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MC20090130SP.mp3 [5.5MB 0:11:55 64kbps]

A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. A special episode of the Maccast, we interview Clayton Morris a self-described casual geek and anchor from Fox and Friends on the Fox News Channel. Clayton is a switcher to the Mac and we talk over his reasons for switching, how he uses his Macs and iPhone as tools at Fox, how technology and podcasting is changing the face of media and more.
Fox and Friends
claytonmorris.com (removed, old link)
Grizzly Bear Egg Cafe
Clayton’s picks:
Canon HV10
Easy Wi-Fi
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Maccast 2009.01.26
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
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MC20090126.mp3 [35.7MB 01:17:58 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 253. Apple Q1 results call. Updates for Macbook White and Quicktime. Intel Quad price cuts spawn iMac rumors. New trojans and exploits target Mac. iLife ’09 shipping Tuesday. NVIDIA Graphics Update 2009. Mac turns 25. Listeners like ‘Things’ too. An Apple without Jobs. $200 Unibody Macbook Pro matte screen replacement Macworld 2009: Griffin Technology. Bulk Address Book changes. Formatting on Mac drives. Force iWeb to convert text to graphic. Backing up your iTunes library to DVD.
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Smile on My Mac, check out PDFPen
Audible.com – Get your free audiobook.
New music, Foul Mouth Blues by Syrym
EOL: The Apple Cloud
I am never afraid of what I know. — Anna Sewell (1820 – 1878)
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MC20090123_MW03.mp3 [5.5MB 0:11:55 64kbps]

A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. A special episode of the Maccast from Macworld 2009. Talking with Michael Simmons from Cultured Code about their new task management application for the Mac, iPhone, and iPod Touch, called Things.
Things from Cultured Code
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Maccast 2009.01.20
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
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MC20090120.mp3 [32.4MB 01:10:46 64kbps]
Show 251. Jobs, his health, and Apple. 2010 CES to have Apple-centric area. Is an iPhone Nano still next? Mac Mini’s and Apple TVs get new rumors. Apple’s Q1 financial earnings call set for Wednesday. Apple details 17″ Macbook Pro battery replacements. Discount upgrades to iLife ’09 for recent mac buyers. Will Snow Leopard ditch water for stone? App store downloads reach half a billion. Right time to buy an Apple TV? Reassigning keys to make switching easier. Cleaning up iTunes metadata. Keeping Mail in sync. New year, new mac? Reuse the old one. iPhoto reports duplicate names when copying
Special thanks to our sponsors:

Circus Ponies NoteBook – The Easy Way to Get Organized on the Mac. Try it FREE for 30 Days.
Softpress Freeway – Freeway is the flexible tool-of-choice for professionals seeking real commercial advantage, and also for designers needing an application that’s powerful, fully-featured and intuitive..
New music, The Sun Again Will Shine by Slackstring
EOL: Macbook Wheel
Do or do not. There is no try. — Yoda, ‘The Empire Strikes Back’
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MC20090116_MW02.mp3 [6.6MB 0:14:30 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. A special episode of the Maccast from Macworld 2009. We run down the current and upcoming lineup of ScanSnap consumer document scanners from Fujitsu. We discuss how these devices along with some great Mac software can help you better organize, backup, and green your home and office.

ScanSnap Document Scanners from Fujitsu
Receipt Wallet
Neat Works
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MC20090114_MW01.mp3 [5.7MB 0:06:10 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. A special episode of the Maccast from Macworld 2009. I sat down to talk to the folks from Quickoffice about the new Pro version of their MobileFiles iPhone app that is bringing full native Microsoft Excel editing to the iPhone.

MobileFiles and MobileFiles Pro from Quickoffice
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MC20090107.mp3 [42.5MB 01:32:42 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. A special episode of the Maccast recorded live from Macworld 2009. We sit down and discuss our reactions to the final Apple Macworld Keynote delivered by Phil Shiller. This show features special guests Victor Cajiao (Typical Mac User) and Ken Ray (Mac OS Ken).
Special Thanks to our Sponsors:

Audible.com – Get your free audiobook.
Faronics Deep Freeze
For a long time now I have been a fan of the “Joy of Tech” comic produced by Nitrozac and Snaggy. As a matter of fact I have had a link to their comic on this blog since it’s inception. They do awesome work and are great contributors to Apple pop culture. You may also recognize their work in the TWiT podcast album art.
The past couple years, just prior to Macworld, the “Joy of Tech” has put out a Macworld celebrity sightings checklist. You can see this years edition here. Last year I began hoping that my Mac celebrity status might rise enough to someday earn a spot on their list. When the comic posted this year I carefully inspected the faces and was very happy to see friends and colleagues like Veronica, Leo, Andy, Chuck, Don, and others all prominently displayed. But alas I didn’t seem to join the ranks this year. Then I noticed a small grouping in the lower corner. There was Jonny, Woz, Sinbad, Derrick, Walt, and could it be? For a brief moment my heart swept and my ego swelled. Was that me? Should I fire up Twitterific and tweet it to the world?
Needless to say… no tweet went out. After that brief moment the euphoria wore off and I came to my senses. It was Robert Scoble. But hey, it’s not all bad. I apparently have a passing resemblance to famous tech blogger Robert Scoble. Plus, if anyone asks if it IS me, I figure I don’t have to go out of my way to deny it. Right?