Opening Music
Music is "Say Anything" by Manda and the Marbles
Band's MySpace page
Smile on My Mac
Disc Label
Great for end of the year archiving.
Supports direct to disc and lightscribe
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iPhone moves up as a top phone in 2009
October numbers from comScore show iPhone passing Windows mobile phones with 8.97 million users in the US.
Numbers supposedly represent actual ownership and use of devices, rather than sales
14.96 million Blackberry users
According to Electronista a recent Impress report shows iPhone leading sales in Japan with the iPhone accounting for about 46% of smartphone sales
24.6 percent for the iPhone 3G and 21.5 for the iPhone 3GS
International iPhone competition heating up
IPhone will launch on Vodafone in the UK on January 14th
Fees will start at £30 per month under a two-year contract Phones will cost between £59 for an 8GB iPhone 3G and £239 for a 32GB iPhone 3GS.
France sees price drops
Orange is now selling the 16GB iPhone 3GS for €59, a reduction from €149; the 32GB model is priced at €179, while the 8GB iPhone 3G costs just €19. With a minimum contract of €41 per month.
SFR is offer phones ranging from €29 for the 3G, to €99 for the 16GB 3GS and €199 for the 32GB model
Rogers Wireless and Fido have extended their free tethering offer through May 3, 2010.
Rumors of next iPhone spinning up
Rumors of WWDC in late June early July
AppleInsider reports a "corporate event" scheduled for June 28th to July 2nd. A title Apple has used in the past.
Booked in June and July by other companies according to TUAW
June 29th is the anniversary of the launch of the original iPhone.
Some expecting Apple to launch on Verizion
Most believe the exclusivity with AT&T ends in June of 2010
Electronista says DigiTimes is reporting that Apple is ordering upgraded sensors from OmniVision, the iPhone camera sensor supplier.
A 5-megpixel sensor, focused on image quality, low-light performance, and better 1080p video, not pixel count.
Possibly the OV5650 model which was announced last June.
Reports of iPhone OS 4.0 showing up in iPhone app developers analytics.
Apple Store set to open in Philly
I can't believe they didn't have a store yet
The Apple Core blog reports Apple is hiring Geniuses for a future store at 1607 Walnut street.
Apple updates 27" iMac firmware
27-inch iMac Graphics Firmware Update 1.0
Fixes issues with the ATI Radeon HD 4670 and 4850 graphics cards
Reports of flickering, tearing, and graphics corruption.
Requires 10.6.2
2010 Apple Rumors all about the Tablet
Earlier it was reported that Apple bought the MacTablet trademark from Axiotron in November of last year.
AppleInsider reports that Slate Computing, LLC owns the iSlate trademark and could be a shell company for Apple
Trademark was issued in November of 2006 and signed by Regina Porter, Apple's Lead Trademark Specialist
Slate Computing also filed for EU trademark using the same law firm they have used for EU trademarks in the past.
Slate computing also owns the "Magic Slate" trademark. "Magic mouse" --> Magic slate?
Apple owns the iSlate domain name.
Boy Genius Report says 7" tablet is 100%
An AppleInsider report says DigiTimes is reporting that Foxconn's panel-making subsidiary Innolux has been selected as the primary supplier of 10-inch panels for the tablet.
Issues with strengthening the glass has caused delays pushing the launch to Q1 of 2010.
Foxconn subsidiary G-Tech Optoelectronics has reported developed a glass strengthening solution for the displays.
AppleInsider reports Apple filed for a tactile multi-touch keyboard patent last year
Using an "articulating frame," to create physical bumps when in use.
New York Times piece has a quote from a "senior" Apple employee saying that Steve is extremely happy with the new tablet.
Many reports that a tablet has been in the works for a while, but was "reset" years ago.
Supposedly some of the tech innovations of the tablet has trickled into the iPhone and iPod Touch designs.
Apps, media content, and web will be a focus of the device.
Kevin Rose and Robert Scoble cite there sources in a recent TWiT episode saying there will be a big text focus as Apple woes print publishers
We has seen a number of publishing companies showing off video concepts of tablets. Wired, Sport illustrated, etc.
