A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Episode 613. More on Apple Home Speaker. As go iPads, so goes tablets. Apple takes top “wearables” crown. Apple TV may finally get Prime Video. A week without iPhone 8 rumors? No. Apple’s mapping “street team” expands territory. Older Apple Stores may get “refreshed”. Corning is first Apple Advanced Manufacturing Fund recipient. More Wi-Fi location strangeness. Slay your Lightning bunnies. Siri as a home assistant. How to search for Apple help. Thing of the Moment: Artificial SuperIntelligence
Special thanks to our sponsors: Bitbucket by Atlassian – For the Code.
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Episode 612. Apple’s Q2 2017 Earnings. New week, more iPhone 8 leaks. Apple Music has more TV planned. OSX/Dok slips by Gatekeeper. Apple’s Siri-based home assistant. Odds & ends. Mysterious case of moving location data. Older Apple TVs and 2-Factor Authentication. . Beware lightning bunnies.
Special thanks to our sponsors: Bitbucket by Atlassian – For the Code. Blue Apron
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Episode 611. Will your next iPhone come this year? Lot’s of Apple Store news this week. Carpool Karaoke stuck in traffic. Recent hires in AR and Satellites. Apple looks to micro-LEDs. Some clarification about AAC and chapters. Photo at wrong GPS location. iOS Screen Sharing. Apple Watch heart rate sensor trouble.
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Episode 204. This time we have a topic inspired by a question that came up on the Maccast Member Slack channel. What is the best way to clean up the storage on my iOS devices? Our iPhones and iPads can build up a lot of cruft over the years. Old apps, documents & data, photos, videos, music, messages, emails and attachments. They use up our flash storage and over time can clutter our devices. On our Macs it’s not too hard to find and clean these items, but how do you do that on iOS. This episode offers tips and tricks for finding and removing old data and files on your iOS devices to help you free up valuable storage space.
Maccast Members
The audio for this episode is available to Maccast Members. Sign-up or log in by visiting the Maccast Member site.
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Episode 610. Many faces, and backs, of iPhone 8. Diabetes monitor in future Apple Watch? Multiuser support may come to Apple TV. Apple get self-driving car permit. The ‘Server-grade’ iMacs. Do we need an iPad mini? Handling calls with Apple Watch. To defrag or not? The state of AAC in podcasting Thing of the Moment: Internet Archive Mac Software Library.
Special thanks to our sponsor: Bitbucket by Atlassian – For the Code.
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Episode 609. A delayed iPhone announcement? Next Apple Watch may arrive in September. Apple Pay contracts up for renewal. No 8-core Mac Pro in store. Beats 1 studio in an Apple Store. File Vault 2 issues and concerns. DNS, VPN, and Email security. Thoughts on Clips. More Terminal path tricks. Apple Pay and refunds.
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Episode 608. New Mac Pros and more! Strange iPhone ‘Edition’ rumors. Future iOS device may have Apple GPUs. Apple Music leads in unique monthly users. New iPad torn down. YAATVB – Yet Another Apple TV Bundle. iOS 10.3.1 update. Clarifying why “mini” Player isn’t “mini”. Some follow ups from last show. A quick talk about VPN. Strange files in the HD root. Show invisible files in macOS Finder.
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Episode 607. New iPad, but not Pro. What about “new” iPads? Hackers claim to have your iCloud password. Apple acquires Workflow. Apple Pay coming to ATMs. Apple’s latest OS and software updates. Password reset, needs new keychain. In defense of CarPlay. iTunes 12.6 may have gone too far (for me). What your Mac tells Apple. Text message forwarding to Mac. Running Mac anti-virus.
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Episode 606. New iPad Pros this week? More expensive iPhone, blame the parts. Apple hires security researcher Jonathan Zdziarski. More 5th Gen Apple TV evidence. International news. You now have more time to buy AppleCare+. Apple’s AR timeline gets some clarity. “The” wake from sleep monitor fix. How secure is your macOS user account? Apple Car play disappointment. Do more with your Live Photos.
A podcast about all things Macintosh. For Mac geeks, by Mac geeks. Episode 605. iPhone 8 ports, screens, and more. Apple’s has “thousands” working on AR. Tim Cook says Apple will “do more in the pro area”. Apple Pay expands to more countries. Apple Watch shipments continue growth. Apple looking for “original content” partners. iPad event predicted for early April. Apple already patched many CIA exploits. Have you tried Swift Playgrounds? About the AirPods sound quality. Restart a Mac from the keyboard. Quick Tip Join CD tracks in iTunes. Thing of the Moment: Bumpr.