MacCast 04.26.2009 - Show #264
Opening Music
Music is Say Anything by Manda and the Marbles
MagStay Uni
First 10 listeners to use code "freemagstaymaccast" will get one free (just pay shipping & handling).
Apple's Q2 results. Not too shabby.
Just before Apple's results call AT&T announced that they activated 1.6 million iPhones in Q1. 40% of iPhone owners are new customers to AT&T.
AT&T activated 1.9 million iPhones in the prior (holiday) quarter.
Apple sold 3.79 million iPhones in the second quarter vs. the 4.363 million sold in the first quarter. But up 123% over the same quarter a year ago.
Electronista cites ABI Research data that note Apple's global cell phone market share rose to 1.5%. This is in a period when Nokia and Sony Ericsson say their share fall.
3% year of year unit growth in iPod sales. 11.01 million iPods in the quarter.
Apple had their best non-holiday quarter in history.
Net quartery profits were up slightly from a year ago at 1.21 billion on gross revenue of 8.16 billion vs. profits of 1.05 billion on revenue of 7.51 billion in Q2 2008.
Mac sales were down 3% from the same quarter a year ago
Apple sold 2,216,000 Macs. Notebooks made up 63% of that number.
Apple Retail store revenue was up. 1.47 billion vs. 1.45 billion from a year ago
MacNN notes Apple's SEC filing which shows Apple cut about 1,600 full-time employees between Q1 and Q2
Conservative estimates for Q3. Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer expects revenue of 7.7 to 7.9 billion.
Vendors vie for Apple Netbook
Report from Commercial Times (Taiwan) via Electornista
Foxconn is said to be competing for Apple's netbook business
Could be competing against Quanta for the contract
Earlier reports claimed Apple had placed orders for 10" touchscreens from Wintek which Retuers claims will be delivered in the 3rd quarter.
Tim Cook sends mixed signals on Netbook during Apple's Q2 results call
"Not interested in them in the short term"
"The iPhone and iPod touch already do a lot of what a netbook does"
"We have interesting ideas in the space"
"If we find a way to deliver an innovative product we’ll do that"
Also on the topic of displays, Electronista agian cites a rumor this time from Smarthouse in Australia
They claim an LG executive said Apple will use a new version of LG's 15" OLED displays in a notebook due out in June.
OLED displays are about 2 to 3 times as expensive as other current technologies
Apple and LG already have an announced 5 year deal which Apple paid 500 million for up-front. LG provides about 70% of Apple's cyrrent displays according to Electronista.
More next gen iPhone stuff
An AppleInsider report says that Scott McElroy, AT&T Mobility vice president of technology realization, confirmed to TelephonyOnline that they are performing base station upgrades to double their high-speed packet access (HSPA) network from 3.6Mbps to 7.2Mbps.
AT&T will leap frog a 14.4Mbps HSPA upgrade and go straight to 20Mbps HSPA+ in advance of 4G LTE which they are saying willbe rolled out in 2011.
In conjunction AT& T is beefing up it's backbone network in advance of expected increased data traffic.
USA Today reports Apple in talks with Verizon
Launch a version of the iPhone on thier network in 2010
Tim Cook denied that Apple would do a CDMA phone saying a single GSM model is more desireable for Apple. Says Apple is very happy with AT&T
4G will be standardized and Verizion will have at least part of it's newtork ready by 2010 when the AT&T contract runs out.
iPhone 3.0 software may finally have voice control
Ars Technica says the beta OS has calsses and methods related to something codnamed "Jibbler” which is believed to bring voice synthesis and voice recognition capabilities to the iPhone and iPod Touch.
1 Billionth app downlaoded from App store
Bump created by Bump Technologies. Let's you exchange contacts between iPhones using a 'fist bump' gesture.
13-year old Connor Mulcahey from Weston, CT downloaded the app and received a $10,000 iTunes gift card, an iPod touch, a Time Capsule, and a 17" MacBook Pro.
AppleInsider points out that apps are being downloaded from the App store at a rate of about 5 million per day (5.55 million after Apple announced the contest).
Feedback, Comments and Commentary
Feedback on online backup services
Play comment from Joel
Play comment from Dave on JungleDisk
All of the services got pretty positive reviews. BackBlaze, Jungle Disk, and BackJack seemed to be favored
BackBlaze, might take months to do first backup. Happens in background (resources?), can backup externals + internals (no NAS support), $5/mo unlimited.
Jungle Disk, hard to figure out pricing, but people say it's cheap. $2.00/mo (or $20) + storage at $0.15/GB
Mounts as a drive, so you use your own software to do the backup if you want.
