Capsule backup kernel panics. iPhone 3G calendar color fix. Auto open disk images on mount. Dusting off your Mac. Hack your way to .Me almost push. Should we give our Mac preventative medicine? Be careful with App Store purchases. iPhone 2.0 screenshots built-in.
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Circus Ponies – Free 30-day Trial of Notebook
Smile on My Mac, check out Happy 5th Birthday!
New music, With My Freeze Ray by Dr. Horrible

I have a PhD in horribleness — Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog (2008)
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Once I got over that I’d have a $75 USD phone bill in an area where Edge is the only solution, I decided to get an iPhone. I went with the 8 GB Black rather than springing the extra hundred for something I knew I’d be replacing in a year or so. It’s been great so far, but does it compare to a jailbreak 1st gen? Is the GPS worth it without turn by turn? And which games and apps are worth the money? This series is going to cover why my iPhone relationship remains a love-hate one. I’ll cover a few quick topics to start with, check back weekly for a new article.
Dialing on the road:
In NJ and other states now it is a primary offense to use your phone without a hands free headset. iPhone includes nifty headphones that have a mic and answer button built on. Great stuff. But how about voice dialing? Or even haptic feedback with varying degrees of sensitivity and response for different numbers. You just don’t get that. Even a Razr has voice dialing, it cannot be that hard for Apple to design the phone so that when you hold the mic button down for 3 seconds, you can speak the name and have it dial when you let go.
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We now return you….
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Feedback, Podcast
Hey geeks! Apologies for the slight delay between shows. I have just been taking a little break after a number of long days and nights at “the other job”. I also think I needed to decompress a bit from the iPhone 3G onslaught. Good news is I am feeling refreshed, have a show in the works, and something should be arriving on your feed shortly. If you need to get a fix now (and can stand more iPhone stuff), check out the latest iPhone Alley podcast which I did with Michael Johnson (iPhone Alley), Bill Palmer (iProng Magazine), and Jeff Gamet (The Mac Observer). Thanks for all the emails, voicemails, and feedback. Keep ’em coming.
Download today’s show here! 
MC20080713SP.mp3 [33.5MB 0:36:36 128kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. A special episode of the Maccast. Interviews and thoughts from the launch of the iPhone 3G.
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Maccast 2008.07.09
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Download today’s show here! 
MC20080709.mp3 [40.2MB 01:27:44 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 232. Line forms at NYC Apple Store. No iPhones at Apple Stores outside the US. Preparing for the iPhone 3G launch. Early iPhone 3G reviews are in. Segway exec scoots over to Apple. 10,000 new switchers in Europe. Mobile Me makes it’s appearance. Macbook Pro case redesign rumor. 3G iPhone, what we aren’t talking about. 1 iPhoto Library multiple user caveats. Don’t disconnect Super Duper drive in middle of backing up. A little protection (power-wise) goes a long way. Firmware, it’s not just for Macs. Review: NewerTech NuPower Replacement iPod Battery. Lost iTunes files in Media Library. Change the mouse cursor in OS X
New music, Free as Air by Reel [ iTunes ]
Special Thanks to our Sponsors:

Faronics Deep Freeze – Get a free trial. – Free audio book
Let’s turn on the juice and see what shakes loose. — Beetle Juice (1988)
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