Opening Music
Music is "Say Anything" by Manda and the Marbles
Band's MySpace page
Their limited edition 7" is back up on Interpunk.com. There you'll also find "Angels with Dirty Faces" which has the full "Say Anything" track.
Smile on My Mac
TextExpander Touch for iPhone and iPod Touch. August 26th.
Compose area, with Send to Mail, Copy all, and send to Twitter
Can have multiple compose areas
Sync clippings over wi-fi fro your Mac to the iPhone app.
USD$4.99, but on sale for $1.99 until September 9th.
To celebrate TextExpander is available at the special price of $14.98 until September 9th.
Free 30-day trial
Snow Leopard coming this Friday
Apple updated it's site Monday morning with a August 28th Leopard release date.
Packaging was the leaked packaging. Confirmed just prior to Monday's announcement by a Maccast tipster.
I still don't like it BTW. The literal use of a "Snow leopard" just seems obvious and not hip to me.
The main focus is on stability and speed enhancements, but there are some nice new features in there as well.
Nearly all system applications — including the Finder, Mail, Safari, iCal, and iChat — are now built with 64-bit code. One version that runs both 64-bit and 32-bit applications.
Grand Central Dispatch, OS handles threads for the apps which makes it easier for developers to take advantage of multi-core processors and architecture.
OpenCL, developer can code their apps to use idle GPU cycles for processing.
Faster bootup, shutdown, and wake from sleep. Faster Time Machine backup, up to 80% faster.
Remember, no significant new features. HAH!
Including one that may help B.C. - Play auto correct question
Auto correction and text replacement built-in.
Could also get TextExpander and then download their Auto Correct snippets, TidBits Autocorrect Dictionary Snippets, Accented Word, and Symbol Snippets. All from the preference pane, just click the + to add and select from the predefined groups.
Expose in the dock, click+hold. Stacks with subfolders.
iChat video chats will use 1/3 the bandwidth for same 640x480 resolution.
Quicktime X
QT Pro features built-in. Almost like getting the upgrade for free.
All new UI with overlay controls and a "borderless" window.
Trimming controls, like on the iPhone 3.0 OS
Screen capture, GPU acceleration, HTTP streaming support
Services menu is contextual, so it shows just the services appropriate for the application you’re using or content you’re viewing rather than all available services.
Automatic time zone setup, using wi-fi detection to determine location.
ActiveSync and Exchange Server 2007 support in Mail, iCal, and Address Book
Universal Access, VoiceOver trackpad support, more braille device support, including Bluetooth braille display support.
Mac-cessibility Network
Date in the menubar with the time. Woah, let's not get crazy.
Full list and details on Apple's site
Mac Observer reports that Mac Security software firm Intego may have uncovered a hidden Leopard feature
It appears to detect Malware, or at least the RSPlug Trojan horse in a downloaded disk image.
Snow Leopard popped-up a security warning, "install.pkg will damage your computer you should move it to the trash".
They had a screenshot, but were unsure how the detector works.
Looks similar to the "This installer/app was downloaded by Safari.app" messages. Has date and timestamp + the additional info identifying the specific malware.
Getting a lot of questions about Snow Leopard
Kevin wanted to know about family-pack licensing. Play comment.
64-bit mode, last builds to devs didn't seem to have 64-bit on by default unless it was Server. Had to hold 6+4 key on bootup.
Makes no sense because Snow Leopard can run 32 and 64-bit side by side.
My guess is it was just a development thing.
Support for Rosetta apps, apps that only have PPC code, not Universal. Word is now that Rosetta will auto load under Snow Leopard the first time you run an app that requires it.
Installing from Tiger vs. Leopard
If you buy the "upgrade" I have been told you need to have Leopard installed first
I would assume you can just install Leopard 10.5.0 and then 10.6 without doing updates.
The Box Set supposedly has a "full" installer.
Apple's looks for slight growth this quarter
AppleInsider says Gene Muster has mulled over the recent retail store numbers from NPD group and thinks Apple will see a 3-7% growth on year over year Mac sales for the quarter
The July number look like Mac sales are up 2% over the same period last year.
The pundit notes it may be too soon to tell since 50% of quarter sales happen in September, but Back to School offers should help
NPD notes iPod year over year sales down 17% for July.
Consumers moving to iPhones and iPod Touches
A cast noted by Apple Executives in the last Apple quarterly sales call
iTunes tops music sales charts
Maketwatch cites numbers, also from NPD Group, that say iTunes now accounts for 25% of all music sales in the US. That's up 4% from 2008.
