Opening Music
Music is "Say Anything" by Manda and the Marbles
Band's MySpace page
Smile on My Mac
TextExpander and TextExpander Touch
Latest versions of all their apps are Snow Leopard compatible
Free trial available
Mac fans ready to buy rumors
MacNN says RBC Capital Markets' has surveyed Mac fans and analyst Mike Abramsky says they are more than ready to buy a Mac Tablet
The study says of the 3,100 people interviewed 21% are ready to buy
Assumes a price of between $500 and $700, much lower than the $700 to $900 in recent rumors
To compare only 9% were looking to buy an iPhone in April 2007
iLounge says the "5th Gen nano source" says the Mac tablet will be announced on or before January 19th, 2010 for release in May or June of 2010. Running the iPhone OS, not full OS X. 10.7" screen with 720p resolution
Microsoft Courier
Concept in "late-stage" development.
dual 7" screen, booklet format, pen and multitouch based.
3MP camera, "touchstone" inductive charging.
iTunes 9.0.1
Resolves issues browsing the iTunes Store.
Addresses a performance issue where iTunes may become unresponsive.
Fixes a problem where iTunes may unexpectedly quit.
Fixes a problem syncing Podcasts in playlists to iPod or iPhone.
Fixes a problem sorting albums with multiple discs.
Addresses an issue with the Zoom button not switching to Mini Player.
Terminal command will switch it back: 'defaults write com.apple.iTunes zoom-to-window -bool YES'
To switch back to Zoom to Mini Player: 'defaults delete com.apple.iTunes zoom-to-window'
Improves application syncing for iPod touch and iPhone.
Genius is now automatically updated to show Genius Mixes.
Apple got their accounting rule changes
Apple lobbied the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
Prior to the change had to use subscription rules of accounting to offer free updates to Apple TV and iPhone
Delayed when they could record revenue on their books. Spread over 2 years.
So will we now see free iPod Touch updates?
Rumors of iMac redesign
AppleInsider and others are predicting that Apple may be set to refresh their iMac lineup
Thinner design? No back bulge? Lower price points. Possibly have Blu-ray.
October release?
Also possibly a Macbook refresh at the same time. Lower pricing? Design with smoothed or rounded edges.
Electronista reports that direct resellers were told by Apple that they would take no new orders for the existing iMac configurations or for the low end Mac Mini.
Apple comes clean on green
Apple set up a new site to disclose details of it's environmental impact including details of it's "environmental footprint"
They list 10.2 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emission per year.
Broken out by lifecycle
38% manufacturing, 5% transportation, 53% product use, 1% recycling, 3% facilities
Product usage is further broken out and detailed
The site also has specific Product Environmental Reports.
Should help boost Apple's rank in the next Greenpeace report.
Also a new updated "Apps for Everything" section.
Highlights iPhone apps in a variety of categories.
Staff picks.
Is Apple collaborating with Intel on Lightpeak?
TUAW points out a Engadget report that says they have an 'extremely reliable source,' who says Apple is behind a push to bring Lightpeak to market
Lightpeak is a new new fiber optic cable technology they how would replace almost every cable and connector on your Mac today
Data at 10GBps in lengths up to 100 meters. Hope to reach 100Gbps in the next decade.
Combine with copper to deliver power to low power devices.
handles a variety of communications protocols, so one cable standard could drive monitors, external drives, scanners, etc.
Apple sends out unwanted Windows update
IT World blogger Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols posted to his blog saying Apple's Software update for Windows recommended he install the iPhone Configuration Utility 2.1.
Chances are you don't need it as it's a tool for IT administrators to manage multiple iPhones
Also include Apache Server, which Steven says can be a security risk?
Hold on, I don't think the app actually install Apache and kick off the daemon or anything. I bit of an over reaction
A few hours after the report Apple had removed the app from software update.
App store hits 2 billion
Increased by 1 billion in just 158 days which, Mac NN says is about 6.33 million app downloads per day.
According to Apple number is new app download, not including updates
Store has huge choices, 85,000 apps with over 125,000 registered developers.
How was your MMS experience?
According to Macworld AT&T says they were happy with the launch
I had heard of many people having issues or long delays in sending even through Monday morning.
Former Newton developer back at Apple
AppleInsider reports that the New Your Times confirmed that Apple has re-hired Michael Tchao to be their senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing.
Tchao has been at Nike working as a general manager for for Nike Techlab and Nike+
From June 1990 to August 1994 he was at apple working on among other things the original Newton.
Apparently he is also given some credit in convincing John Scully to do a consumer devices that used Apple's handwriting recognition technology.
Speculation is that Tchao is being hired to bring his experience to help market the rumored upcoming Mac tablet device.
Apple adds 2nd "O" carrier in the UK
O2's iPhone exclusivity in the UK is at an end and France's Orange has announced plans to sell the iPhone 3G and 3GS in the UK before the end of the year. No hard date given.
No pricing details either, but there is an interest sign-up form on the Orange UK website
Vodaphone also announced plans to carry the iPhone in Ireland and the UK starting in early 2010. Again little to no specific were available, but interested parties can sign up for notifications on the Vodaphone website.
