Plasq Releases Comic Life 1.3.1 Update

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: News

Comic LifeThe award winning software, Comic Life has been updated to version 1.3.1. Even though the first two digits are the same as the version introduced in Macworld, there are many new features and enhancements. This latest release allows you to have more than one image per panel, you can share a speech balloon between more than one person, there are now rotatable panels, and more. Also, in order to facilitate sharing, the good people at Plasq put in an ‘Email This Comic’ and an ‘Export to iWeb’ button. Comic Life 1.3.1 also adds the ability to paste between applications. This means you can copy an image from Comic Life and paste it into Pages or Photoshop. Another new feature is support for automatic updates delivered by Sparkle. Comic Life 1.3.1 is a free upgrade to all users and the basic version costs only USD$24.95, which is a great price for all that you are getting. You can buy it from Plasq at There you will also find a 30 day full demo.

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