Maccast 2009.03.30

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: Podcast

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A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 261. Apple AT&T 3G hard sell. 10.5.7 appears near completion. Snow Leopard set to show it’s spots? Macs without borders. Dubious duplicators dupe developers. Apple update roundup. Macworld 2010 dates announced. Migrating Appleworks database files. MySQL or Filemaker. AirPhones review. Beware of using partitions for redundant backups Macbook cases cracking. Anatomy of your iTunes folder. Microsoft’s new Mac price attack ad

Special thanks to our sponsors:
Circus Ponies Pathfinder 5
Circus Ponies NoteBook – The Easy Way to Get Organized on the Mac. Try it FREE for 30 Days.
Path Finder 5, Path Finder is a comprehensive file browser for OS X that combines the best of Apple’s Finder with powerful, integrated utilities and some innovative ways of accessing and manipulating your files.

New music, All of My Idols are Dead by Killola

EOL: Sit on it Steve! (Link)

I was so naive as a kid I used to sneak behind the barn and do nothing. — Johnny Carson (1925 – 2005)

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There are 6 comments on Maccast 2009.03.30:

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  1. RW | Mar 31 2009 - 12:12

    I’m a PC and I’m not cool…but my wife…now she is a mac and she is cool. Thanks for a fairly level take on the new MS add. There are pros and cons for both systems and this is often forgotten when “throwing stones”. Keep up the great podcast Adam!

  2. Forrest Tanaka | Mar 31 2009 - 10:17

    It may be a lot of people think FileMaker is stuck at version 1.0, where it really was ridiculously underpowered. But FileMaker has moved on. I just finished a fairly large-scale database for a non-profit in FileMaker, and it was very easy to get used to, and very powerful, and I’m not at all a database guy.

    So while I wouldn’t say, “Yes, yes, yes,” I’d say to give version 10, or even as far back as version 7, a good look because I think it satisfies many large needs.

    The FileMaker documentation wasn’t much help to me, but their online documentation wasn’t bad, and was indispensable. The FileMaker Pro Bible was just a long-winded version of the regular manual and wasn’t much help to me.

  3. Stephen | Apr 04 2009 - 05:29

    PC Ad. Like the real world, the first computer people look at is an Apple. Why, because in general, everyone knows it is a better computer and everyone really does want to ‘be cool’.

    Great show Adam.

  4. Doug | Apr 06 2009 - 03:08

    Adam, Thank you for the mention in this weeks show about the cracked MacBook’s. I have that issue too and did not realize that is global problem. I was surprised by the photo’s on Flikr, the quantity and exact same location. I’ll contact Apple through Applecare and try to get resolved. Thanks for your show…

  5. Doug | Apr 06 2009 - 05:54

    Adam, thank you for the mention in this weeks show about the cracked MacBooks. I was surprised to see the pictures on Flikr, the quantity and the exact same location of my break. I’ll be calling Applecare and lining up to get mine fixed. Thanks for another great show.

  6. Richard | Apr 08 2009 - 10:57

    Appleinsider just published this article in regard to Apple’s position on the white (and black) MacBook cracking issue…