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A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Episode 713. Apple third-quarter 2019 results. Apple hires X-Box Co-creator. Apple Pencil for iPhone in 2019? Apple card arrives (for some). Feedback on rumor coverage. Apple stops listening (to Siri recordings). Case of the missing comments. I’m more excited about a 16-in Macbook Pro.
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Steve Jobs, in reference to a stylus, did not want a stylus to ‘have’ to be used for the iPhone and iPad to make it work. He, apparently, held up his hands and wiggled his fingers saying “I’ve got ten of em.” Up until that point, Microsoft had been shipping a stylus based tablet for about a decade; this tablet required a stylus and finger could not be used. The Apple Pencil is not the primary and only device we use to interact with our iPads; it is one of three and the primary device is our fingers; the Apple Pencil is a support device and not the primary tool to interact with it which is what Steve Jobs railed against.