Apple TV Subscriptions
CBS and Disney are reportedly considering signing a deal (Electronista)
Apple reported offering the Studios a higher per subscriber rates vs. cable to entice them to Apple's service.
Apple is supposedly targeting a $30/mo subscription. 15-30 channels. Would be great if you could hand pick.
January event planned at Yurba Buena Center in San Francisco
January 26th, 2010
Announcement to keep FCC from leaking tablet.
Silicon Alley Insider reports that Apple has told select developers to have their apps ready for a demo in January and if they support full screen rather than a 320x480 display they should be OK.
One report I read pointed out an interesting thing about iPhone apps running on a tablet. Not all apps would need to run full screen.
Imagine some apps running almost like widgets in t 320 x 480 window.
Things like calculators, monitors, etc. might not need full screen real estate
Gene Munster, Piper Jaffray, says 50% that it's the tablet
More likely new iPod Touches, video, camera?
Possibly new Apple TV with subscription service
Almost everyone else thinks it's a preview of the Tablet.
Most rumors seem to be pointing to a late Winter release, end of March 2010
One contradiction to this timeline comes from the Taiwan's Economic Daily which is reporting Cheng Uei Precision is supplying connectors for an Apple Tablet but won't be shipping the components until the 3rd quarter.
What would a tablet bring to Apple
Munster told investors if it launches in March it could add 2% to revenue and Apple could sell as many as 1.4 million units in 2010.
Based on price of $600. Pricing has rumored from "shockingly low" to over $2000 USD.
Pathfinder 5
A file browser that can be as advanced as you want it to be
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Free 30-day trial
Feedback, Comments and Commentary
Correcting an error on the Maccast anniversary
On the 12/2/2009 episode I said the first Maccast posted on December 13th 2005, I should have said 2004.
More Flash stopping Software
Randy sent me a link to BashFlash
Only works on 64-bit Macs running Snow Leopard
Menubar item that turns from grey to black to red as Flash starts eating up processor cycles.
Only 64-bit because 64-bit Safari can run flash in it's own process which FlashBash can shutdown.
Flash starts back up on reload, but you can kill it again.
FlashBash is an App, not a plug-in
More on Apple growth outside the US
Play comments from André
It's interesting to think that the "halo" effect can push through perceived stigmas like that. Not only that, but I guess it's helping push past the price premium issues as well maybe?
Time Machine Tips
Will backup up internal and external drives unless you exclude them.
First time you enable it it will do a full backup which will take time. More if you are backup up over a network.
Can attach to a machine and then move after initial backup.
Change the location in the Time Machine System preferences. 'Select Disk…' option
Put Time Machine in a convenient place to launch
Finder Toolbar
From menu item, 'Enter Time Machine' (never thought how funny that command sounds) from the Menubar item.
System Preferences --> Time Machine. Check the 'Show Time Machine status in the menubar' checkbox.
Activate in Time Machine aware apps: Finder, Mail, Address Book, iPhoto '08 or newer and GarageBand '08
Spotlight and Quick Look work in Time Machine
Exclude items
System Preferences --> Time Machine.
Click the 'Options…'
Click [+] and then add the items you want to exclude
Select the item from the list and click [-] to remove it from the exclusion list
First in, first out policy
You can choose to be notified when Time Machine deletes old backups
System Preferences --> Time Machine.
Click 'Options…'.
Check the 'Notify after old backups are deleted' option.
You can delete items from Time Machine to make space
In Time Machine
Delete an item from backup
Find the item you wish to delete from backup
Control + Click the time and choose the "Delete all backups of 'filename'" option
You will be prompted to confirm your choice and then asked to enter your admin credentials.
Delete an entire hour, day, week, etc.
Enter Time Machine
Navigate to that instance of the backup. I use the grey timeline on the right.
Control + Click any time in the backup and choose 'Delete Backup…'
After you confirm your choice and enter the admin credentials that backup instance will be deleted.
You can keep other items on your Time Machine drives
Don't need to partition
Apple doesn't recommend it because these items won't be backed up up by Time Machine and it uses up available space available for Time Machine.