Apple insider also reported the the iPhone would go on sales in China via China Unicom on October 1st. Pricing is reported set at the equivalent of $732.50 USD, but no specifics on the model.
Recent software updates
iWork 9.0.3
bug fixes and compatibility updates
Reducing file size of images that have Instant Alpha applied
Managing file size when inserting some movies
Working with dates and durations in the Chart Data Editor in Keynote and Pages
Exporting to CSV from Numbers when using table categories
Updates to iWork.com
Password protected shared documents
Improved comments
Simpler invites to shared documents
iPod classic 2.0.3 firmware
Support for Genius mixes
Circus Ponies
Snow Leopard compatible
Something that if you have in your app arsenal you'll find you use more and more.
Beyond notes and outlines
Flow charts and diagrams, organizing PDF content and research, Lists and to do's
Free trial available
Feedback, Comments and Commentary
More option tricks in Snow Leopard
Arun points out if you hold option while clicking the Apple menu the "about this mac" changes to 'System Profiler'
Also the ellipses on Restart, Shut Down, and Log out go away so you can use those options without a confirmation dialog popping up.
De-icing Snow Leopard
Play tip from Jason
Dealing with the loss of creator codes in Snow Leopard
Explain creator codes
In Snow Leopard uses the Launch Services DB settings, which are controlled by the Get Info dialog.
Will not always be the app that created the file.
Issue if you use multiple apps for the same type of file (html, css, txt, etc.)
To change globally
Select a file of the type you want to change
Choose Get Info...
From the "Open with" section select the default app for that file type and click the "Change all..." button
To change for a specific file
Same as above, but don't click the "Change all..." button
You can also hold down the option key after control+clicking the file. This with change the 'Open with...' option to 'Always open with.."
If you want to open with a different app for just that one time, control+click the file and choose 'Open with..."
Snow Leopard's 32-bit spawns
Ashok pointed out the awesome 23-page in depth technical review by John Siracusa over at Ars Technica
In it he explains how Apple uses a trick of spawning 32-bit process from their 64-bit apps like the new Quicktime X and Safari to run the 32-bit, like older 32-bit codecs and 32-bit plug-ins.
You can see these spawn if you watch the Activity monitor
The unrepairable permissions
Apple has a tech support article with a long list of OS X permissions that will should up as not being repaired, but can be safely ignored
You can also usually ignore any "ACL found but not expected..." message.
These occur when you deliberately change the permissions on a file or folder, so are correct, but you don't want the system changing them back.
Where are our iPhone hardware devices?
Remember back when the iPhone 3.0 software was announced and Apple said there was this great hardware integration with apps
Via dock connector and Bluetooth
Showed an equalizer for a stereo dock, and as a blood glucose monitor with a blood-testing device for diabetics.
Where are those apps and devices?
Even the Tom Tom hardware is MIA (October launch).
Griffin, just announced there new iTrip FM transmitter with app integration
Is that it?? An FM transmitter?
Review: EyeFi Geo
2GB SD card with WiFi and Geotagging using Skyhook Wireless
Sold exclusively at Apple Retail stores for $59.99
Add geotagging and wi-fi support to older cameras
Comes with a USB reader. Installs Eye-Fi Manager app in menubar, links to web-based configuration tools.
Have to set up each hotspot you will use the card with the card plugged into the USB adapter.
If you are out of wi-fi images will be pushed when you get in range.
Images flow through the EyeFi service. Option to have them queued there if your receiving Mac is not online. After they are delivered only a history and thumbnail is stored.
Worked good for me, but because Geotagging relies on wi-fi if you are out of WiFi range, no geo-tags
Go right into iPhoto, folder, or other app you designate.
Minimize to Dock cool, but how would you know?
Andy points out that Snow Leopard's new "Minimize Windows into application icon" option in the Dock preferences is cool, but once windows are minimized why is there no visual clue to indicate which apps icons have minimized windows behind them?
You can use the click and hold Dock Expose trick of course, but you would still need to remember which apps you minimized windows to.
How about changing the little blue beacon spot to a different color?
Any 3rd party utilities to deal with this dilemma?
Ignore Trackpad when mouse is present, not present?
Wyane pointed out that this option has been moved in Snow Leopard
Was in the Mouse and Keyboard settings, can now be found in Universal Access under Mouse&Trackpad tab.
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Circus Ponies
Smile on my Mac
Faronics, Deep Freeze
Guest Appearances
This Saturday 10/3 I plan to drop in on the Mac Computer Expo put on by the North Coast Mac Users Group in Petaluma California
Jeff Gamet from the Mac Observer and co-host on the Phone Alley Podcast will be there too
Keep emails coming. Audio comments.
281-622-4269 or 281-Mac-I-Am-9
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"Her Thoughts to Me" by Weather Pending
Podsafe music from Music Alley on Mevio
Artists web site
EOL: iPhone Origami
Fold paper to create a simple and zen-like iPhone stand. (via Cult of Mac)