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A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Episode 711. New MacBook Pro and Air. Possible iPhone 11 Logic Board. Apple heating up TV+ promotions. SSD Upgrades and the Fusion effect. Apple “exclusive” podcasts are BAD. Family Music sharing, not “sharing”. Thing of the Moment: Apple Texas Hold’em.
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rocsolid5@msn.com hi Adam. I put a SSD in my hand me down 2009 MacBook to my son. Like u said the change was awesome. He’s still in high school. I also talked my friends into doing it to in there 2012 MacBook Pro. Made a world of difference in both machines.
Thx 4 the show. Love it. Keep up the great work. Get better too.
Adam, you spoke recently about the rumors about Apple may be switiching away from intel in some of the products. I’m at a point where I need to replace my MacBook Pro and would like to better understand what problems I might encounter if I purchaae now and next year they make the switch.
Hey Ken, I don’t think you’ll encounter ANY problems. Apple is likely a few years away from releasing a Mac using their own chip designs and even when they do I expect it to be a slow roll out with support for BOTH Intel and ARM based chips in their products.