Maccast 2019.09.18

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: Podcast


Download today’s show here! MC20190918.mp3 [44.5 01:24:53 64kbps]

A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Episode 718. iPhone Event Aftermath. iPhone XR ‘saved’ Apple. App Store billing grace period. Apple TV+ benefits from iPhone sales. Apple TV+ News. Ordering the iPhone 11 Pro. Apple TV app not “recommended”. Apple Arcade is a winner.

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There is 1 comment on Maccast 2019.09.18:

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  1. Chad | Sep 25 2019 - 07:51

    Is there anyway to permanently trim video in iOS 13? I am concerned that unusable video that I used to be able to trim off is going to really add up especially that I shoot in 4K 60 FPS. The non-distructive trimming is ok but leaves you with the same file size. I have tried to use the iMovie extension that will trim it but export my 60FPS movie in 30 FPS and not in the HEVC file format. As a father I shoot longer videos to try and capture the usable video then go back and trim down the unusable parts and it seems that I no longer have that option, pretty frustrating.