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Apple Releases Core2Duo MacBooks

Written by: Dale Mugford

Categories: News

c2dmacbook.jpgAs previously speculated at, Apple announced brand new Core2Duo MacBooks on November 8th, an update to its immensely popular best-selling notebook series.

In an overview, the new notebooks sport Core 2 Duo processors, in the same speed categories as the original MacBooks (1.83GHz, 2.0GHz) with the 2.0Ghz models seeing a bump in 4MB shared L2 cache from 2MB on the 1.83GHz and former models.

Other changes to the hardware include 1 gigabyte of RAM standard on both 2.0 GHz models. The White 2.0GHz series also features an 80 gigabyte 5,400rpm drive with the Black 2.0 GHz model now sporting a significantly increased 120 gigabyte 5,400rpm drive. All models can be custom configured wth up to 2 gigabytes of ram and up to a 200-gigabyte 4200rpm hard drive.

The new MacBooks retail for the sames prices as the former models, at $1,099 for the 1.83GHz White, $1299 for the 2.0GHz White, and $1499 for the 2.0GHz Black model respectively.

Additionally, the new 2.0GHz MacBooks sport 6x DL-supported super-drives, a welcomed addition to the line which had a modest 4x super-drive originally.

According to Apple’s press release, the new MacBooks “are up to 25% faster than the previous generation”.

It’s not clear whether there has been many changes ‘under the hood’ yet, as the new Core 2 Duo MacBooks are designed identically to the previous models on the exterior. Some Apple fans and would-be MacBook owners have speculated in forums already that Apple has made revisions to the internal layout of the MacBooks to avoid continuing issues with shutdowns and heat, as well as other anomalies.

The new MacBooks are available for sale immediately on New MacBook featuring Intel Core 2 Duo!

Soho Notes – Managing Little Pieces of Data

Written by: Chris Christensen

Categories: Reviews

foldersWhat do you do when you have a lot of little pieces of information: passwords, notes, ideas of what to blog for MacCast, show ideas for your podcast, frequent flyer numbers, receipts, etc. The shoe box under your bed has gotten full and using the Stickies application only gets you so far. One option for managing this collection of information is SOHO Notes from Chronos. SOHO Notes is an updated version of an older program from Chronos called Sticky Brain.

The simplest way to put information into SOHO Notes is to open up the application, choose a folder in your hierarchy and then select new note. You can then find this note again by browsing the hierarchy of folders you have created or by searching for it (very quickly) from the SOHO Notes search icon on the menu bar of your Mac (or using Spotlight). So far so good, but not worth the $40 that this program will cost.

But SOHO Notes will allow you to store and retrieve more than just rich text notes. You can also store bookmarks, web archives, PDFs, images, movies, audio, and other attachments. But, you say, I can already create all of those types of files in the file system and search for them using spotlight. Go ahead say it, I’ll wait.

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Second Gen Nano is “stunning”

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: Reviews

syncdockconnector20060912.jpgSo yesterday I went out and bought a Blue, 4GB second generation iPod nano. I am stunned.

The first thing of course was the packaging; dramatic change. The whole thing feels much more finished, much more professional and much more Apple than the really “nice”, but still cardboard, cardboard boxes of the first generation Nanos. The whole thing is encapsulated in a small transparent box which somehow brings to mind the 5th Avenue NYC store. It’s held out by two clasps (top and bottom) from a clear backing which “hides” a fold out cuboid of very silky card, in which the headphones, dock and USB cable reside. Overall the design of the packaging is much smaller (due to it not coming with an iTunes install CD), simple, more elegant, cleaner and more refined.
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Apple wants to fix your Mac, for FREE.

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: Editorial

…but you need to tell them it’s broken.

Editor’s note: When Matt sent me the following piece I was grateful because the timing could not have been better. Just this week I answered at least 3 to 4 emails from listeners who had issues with their systems that were covered by one of Apple’s Repair Extension Programs(REP). I agree with Matt, it is amazing how many people don’t know to check for these coverages. It is even more amazing how many people choose NOT to take advantage of them. In my 3 to 4 cases at least 2 people said they would not contact Apple to get the repair because they “could not afford” to be without their Mac for a a few days to a week! Seriously!? So, you would rather have a broken, annoying and less productive Mac than one that actually works like it should? If you rely on your Mac that much to make a living you should consider keeping an old system around, getting a used Mac or purchasing a bottom of the line Mac Mini as a backup system. Combine that with a good cloned backup regiment using a product like SuperDuper and you are covered.

A word to the wise folks… if you have ANY defective product and the company has a program for you to get it fixed free of charge… run, don’t walk, to the service center.

One of the most under-utilized offerings from Cupertino is theRepair Extension Program(REP). This model allows different "known issues" with certain Macintosh computers to be rectified even on out of warranty machines as a courtesy from Apple, meaning it’s absolutely free. Now before I divulge any more of these secrets it has to be said that this is not in any way a service to be abused; if you don’t have the fault linked with these machines you won’t gain anything but higher future pricing by entering the program; if however you are experiencing the issue then you have it all to gain and Apple will be more than willing to help.
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Speck Canvas Sport Case for iPod Nano

Written by: Dave Cryer

Categories: Cool Stuff, Reviews

speck-canvas-sport-nano-3.jpgWith so many different iPod cases available on the market it is important to stand out from the crowd… with style. The Canvas Sport case from Speck for the iPod Nano tries just that with ‘Converse’ type styling.