10% more than Walwart which is the next largest reseller at 14%
iTunes sell 69% of all digital music and digital music sales now account for 35% of all US music sales up 5% from 2008.
Continued speculation on September 9th music event
Maccast listener Sutter pointed out that Apple's free iPod Touch Back to School promo ends on September 8th.
9/9/09 digitally remastered versions of the entire Beatles library drops along with The Beatles: Rock Band. Maybe an iTunes release announcement also?
Next gen Apple TV
Our own friend Victor Cajiao may have beat Gene Munster by a year.
Munster claims he expects the next Apple TV to be a full blown set with DVD, DVR, gaming, and of course iLife media integration.
Expects it to be a high-end product releasing in 2 to 5 years
Before that Muster thinks there may be a new version of the set top box with a subscription service behind it
Designed to compete with Hulu, Netflix, and cable
$30 to $40/mo would get you access
Timing depends on deals with the studios and content distributors.
Apple responds to FCC
Did it openly on their site
Said they hadn't rejected the Google Voice app and are still reviewing it.
Current issue is replacing/duplicating functionality. Phone, Voicemail, SMS
Confirmed AT&T had no involvement in GV rejection
Apple denies apps, but has to meet AT&T contractual obligation. i.e. not apps the redirect live TV streams over 3G network, no VoIP
20% of apps rejected on 1st try, most approved with changes/fixes.
Approval "stats"
40 full-time trained reviewers
at least two different reviewers study each application
95% of applications are approved within 14 days
8,500 new applications and updates every week. Have reviewed more than 200,000 applications and updates in a year.
Tablet reportedly under the Eye of Sauron Steve
Electronista says the WSJ has sources that claiming that since his return Steve has spent the majority of his time overseeing the rumored Mac tablet project
They also confirm two false starts for the project
Killed once for poor battery life and a second time for lack of memory
Apparently the report also says Steve sent an email to the paper saying, ""much of your information is incorrect".
Not sure what features the WSj has claimed, but rumors are
10" multi-touch screen
Extended version of iPhone OS
Verizon 3G network ready
NVIDIA graphics with an ARM processor, possibly using the Tegra core
1080p HD video capable
Macbook to get new look
AppleInisder reports that their sources say Apple is looking to redesign the Macbook line inside and out.
No details on the design or materials, but I assume they will continue to use plastics and possibly add the SD slot and Mini Display Port.
Macbook sales continue to be strong and Apple may push Macbook pricing lower
Lower cost and older gen components, cut high end features like Firewire. Toying with alternative processors like the Intel Atom.
Your expensive. Yeah? You have cooties.
Apple launched 2 new get a Mac ads that appears to be in direct response to Microsoft's "PC Hunter" ads.
"Surprise" with Hodgeman disguised as Mac and "Top of the Line" w/ Sienfeld star Patrick Warburton as a high-end PC
As Macworld points out both ads mention PCs having viruses.
Is this is what it's come to? The most intelligent thing we can come up amounts to schoolyard name calling?
How about doing some "app" ads for the Mac?
With the first Mac bot-net and 3 or 4 Mac trojans out there does Apple really want to flirt with raising the ire and attention of the hackers?
Both new ads are posted on Apple's web site
New Apple retail stores in NY and Germany
MacNN says Apple retail chief, Ron Johnson confirmed a new Apple store will open somewhere on the upper West Side of Manhattan later this year
Saturday at 10:00 AM Apple will open it's 3rd German store in Hamburg, Germany. If anyone wants to get me a t-shirt I would appreciate it. ;)
Feedback, Comments and Commentary
The what and where of hard drives
Tim wants to know where to get a FW800 drive to make a bootable back-up of his iMacs internal 250GB drive.
Wants to spend $150.00
Reliable and bootable
As far as I know making it bootable is mostly a matter of the drive formatting and partition mapping and your backup software
Using Disk Utility
Select the new drive and go to the 'partition' tab
Choose # of partitions and then click 'Options...'
GUID if you have an Intel Mac
Apple Partition Map if you have a PPC
In your backup software click the option for making a bootable backup
I'm a Seagate fan even with some of their recent issues.
FreeAgent Desk Mac versions have triple interface (400, 800, USB)
Save money with the FreeAgent Desk USB and could go portable and bus powered with the FreeAgent Go
For backup you don't need fast interfaces or 7200 RPM.
