An interview I did recently for the iSwitch podcast is now available on their web site. iSwitch is part of the Teen Podcast Network and as their name suggests they cover Mac topics for Switchers. In our conversation we discuss MacWorld, the new Mac line up, Mac hardware and software, podcasting and more. The interview was recorded using iChat and the new GarageBand 3 from iLife ’06 and runs about 45 minutes. Enjoy.
[ MacCast/ iSwitch Interview ]
Interview with Podcast 411
Written by: Adam Christianson
Categories: Guest Appearance
The other night I did another interview (seem to be doing a lot of these lately :) ). This time I talked with Rob over at Podcast 411. Podcast 411 is an interview show where Rob talks to all kinds of Podcasters. He does a great job and I was honored he selected me for an interview. We had a good time discussing the latest MacWorld announcements and other Mac stuff. We talked about how I started in Podcasting and the history and future of the MacCast among other things. I think many of you may find it interesting, so if you want to hear it just click the link below. Also, if you want to hear more great interviews with other pocasters be sure to visit Robs site and subscribe to his Podcast in iTunes.

“You are now entering…”
I finally had the opportunity to sit down and have a discussion with long time MacCast listener and fellow podcaster Colm, from The Colmination. To kick off the discusssion we tried out iLife ’06 and it’s new iChat recording features, we do the Colmination Top 5 Mac-style and talk about our histories with Apple and the Mac. Listen to the AAC here and be sure to checkout the Colmination, which I describe as a “hanging with the guys” lifestyle podcast. Each episode the Colm has a buddy or two over and they talk about life, sports, video games and music. If your lucky Colm’s lovely girlfriend Alissa will also make an appearance and share a gross medical story.
Recently I had the opportunity to do an interview with a couple of teen podcasters. Brandon and Erik are the hosts of the Mr. Mac Geek Podcast and they are probably some of the most articulate and well prepared teen podcasters I have encountered. For my episode we got together and discussed all the recent announcements at MacWorld 2006. There were some slight audio glitches due to Skype, but overall I think it is an episode many would enjoy. Check it out over on