Maccast 2023.12.13 – So Long and Thanks for all the Clips
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Podcast

Download today’s show here! MC20231213.mp3 [8.3MB 00:15:55 64kbps]
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Episode 881.
Thank You.
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Congratulations, Adam!
It’s bitter, sweet, but I’m very happy for you! I’m a long-time listener. I believe I started listening to you when you started. I cannot believe it’s been nearly 19 years. Again best of luck to you Adam!
Adam – all the best for the future and thanks for all the hard work (for you) and enjoyment (for us) over the last 19 years. It’s been a blast. See you on the new podcast. Best wishes.
Tbank you!
Long-time listener. You were my “work buddy” as I listened to your podcasts while driving to work. Gonna miss you. Thank you for helping me with all of my Macintosh issues over the years. You and the Tech Guy (who is also retiring) are the last remaining Mac geeks.
Best to you on your new adventure. I’ll be looking for your new podcast.
Been following you for 19 years and enjoyed those years. I fully understand where you are going. Enjoy your new life. Will follow you wherever you go.
I love your podcast and have been listening a long time! Your shows made my day and I could not wait for the next one. Thank you for making our world a little brighter! Best wishes to you!
Gilbert Martinez
Thank you for a fantastic show.
On a Monday I searched for Maccast updates – always something to look forward to during my lunch breaks. You have a very caring touch towards your listeners – The only constant that we can rely on is change :-) Best of Luck!
Thanks Adam, been listening pretty much since day 1. You have been in my iPod, iPhone and all devices I have ever owned since they were able to support.
Best of luck and you are making the RIGHT choice for you and your family. You should have no regrets and never look back. It is my hope. You will keep this site up for sometime for all of us to reflect.. it’s become somewhat of a museum.
Merry Christmas. You have given us all many great gifts.
Hi Adam,
I’ve listen to every episode and your coverage of the all things Apple was an enormous help over the years. So many times, the tips a tricks saved me from big problems. When you started Mac Cast it was harder to be the token Mac user in a Windows world. I work live events, mostly corprate, as a video engineer and now I can go months without even seeing I PC. The new Apple stuff is all so good now and It’s been fun having you in the long car rides (you remember California, HaHa) geeking out. Some of my Favorite shows were when you just bantered with the guests and I looking forward the hearing you on Geek Gab.
Thank you for all the years of very seriously supporting Mac Users.
Adam – A big thank you! I’ve been a listener since you started almost two decades ago, listening to your podcasts on my iMac G4 and iPod! Your hard work and support on behalf of Mac users was much appreciated
Best wishes on your next adventure! Happy holidays.
I can recall when the iPhone was launched, in 2007, you weren’t sufficiently convinced that it was worth it. I was delighted when a listener stepped in and bought you one.
I recall one comment where a listener posted how grateful he was to have a “top flight mac instructor” (you) to take him (or her) through the news
Other Mac podcasts exists, of course, but you are THE BEST.
Adam, you have been instrumental to my Mac and iOS obsession and geekery over the last 15 years at least.
I miss the podcast you did with Jeff and Michael (aka iPhone Alley aka We Have Communicators). I listened intently to each episode
I look forward to listening on Mac Geek Gab, where I will be able to also hear Jeff Gamet too.
I hope the new schedule will be less time intensive and enable you to do other things in your life, while still dabbling in Mac geekery from time-to-time.
I still have The Talk Show by Jon Gruber, which I found thanks to you, Adam. Gruber has helped me find ATP (Accidental Tech Podcast) which is great but very heavy so I only listen to that sometimes.
Idea: for your next few posts on this website, perhaps you could manually do a post linking to the corresponding show on MacGeek Gab. As you say, the only thing that you won’t be covering as much is the news.
I used to listen to MacGeek Gab a few years ago. They had a guy on called “John F Braun” instead of “Pilot Pete”. Their Macintosh geekery was always very illuminating. I only stopped because there are too many podcasts and not enough time. So now, I can become reacquainted with the show/network.
One day I hope to find out what those guys mean by their cryptic “don’t get caught”.
I am sad the MacCast is ending – it’s the end of an era. You can imparted so much wisdom and knowledge to me over the years, I owe you a debt of gratitude. ?
Very sorry to see The MacCast come to an end, but everyone deserves a rest when it’s needed. Thank you Adam for years of great information and I look forward to “meeting” the “new” podcast.
This is the only show of your’s I can’t listen too. But I wish you the best and will hear you at MacGeek Gab.
Some random musings in no particular order
1. I wonder if Adam could do a 20 min show a week instead of the usual. This would reduce burden and help him focus on family stuff or whatever. No news – or only the most important news.
2. He could call it MacCast Plus and put it behind paywall. 5 bucks a month.
3. I’m in uk so don’t know what South Dakota is but wonder if it was a factor. Maybe being out of California has made him less interested in tech and therefore Apple ?
4. Instead of an audio podcast , Adam could do a link blog like dating fireball. Could be done from his phone using WordPress maybe.
5. I used to listen to Mac break weekly but stopped. Did I get old? Jaded ? I still listen to Mac cast but I fell behind. (I can now complete all those shows).
6. Are people now only consuming short form content. Like the Tik Tok generation? Were stats falling and so you lost the desire to carry on with the show?
Adam is busy so I neither expect nor want responses. But it’s just helpful for me to put my musings out there. Maybe someone will read them
If any of you are missing Adam check out
I will listen to ever MGGab with Adam on
Update – Adam is great on MacGeekGab!
I am delighted with this new setup.
Everyone should go subscribe right now
Adam, Thank you for your endless hard work! Answering so many of my questions over the years and providing respite/companionship to all of us travelling from here to there! Good luck with your new venture(s)! You will be missed here, but will be supported by many of us following your continuing career and involvement in the Mac community :) Thank you so much!