Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast

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A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Episode 765. A special episode of the Maccast discussing HomeKit and HomeBridge with my friend Ara Derderian (@ocreclaimedtreasures) from the HTGuys podcast
Mentioned in this episode:
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SanDisk – iXpand Flash Drives
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Adam, would you please explain App Specific Passwords. What is the purpose? Are they specific to an app or to a device or OS that the app is being used on? It seems that in the past these passwords could be accessed but now I do not find that they can be seen once the window is closed that initially reveals the password. I am confused because some programs have apps for my Mac and the same developer has the app for my iPad and iPhone yet if I generate an app specific password for my Mac, it does not seem to work on my iOS device. Do I need to generate another one for the different OS or device. If each device needs a different password that would mean that 3 or 4 would be needed for each program and it appears that there is a limit of 25 that can be used…per the Apple website. I have contacted Apple but they have not been helpful explaining this. Thanks for the MacCast. I have listened for years and am a much better Mac user because of it.
Adam, I looked at the Anker/Eufy cameras on Amazon. Many comments question the security/privacy of this hardware. Specifically there may be some interference with network default DNS server, and there are a lot of unexplained data exchanges with China.
Very informative show. thanks. George
[PS: shame the spammers found their way into comments above mine]