Opening Music
Music is "Say Anything" by Manda and the Marbles
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Circus Ponies
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Gaming on the Mac
Intro Guests
Scott Johnson, The Instance, Film Sack, Fourcast, Extralife comic, Frogpants Studios
Brian Ibbott, Coverville, Film Sack
Charlie George, Tiredthumbs
Valve and Steam on the Mac
Teaser ads and build up to announcement.
Never seen a gaming buzz or marketing campaign like this targeted specifically at Mac community
Different ads appeared on various gaming and Mac sites and blogs.
March 8th Valve announced that Steam will be coming to the Mac
Titles include, Left 4 Dead 2, Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike, Portal, and the Half-Life
Also they will bring over Source and Steamworks for Mac
What is Valve, Steam, Source, and Steamworks?
Orange Box for Mac? What is OrangeBox?
Also announced Steam Play and Steam Cloud
Will allow you to play any title built on Source between PC and Mac
Steam Cloud will let you stop on one platform an pick-up at the same place on another
Both versions bundled at one price.
They are using native versions and not emulation.
Included WebKit into Steam and OpenGL into Source
Is this better than other titles using Transgaming Cider technology?
Does this change the game or just expand it?
Do people really game on the Mac?
Is this goign to convert the hardcore gamer to the Mac or just stop Mac users from buy/booting a PC
What are Mac gamers current options?
What about Streaming gaming like OnLive?
Will launch June 17 for $14.95/mo.
Games are rendered on the server?
No porting of titles.
Ye old Mac vs. PC as gaming platform debates
Not as many titles on the Mac
Macs are more costly.
Hardware is is more expensive and not top of the line
GFX cards and upgrades are limited
Is a 27" iMac enough these days? Do you need a Mac Pro?
Peripherals are limited
Razer announced all future products will have Mac support.
Is it a the dawning of a new day for Mac, and Apple, gamers?
Blizzard, Starcraft II Beta for Mac in April
InsideMac Games reported on a Blizzard Tweet that said the Mac version of the Starcraft II Beta “will be available in April, when it’s ready.
Also planning a major content patch for the game in mid-April
enable some basic achievements
improved voice chat
3x3 and 4x4 maps
Other unidentified features.
Map editor will also be out before late April
Not a priority, but will also eventually add critters.
iPad, does it mean anything for gamers?
Discuss gaming possibilities of the iPad
Apple showed off some exisitng iPhone games at the announcement.
X-Games Snocross
Nova on the iPad
Showed customizing placement of game controls, more screen real estate
3-finger twist to open airlocks
Rocket launcher multi target system by dragging a box around targets.
EA Need for Speed
Gameplay and UI dynamics
Processor and GPU performance, enough?
Does it go beyond casual games?
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Thanks to my sponsors
Circus Ponies
Smile on my Mac
Faronics, Deep Freeze
Cocoatech, Pathfinder 5
Keep emails coming. Audio comments.
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