I also am a big fan of OWC
OWC Mercury Elite-AL Pro have FW 800/400 + USB2, + eSATA 'Quad Interface'. 500GB for USD $129.99
If you go with the FW400/USB interface you can get a 1TB drive for USD $154.99
The also have the OWC Mercury On-The-Go Pro line for USB bus powered drives.
LaCie is another possibility
I love LaCie's for design and their pricing has come down a bit
Had some reliability issues a couple years ago.
LaCie d2 Quadra Hard Disk USD $149.99
LaCie Hard Disk, Design by Neil Poulton, USB 2.0, 1TB USD $129.99
Bottom line is most drive have at least a 2 or 3 year warranty against failure. Seagate's have a 5-year warranty.
GPU and heat issues on 2006 iMacs
Pedro wrote in to point out this 32 page thread on 2006 iMac owners having issues the graphics issues on their 3 year old machines
iMacs effected seem to be the Core Duo (early 2006) or Core2Duo (late 2006) with the Intel GMA950, ATI 1600 and Nvidia 7300 (or 7600) GPUs. The NVidia's seem to be the most prevalent
Symptoms seem to be horizontal lines (or two) across the screen, and the spinning beach ball that freezes the iMac.
Logicboard and GPU replacements on effected units seem to sometime correct the issue for a while, but it can return.
Most users are pointing to heat issues and some say symptoms can be alleviated by using smcFanControl which allows you to tweak the fan cooling settings. (I don't recommend this if you aren't having issues).
Apple hasn't officially acknowledged the problem and many of these users are at the end of their Applecare
I always expect a Mac to last at least 5 years of faithful and reliable service.
Time to rethink your Office suite
Ken had a question about running Office 2004 under Snow Leopard (would require Rosetta optional install).
Didn't want to upgrade to Office 2008 because of cost and 2004 meets his needs
People don't give iWork it's credit
It's only $79.00 which might be part of the issue. Can't be ONLY $79 and be good.
Compatible with Office formats (.doc and .docx)
Does most of what most people need and looks good doing it.
Other option out there too
Neo Office, Open Office, Mellel, Mariner Write.
Bean, had never heard of before, but is fee. Only partially MS Word compatible.
Pasting without formatting
James uses Evernote, but was having issues editing notes on his iPod after syncing, play comment.
Issue is due to the iPhone 3.0 software's built-in editor and inability handling complex formatting.
Evernote works around it by allowing you to append to those notes. Then back at your Mac or PC you can clean things up.
On the iPod you could also copy all content to a new note (will make it text only) and then edit and save that version.
Or when you paste into a note on the Mac, use the 'Paste unformatted text' option (Command+Shift+V). This option is often available in other text and word processing apps as well.
Notes sync with Mail.app.
A smarter iTunes delete
Through a series of unfortunate events, a used iPod (with tracks), and and iPod to iTunes extraction Dave had a bunch of Protected AAC tracks in his library he couldn't use and didn't want.
How to sort out the mess? Smart playlists or date added sort.
Smart playlists are an often under appreciated feature of iTunes.
I use them to extract smaller subsets of my library for my iPhone
Recently added, limited to 4GB randomly selected. Music only
Adding relationships to your Address Book
Michael asked about how to create addressbook entries for a family (Dad, wife and 6 kids) all with same address, but 6 phones, emails, etc. Not wanting to have to update the street addresses on 6 cards.
1) Enter the "main" contact and then create cards for the additional contacts with just the basic info. So for the wife and kids make cards with just the names, mobile numbers, and emails.
2) In each of the cards add the related names. If you don't see this field you can add it in the "Template" section of the Preferences. So on the Bob Smith card you can add the related names. spouse: Sally Smith, child: Betty Smith, child: John Smith. These names will then be linked from the main card to the related cards. 3) If you'd rather have everyone's numbers on the Bob Smith (main) card you can use the green + in each section to add entries with custom labels, like "Sally's mobile", "John's email", etc.
Could use 'Smart groups' to organize them into a single area/list.
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"When You Got A True Friend" by Bert Deivert
Maccast listener and Blues artist living in Sweden
Artist's web site
Buy "Takin' Sam's Advice" Album on iTunes
EOL: DIY Wedding Photobooth
Using a Macbook, some Automator, a US$99 printer, and some Ikea shower curtains, Mac user David Cline created a fun a memorable way for his sister to get snaps of her wedding guests. (via TUAW)