Maccast 2013.09.07

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: Podcast

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A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Episode 460. Clayton Morris, co-host of Fox & Friends Weekend on Fox News Channel, Apple fan, technology reporter, and App developer joins me to talk about Apple’s September 10th Event, iOS 7, and what’s next for Apple. We also discuss the process Clayton went trough to take his App, ReadQuick, from idea from start to finish. They just launched the iPhone version and has lots of insights to share.

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There are 2 comments on Maccast 2013.09.07:

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  1. Steven | Sep 10 2013 - 03:16

    Halfway into the Podcast (iOS7 section) Clayton stated that there are so many features customers don’t know about. he said there should be education from Apple to learn about the new features.
    It baffles me that he and even you don’t talk about what Apple has to offer in this regard.

    I’ll list them for you;

    1. On the front page of There is a link to watch the iO7 keynote
    2. The animated iOS7 Page with al the new features.
    3. In the Apple Store you have the possibility to get help to setup your new iPhone through Personal Setup. (Free service).
    4. Every Apple Store has free workshops i.e. “Discover your iPhone”, “iOS6/7”.
    5. One to one Personal training (After buying a new Mac) Ad your iPhone to the training.
    6. Apple Support pages for iPhone and iOS
    7. iPhone User Guide on the phone in Safari bookmarks.
    8. iPhone User Guide on the iPhone in iBooks (Free download) No need to buy a missing manual.
    9. For children Apple has the Youth programs

    If a customer wants to learn more there is a plethora of sources from Apple to learn either on your own or with help from Apple Staff.

  2. Adam Christianson | Sep 10 2013 - 10:22

    This a great list. Thank you. The fact that you needed to list it for two tech savvy Apple watchers, in many ways, only proves the point. To be honest, I know about a number of these resources, but frankly a lot of consumers don’t. I guess what we really should have said is Apple needs to work harder to inform customers about all the great education and training programs and services they offer their customers. That said, they should also always strive to build systems that don’t require education or training. iOS when it first came out was intuitive enough and had enough visual cues that many could just figure it out. The trouble with iOS 7s “flat” interface is that many items don’t look like they are interactive. “buttons” that are just plan text are a HUGE example. No edges, frames, or even an underline to indicate it’s an interactive element. That is going to confuse a great many of their customers and users.