Maccast 2010.03.25
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
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MC20100325.mp3 [33.7MB 01:10:10 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 295. New Mac hardware rumors. Apple’s iPad developer Black-ops. iPad, is the content coming together? Is your Mac about to get less secure. Full priced iPhone available from US Apple Stores. Apple leads PC in operating revenue. Tip: PDF to iPhoto. What’s your iPad for? Applecare, should you care for iPads. Applecare success stories. Finder has x-ray eyes. Where did that come from?
Special thanks to our sponsors:

Smile on My Mac, check out TextExpander 3.
Citrix – GoToAssist – Instantly view and control customer computers with secure, easy-to-use GoToAssist® Express. Try it FREE for 30 days.
EOL: iPhone App A to Z (via TUAW)
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Well, here’s a cool little trick I ran across while trying to find a way to hide the menu and scrollbars in Mac OS X. This one is a Terminal hack that you can perform in Mac OS X Snow Leopard to get folders in Quicklook preview to show up with transparent covers. This gives you an “x-ray” style view of the icons of items inside that folder. Pretty neat. Here’s a little video on how to do it along with step by step instructions after the break:
1) Launch Terminal (Applications–>Utilities–>Terminal)
2) Type in the following command:
defaults write QLEnableXRayFolders 1
3) Control+Option+Click the Finder icon in the dock and select ‘Relaunch’ to restart the Finder.
4) Select a folder in the Finder and press the spacebar to open it in Quicklook.
5) The folder icon should now have a transparent cover and you can see the icons of items inside the folder
Secrets – The GUI Method
1) Go to the Blacktree Site and download Secrets
2) Install Secrets. Double-click the .prefpane file and say OK when it asks if you want to install the Preference Pane.
3) Open System Preferences–>Secrets
4) In the ‘Top Secrets’ section check the box next to ‘Show X-ray folders in QuickLook’.
5) Click the ‘Quit This’ button to quit the Finder.
6) Click the Finder icon in the dock to relaunch the Finder.
7) Select a folder in the Finder and press the spacebar to open it in Quicklook.
8) The folder icon should now have a transparent cover and you can see the icons of items inside the folder
I just got word that the Microsoft Mac BU has released Microsoft Messenger for Mac 8 Beta. Now normally I wouldn’t get excited over an update release of a chat client, but this version finally brings audio and video support to Messenger on the Mac. I mention this specifically because I know a number of you who have wanted to do video chat with friends and family who are on Windows and won’t run anything except Messenger. I haven’t tried the new features yet, but would be interested to hear from any of you who have. You can download the Microsoft Messenger for Mac 8 Beta here.
The observant folks over on 9 to 5 Mac just noticed something in the release notes PDF for this beta:
2.3 You cannot make Audio/Video calls on some network configurations.
Interesting to note, but likely not a huge cause for concern. The section goes on to explain that you may need to open up some router ports to make the audio and video connections work properly. Details can be found here. Another significant point from the release notes is this beta version is for personal accounts only. You will need to have an account registered with or an ID on the Windows Live Network. Corporate users with an Office Communications Server won’t be able to use the Microsoft Messenger for Mac 8 Beta.
Once in a while you’ll check your Macintosh HD and be astonished that you only have 4 GB free. Maybe not the case with newer Macs – but for those of us running a 60 GB Macbook or MacMini something must be done.
That’s where GrandPerspective comes to play. Not only is it free, but if offers a beautiful visual representation of your data. It may not do much more than that but it does what it’s meant to do perfectly.
If you want something with more advanced options, WhatSize is available for $12.99 (USD) . To get GrandPerspective heard over to their page.
Maccast 2010.03.18 – MacSteamy
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Download today’s show here! 
MC20100318.mp3 [34.4MB 01:11:40 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 294. We talk gaming on the Mac with Scott Johnson (Film Sack and App Slappy) and Brian Ibbott (Coverville). Valve and Steam on the Mac. Does this change the game or just expand it? Ye old Mac vs. PC as gaming platform debates. Blizzard, Starcraft II Beta for Mac in April. iPad, does it mean anything for gamers?
Special thanks to our sponsor:

Circus Ponies NoteBook – The Easy Way to Get Organized on the Mac. Try it FREE for 30 Days.
Citrix – GoToAssist – Instantly view and control customer computers with secure, easy-to-use GoToAssist® Express. Try it FREE for 30 days.
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Download today’s show here! 
MC20100317SP.mp3 [9.5MB 00:19:40 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. A special episode of the Maccast with John Chaffee from BusyMac. John and I missed each other on the show floor at Macworld Expo 2010, but I heard a lot about his product BusyCal (a great alternative to iCal). A couple weeks ago I was able to grab John on Skype and we talked about BusyCal, his past life working on another great Mac calendar app, Now Up-to-Date, and about his impressions of Macworld Expo 2010 in general.
BusyMac – BusyCal and BusySync
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Maccast 2010.03.11
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast
Download today’s show here! 
MC20100311.mp3 [40.3MB 01:23:50 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Show 293. US iPad sales start in tomorrow, rumors and info. 4th rev of iPhone SDK brings new rumor. Apple takes issue with HTC. Rumors of Apple moving media to the cloud. Updates for media pros. Apple didn’t stop App Store hack and slash at porn. Are the chips down for Apple and Intel? Flash rant follow-up. Emailing attachments from iPhone/iPod Touch follow-up. Backing up bookmarks from multiple browsers. Defining a backup strategy that works for you. Spotlight search tips
Special thanks to our sponsors:

Faronics Deep Freeze
Citrix – GoToAssist – Instantly view and control customer computers with secure, easy-to-use GoToAssist® Express. Try it FREE for 30 days.
New music, Lives of Strangers by Friday Mile (iTunes)
EOL: 3D tribute to Apple Design (via Cult of Mac)
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