This month thanks to my co-worker Sean I have been doing something I have never done before in my life… growing a moustache. Now, I can tell you that being a geek I am not the most, shall we say, “manly” of all men (yes I can admit it). As such, my “stache” is neither full nor attractive. So why would I jeopardize my nerdy good looks and ruin all this years Holiday photos? One word: Movember.
What is Movember?
Every year 1 in 6 men in the United States will develop prostate cancer and every year in the U.S. 28,000 men will die from the disease. The sad thing is that if detected early 90% of prostate cancer is curable. All it takes for early detection and all that requires is a simple exam.
So, during Movember (the month formerly known as November) I have growing a Moustache to support the Prostate Cancer Foundation and their fight against prostate cancer. The money raised is donated directly to the Prostate Cancer Foundation and will be used to fund high-impact research to find better treatments and a cure for prostate cancer.
How to Donate
To donate to my Macstache you can either click this button and donate online now using your credit card or PayPal account

Or, write a check payable to the ‘Prostate Cancer Foundation’, referencing my Registration Number 1695001 and mailing it to:
Prostate Cancer Foundation
Attn: Movember
1250 Fourth St
Santa Monica, CA, 90401
All donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Thanks for your support,
Maccast 2008.11.23
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Download today’s show here! 
MC20081123.mp3 [32.8MB 01:11:38 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 245. Mac OS 10.5.6 release may be soon. Will we see a new cat in the new year? What new hardware will Macworld bring? Apple should weather December. New Macbooks using DPCP. Apple discontinues 23″ Cinema Display. Updates, updates, updates. Apple TV updated to 2.3. iPhone updated to 2.2. More malware and trojans target Apple. Mac Mini Home Theater Special Feedback. Syncing Firefox bookmarks to iPhone Review: Choosy. Mac web development tools. Home Inventory software for your Mac. Simple personal banking software.
Special thanks to our sponsors:

Wizard 2 – Merlin is professional-grade project management application software designed specifically for the Macintosh operating system. Written using the latest Apple technology for Mac OS X, Merlin’s rich feature set and intuitive tools allow you to focus on your work, not the software.
Smile on My Mac, check out DiscLabel
New music, “Massachusetts by The Predicates (iTunes)
EOL: Real World Photoshop CS4 UI (Link)
Oooh! Look at her! I could use a love potion on her! — Willow (1988)
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MC20081116SP.mp3 [81.3MB 01:18:44 128kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Special edition. Interview with Ara Derderian from the HDTV & Home Theater Podcast. We discuss everything you need to know for integrating your Mac Mini into your home theater set-up. This show will help you understand the process and give you tips and tricks for making your media center Mac install a success. Enjoy.
Special thanks to our sponsors:

Circus Ponies NoteBook – The Easy Way to Get Organized on the Mac. Try it FREE for 30 Days. – Get your free audiobook.
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Maccast 2008.11.09
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Download today’s show here! 
MC20081109.mp3 [60.8MB 01:06:24 128kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 244. Rumors of new iMacs and Mac Minis on the way. Mac share down in October. Apple lowering iPhone production in the quarter. More new Macbook & Macbook Pro issues. Apple staff is going, coming, and told to go. Digital Camera Raw Compatibility Update 2.3. AT&T news might be good for iPhone owners. Correction to a story on Kensington locks. Another way of hiding external drives. Keeping iPod Touch iCal colors & iPhone word processing. Corrupt SyncServices crashes Mail. Get Netflix Streaming on your Mac. Hacking the Apple TV. Review: miniStack v3. MobileMe resetting assigned ringtones. Macbook wakes from sleep. Searching Spotlight for partial filenames.
Special Thanks to our Sponsors: – Get your free audiobook.
Faronics Power Save Mac – Faronics Power Save Mac uses intelligent power management to ensure workstations are saving energy and money when they are not being used.
New music, Adoram Flores by Henrique Amorim
EOL: Reflections of your Mac self
Relax. You’ll live longer” — Total Recall (1990)
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