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A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Episode 742. Updated iPhone 8 SE 2 could come in two sizes. New 2020 MacBook Air. Apple also introduced new iPad Pros. Your thoughts on Apple TV+ shows. Apple products on “greatest designs” list. Appley things to do while “distancing”.
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I wanted to comment on my experience with the Apple trade in process as it was a little different than that you describe on the MacCast. I Had a 2018 fifteen inch MacBook Pro that I wanted to replace with the 2019 sixteen inch MacBook Pro. I wanted to wait to complete the trade in until after I had set up the new laptop. This all transpired in late February/early March of 2020. I first ordered the new laptop. After I received it and completed my set up I went on line, found the trade in link – which required searching for the link as I recall. They don’t make trade ins done after purchase as easy as the link is associated with the purchase page on Apple’s website. I had checked with Apple prior to making my purchase to be sure there would be no problem with the trade in approach I wanted. I had actually checked the link before buying the new MacBook to get an idea how much I would receive for the trade in. When I was ready I went to the trade in link started the process, and received the box for mailing in the device I was replacing. It took only a few days to receive the email with the link to the Apple Store credit. I used part of that to buy a new iPad. I wasn’t trying to use the Apple Store credit to help pay for the new laptop. As long as that isn’t a constraint, and if you wish to use the old laptop to help with setting up the new that process works, allowing you to do the trade in after your purchase. I did not try the route you suggested to see if I could get retroactive credit towards my purchase. I was prepared to see a change in trade in value both because my laptop needed inspection, and because I realized there could be changes in the market value of the old laptop as time passed and the market changed.
Thanks for providing so much useful information on your podcast.