Pay only for the storage you use.
BackJack, least amount of up front storage (10 x10 GB for ~$8.50/mo. add 10GB for another ~$4.50)
Incremental recovery
With all the services you may want to be more selective about what you backup.
Formatting USB drives another tip
Anthony says he was able to format a USB drive under Leopard by booting off the System DVD.
Correction on iPod recycle credit
It's 10% off a new iPod at the Apple Store, not 15%.
Shortcuts for display sleep
Rick was wanted a quick way to display sleep his Mac, other than Hot Corners.
In 10.5 you can press Control+Shift+Eject (F12 on non-Apple keyboards). May need to make sure your keyboard & mouse settings are set to use media keys by default or add the 'Fn' key in if needed.
If you want a shortcut for full Sleep...
In the Keyboard & Mouse System Preferences under the "Keyboard Shortcuts" tab...
Add 'Sleep' and give it a shortcut, say Control+Option+command+S.
Review of MAXPower 802.11 USB 2.0 Stick Adapter
From Newer Technology
I needed to extend the ramnge of the built in 802.11g wi-fi built into my Mac Mini
The MaxPower is a USB 2.0 stick that comes with a cradle and works with Mac or PC
Do need to install driver software to do the inital configuration
Interesting that once configured it shows up as a USB ethernet device. I could actually trun off the built-in Airport.
The range is great and seems to perform at good speed.
Does take a while to "warm-up" on start and wake from sleep.
$39.99 USD from OWC
Challanges of getting 'Back to your Mac'
Had a couple listeners this week looking for solutions to access parts of their home Mac networks remotely.
Alejandro wanted to remotely monitor his store in Mexico from his iPhone
He used an app called AirCam
iCam seems to have better ratings and is $4.99 vs. $7.99
Problem is that you need to port forward traffic through your router to software server running on your desktop.
Problem with routers and port forwarding
Most ISP accounts are DHCP, so your public IP address changes.
Buy a staic IP from your ISP, usually $$$
Use a service like DynDNS
Some services like Slingbox, Mobile Me (back to my Mac), Simplify Media, etc. use a central directory server.
You internal network IPs might change (DHCP)
Most routers you can set up a smaller range for the DCHP. ( would typically be the router).
 | -, then use static IPs for machines you need to port forward to.
In Network preferences choose the interface and then select the 'DHCP with Manual IP Address' option. Add an address above the DHCP range you chose for the router, say
If you have a firewall software enabled you may also have to open up specific port depending on the service you are trying to allow through. If you can only open up specific ports for the staic IP'd machines even better.
Managing 'remembered' Wi-fi networks
When you connect to a wi-fi network you can have your Mac remeber that network so that if you are near that network again your machone will automatically connect. What if you want ot "remove" that?
All these tips are for Leopard. Should be similar functions in Tiger, but might not be quite the same.
In the Network System Preferences you can manage those "favorite" networks
Select 'Airport' from the list of interfaces
Click the 'Advanced…' button.
There you will see the list of "Preferred" networks. You can add, or remove them using the +/- buttons. Set the order they will try to connect by dragging them, or edit them
Change the 'remember any network this computer has joined' option in the screen as well.
Bonus: Changing Service Order
Also in the Network System Preferences tab
From the main window that lists the interfaces (Ethernet, Airport, etc), click the little 'gear' icon to see options.
You can Add, rename, or make a service inactive.
Also set the 'Service order'.
Bonus, Bonus:
You can set up all of these setting for different 'Locations'
In the main System Preferences-->Network window at the top is a drop down for 'Locations'
Click that and choose 'Edit Locations...' to add or remove.
Use the drop down to switch locations and settings. Hit 'Apply' to make tem active.
Once set up you can quickly change your network settings for a location from the Apple menu. Under the Location… item.
Podcast Marketplace
Thanks to my sponsors
Circus Ponies
Smile on my Mac
RCP Tones
Faronics, Deep Freeze
CocoaTech, Path Finder 5
Fox News Gadgets & Games Appearance
I had a chance to be on Clayton Morris' new web tech show on Fox News.
You can view the stream on-line or subscribe in iTunes
Keep emails coming. Audio comments.
281-622-4269 or 281-Mac-I-Am-9
MacCast Forum
"She's Changing My Mind" by John Hoskinson
From his latest album, "Pancho Fanastico"
Artist's site
Buy on iTunes
EOL: One Image to Rule Them All
Cool image that shows every Apple product ever released