This case is designed to accommodate both the 1st generation and 2nd gen iPod Nano. It is available in a variety of colours: light green, pink, black, silver and blue, all with contrasting white detailing. The combination of canvas and rubber grip areas around the edges make for a nice quality feel. On the front there is a hard plastic screen protector stitched in, with contrasting stitching around this and the click wheel. On the back of the case is a nice strong belt clip, again with stitch detailing.
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Switched Again, Again (Part II)

Written by: scottmc

Categories: Editorial

As a longtime Windows user who has owned, built and used hardware with pretty much every version of Windows OS (starting from 2.1 I think), one of the most impressive features of the Mac for me is the Migration Assistant. The first night I had it, I started up the new Mac Pro, connected my MacBook over Firewire and when the assistant was done; I sat down at the Mac Pro with every application, preference and desktop tweak from my MacBook fully installed and was ready to get to work. (OK, I did have to reauthorize two applications, but all my settings were migrated for those as well).

I have never moved from one PC to another without at least a week of pure hassle—hunting for key codes, reinstalling applications (even if restored from backup), reinstalling preferences, figuring out how to get Outlook to find and use old mail files, ad infinitum. In fact, my Windows laptop at work suffered a hard drive crash right around the same time I was installing my new Mac – some dark cloud of technology karma was hanging over my head there for a few weeks – and it took 3 days to recover even with a current backup. I’m still missing a few apps for which I need to hunt down the old versions before upgrading again. Not just a time sink, but a time sink with a genuine soul drain at its center.
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Parallels for Mac update: handy new features

Written by: Dale Mugford

Categories: News

ParallelsParallels Desktop for Mac, the virtualization software that allows users to run a variety of OSes virtually alongside Mac OS X has been updated again to build 2.2.1970.0, released on Nov. 1st. Some handy features have been added to this update.

First of all, a new installation assistant is included which will complete the entire installation process for you – you don’t have to select any configurations, answer any questions, or make decisions about partitions or other options if you don’t want to.
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Switched Again (Part I)

Written by: scottmc

Categories: Editorial

Hey, I realize that switcher stories are getting so common these days, we’re all at risk of fatigue from the influx of new Mac fans and fanatics among us. Forgive me then for adding a few words more in the rising tide of Mac market share. When I quite literally blew up my home-built PC a few weeks back—with a dramatic flameout of the PSU and a roomful of acrid smoke–I was driven to make my “second-tier” switcher commitment. I am now officially a “switched-again” Mac user.

I got my 2Ghz MacBook as my first Mac in May, but in truth I’ve primarily used this machine as a desktop, KVM’d next to my home-built XP machine. Real multi-taskers use separate machines. Despite (or perhaps because of) over a decade of masochistic personal Windows malaise, I was struggling to get myself even to attempt Microsoft OS on my Mac. I’d upgraded to a 100gb 7200rpm drive, but I couldn’t convince myself that Parallels or Boot Camp would beat the sheer convenience of hitting the scroll lock key and moving over the to other box. My original plan was not to deepen my Mac ties until Leopard came out, then think about a MacBook Pro or Mac Pro, and let Windows run in its own isolated tier.
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Free your iTunes from DRM with FairGame

Written by: Adam Christianson

Categories: Cool Stuff, News

fairgame.jpgSeidai Software has released FairGame to allow you to strip Apple’s FairPlay DRM from your iTunes music. Apparently the software “trickery” is accomplished by enabling “Access for Assistive Devices” in the Universal Access system preferences and then turning on “Place Clip in Movie Timeline” in the iMovie HD “Import” preferences. Once set up you can select the tracks in iTunes and “process” the tracks to remove the DRM. According to the companies web site FairGame scripts the iMovie interface to process the songs and you must not interfere with the processing. It takes about 2 mins and 42 seconds to process a 4 minute song on a 2.16GHz MacBook Pro. Now I am sure this is completely illegal in more ways than I can count, but if it works… Sweeeeet.

Jumpcut – Clip Board Management

Written by: Chris Christensen

Categories: Reviews

One of the utilities that I wonder how I ever got along without is called Jumpcut by Steve Cook.

My day job is working for an internet company so I live in my browser for hours and hours everyday. I am constantly copying or cutting and then pasting a piece of information from one place to another or more likely more than one piece of information. For example, before Jumpcut if I had 3 pieces of information to copy from someplace into a form I would have to do this one piece of information at a time, often switching windows or applications in between. Jumpcut lets me paste in any of the last 25 things that I cut or copied into the clipboard. Instead of doing a paste with command-V, I use control-option-V to pop up a transparent overlay that shows the current clipboard. If I hit the arrow keys while continuing to hold down the control and option keys then I can scroll through any of the last 25 clipboards. When I am done, I have pasted the information and also changed the current contents of the clipboard.

The following video shows how Jumpcut works:

Jumpcut is free. Get your copy here.