Backing up over the network
Time Capsule
Airport Extreme Basestation that supports AirDisk
Shared drive using Apple File Protocol (AFP) file sharing and both Macs running 10.5.6 or later.
Multiple Macs can backup to one Time Machine drive.
Adjusting the Time Machine schedule
I don't recommend this, but there are some tools to let you tweak the default schedule
By default it does every hour for 24 hours, daily for a month, weekly until it is out of space.
Time Machine Scheduler
Found via Lifehacker
Hasn't been updated since September '08
Time Machine Editor
Says it's Snow Leopard compatible
Does not modify existing system files.
Handles its own scheduling to trigger Time Machine backups, so you actually turn off TM in System Preferences and use this instead.
Migrate old Time Machine backups to a new drive
Get new volume and make sure it is GUID partitioned and is formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled).
Select the new drive's icon on the desktop and choose Get Info from the File menu. Make sure "Ignore ownership on this volume" is not enabled.
Turn off Time Machine. System Preferences --> Time Machine.
In the Finder locate the "Backups.backupd" file on the current Time Machine backup drive and copy it to the new volume. You will be prompted to enter your admin credentials. It can take a while to copy.
Once it completes, go to Time Machine system preferences and choose "Select Disk…" and choose the new volume, and click "Use for Backup."
Browse 'other time machine disks'
If you have an old drive with Time Machine backups, say after adding a new larger drive
Option + Click the menubar icon and choose 'Browse other Time Machine Disks'
A dialog will come up showing other volumes with Time Machine data.
I don't think this will work with drives from other Macs.
iPhoto image location, corruption, permissions, oh my.
Dean on the forum was attempting to Edit some images in iPhoto '09 and saw an outline with an exclamation point instead of his image in preview mode.
Will sometimes see just a black page and inactive controls in edit mode.
This is typical because iPhoto can't find the original image
When you add images iPhoto creates Thumbnails so you still browse them
Image may have also become corrupt, in this case you need to restore the original.
You can actually not have iPhoto manage your image locations by changing a setting in the 'Advanced' preferences.
Uncheck the 'Copy items to iPhoto Library' option
If you move the originals you will need to find them and re-add them in iPhoto
Finding files
Control + Click and choose 'Show File...' or 'Show Original File...'
Search using Spotlight. The 'Filename' is often the 'Title' View-->Titles or you can look in 'Photos' --> ' Show Extended Photo Info…'
Use Time Machine to Restore
Permissions issues can also prevent editing
Use Disk Utility
Find the file in the Finder, choose Get Info... and check the 'Sharing & Permissions' to make sure your account has Read & Write access
iMovie HD no longer an option, moving on.
Chandlier has been trying to make the switch to iMovie '09, but is struggling with the transition.
Apple used to make iMovie HD available along with '08, but no longer
It took me a while, but now with things like precision editing, etc. I find iMovie '09 methods to be faster for putting things together vs. a traditional timeline
I still miss the 3rd party plugins and addons.
Apple has a great set of tutorials available on their site
Lock your Mac from the menubar
Scott passed along this tip
Many use the screensaver + lock Mac + hot corner technique
Using Keychain Access (Applications --> Utilities --> Keychain Access)
Under Preferences in the General tab check "show status in menu bar".
Places a small "lock" icon in the menubar at on the top left.
Click the lock icon and the first option is 'Lock Screen'.
Bonus tip:
Hold down the Command key and click+drag any Apple menubar item (not 3rd party) and you can change it's order in the menubar. Dragging it off the bar will remove it. (Adding it back requires finding the preference to add it back, so be careful).
Podcast Marketplace
Thanks to my sponsors
Circus Ponies
Smile on my Mac
Faronics, Deep Freeze
Cocoatech, Pathfinder 5
Keep emails coming. Audio comments.
281-622-4269 or 281-Mac-I-Am-9
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"Thaw You Out" by Derek Clegg
Artist's website
From his new album, KJC which you can get for free, but buy it on Amazon MP3 anyway.
Buy on iTunes
EOL: 25 Years of Apple Mice
Flickr user raneko has posted a bunch of great images showcasing the past 25 years of Apple mice (via Cult of Mac)