Opening Music
Music is "Say Anything" by Manda and the Marbles
Band's MySpace page
Kamalert turns your iPhone into a portable Personal Safety Device with intelligent photographic Surveillance for the home, hotels, offices etc., along with Medical and Panic alert buttons using GPS technology.
"Panic buttons" can be set up for medical or personal emergency situations
at the press of a button SMS and/ or email messages are sent out several different people or organizations with GPS data and contact details
Set up your iPhone as a motion detector
Detects motion and can send email and/or SMS alerts along with photos
Monitor your hotel room, sleeping, kids, or maybe room
possible re-use for your old iPhone
Based on user feedback, they Just released version 1.21 which has greatly improved the sensitivity of the motion detection and usability of the app!
USD $4.99 on the AppStore
iPhone 4 is here
600,000 plus pre orders. 10 times higher demand.
Long lines and shortages at many stores
BGR had 1,000 to 2,000 reservations per Apple store
No walk-in units at AT&T, but more will be available starting June 29th.
Best Buy limited availability and only pre-orders
iClarified posted leaked Best Buy numbers which showed between 10 to 70 per store depending on location.
Many Radio Shacks didn't get shipments
Were calling customers to apologize and tell them not to come in.
Should have some this weekend
White models were not available. Apple says mid-July
"White models of Apple's new iPhone 4 have proven more challenging to manufacture than expected". Discoloration? Showing dust and dirt? Technical with sensors?
Predictions of 1.5 to 2 million sold.
Over 75% of "in line" purchasers were upgrading
Separate informal polls by Gene Munster (608) and Yair Reiner, Oppenheimer (174).
Shortages could continue through the Summer
Although I've had reports that many Apple Stores has good supplies on Friday.
Rodman Renshaw analyst Ashok Kuma says the issue may be caused by multi-touch display shortages.
And what about Verizon?
Digitimes says Pegatron will make a CDMA (Verizon) iPhone shipping in Q4
Droid Life and Engadget say that Verzion isn't interested in the iPhone and focusing on Droid as their platform for the Summer.
First iPhone 4 reviews
Seems to be living up to the hype
Reviewers love the screen quality
Speed also mentioned as a big improvement
5MP Camera and video quality excellent
Facetime is said to be dead simple and flawless, although you need a "solid" wi-fi connection.
Engadget did some Mi-fi tests
Ed Baig (USA Today) and Mossberg mentioned dropping without damage
Some complaints about AT&T from NYC reviewers.
iPhone 4's issues reported early
The great Antenna debate
Apple has responded publicly and there are rumors of a fix.
Software fix may be to deal with iOS4 and it switching to the most "reliable" vs. "strongest"
Seems to switch slowly which may be part of the issue.
Microcell owners don't see the issue.
iPhone 4 seems more sensitive, but older and other phones seem to have same issue
The Bumper and tape fixes don't seem to really work for me. Apple's "don't touch it there" fix does.
Only some reports of "dropped" calls due to the signal issue.
The glass
Engadget's Ryan Block reported the back glass already having an "incredibly minor" scratch on his device.
Back cracking on drops. May not be the same material.
Yellow discoloration on the display (MacRumors)
Apple responded saying it was residue from a bonding agent used to fuse the screen layers. Should resolve itself?
My personal launch day experience
Reauth several email accounts?
Transfer of lines, sign up for new plans
AT&T was on the ball.
Display is incredible
FaceTime is great
Can call 1-888-FACETIME (188832238463) and talk to an Apple rep live over Facetime. 8am to 8pm CDT
Super thin
Speed not quite as big as 2G to 3GS
Camera quality is excellent on both sides
iPhone 4 still had some secrets
Was revealed and confirmed that it has 512MB of RAM
help with multitasking and 720p video
AGD1 gyroscope chipset is designed by ST Micro seems to be an iPhone first or designed specifically for Apple.
iFixit thinks the front glass panel made of Corning Gorilla Glass.
Dust off your old 2G iPhone dock it fits perfectly (TUAW).
iMovie for iPhone 4
Released on Thursday
Works pretty well, but did slow a bit fro me.
Easy to add in video, still, and audio. Themes are nice. limited transitions and title options, but enough for a phone.
Things to note
background audio track is limited to 1 song/file and no looping. No length indicator?
Can't place tiles over photos
Can't turn off Ken Burns for photos. can trick it.
Can't share directly from app. Have to output to Camera roll. 3 size options. Can sync to Mac via iPhoto
Video shared directly from the device (MobileMe, MMS, Email, YouTube) is limited to 568 x 320.
Project files don't transfer, like iWork apps.
iOS 4 update released
Selective multitasking. Things like background audio, VoIP, Location Services, notifications, etc.
Direct Calendar API access
Spell check and text replacement
Media player and orientation lock.
Totally awesome and complete feature walkthrough at TiPb.com
Voice Control, "What Time is It?" command.
SMS: Spotlight search and message count.
Calendar: Show or hide calendars. Birthday Calendars.
Home Screen Wallpaper
Bluetooth keyboard support
US Tethering on AT&T (additional fees)
Control location services. Off globally or selectively. History of apps that used it in the past 24 hours.
Spotlight search settings replaces Home Button options
Passcode Lock, simple (4-digit) or advanced
Unified Inbox, new mailbox icons, threading
Attachment support for other apps.
Events, Faces, and Places now supported
Landscape mode
Small, medium, or large version on email send.
Tap to focus on video
5x digital zoom.
Create and edit playlists
Redesigned interface with focus on artwork
In Settings can turn of Podcast Info and Lyrics which come up when you tape the artwork on the Now Playing Screen
Watch in portrait mode
current location/current direction button now a pointer instead of crosshairs
Accounts button, notes on iPhone and on IMAP accounts
Over the air syncing of notes via IMAP
Notes in OS X Mail, label in GMail.
MacRumors notes Apple's support document notes more than 60 security fixes, 50 in WebKit alone.
Some upgrade issues and bugs being reported
Sluggish response on 3G models
Cult of Mac says a double hard reset may help.
Error code 3002 or long install, you might try a restore (you have a full backup right?)
Make sure you have a full backup of your device (maybe two) and backup your backup.
iBooks 1.1 for iOS
iPhone and iPod Touch support for iOS 4 devices
Bookmarks (multiple), notes, highlighting, dictionary
PDF shelf
Georgia font and 'Sepia' background.
Larger font sizes
MobileMe Updated
New "cloud" icon to switch apps (mail, calendar, contacts, iDisk, Find my iPhone)
Mail enhancements
Widescreen and compact views.
Server side Mail Rules.
Single-click archiving.
Formatting toolbar.
Faster performance.
Increased security with SSL.
Support for external email addresses. Select "from account" on reply.
Improved junk mail filtering.
iPad continues strong sales
iPad sales reached 3 million units in just 80 days
AppleInsider reported that Apple added Samsung as a 2nd supplier for displays along with LG
LG is reportedly producing 800,000 to 900,000 per month
Samsung will begin delivering 300,000 to 500,000 units per month starting in July.
Estimates are now that Apple is producing 1.2 million iPads per month and could ramp up to 2.5 million at holiday time
Tablets killing Netbooks, Desktops next?
Steve said at the D: All Things Digital Conference that he things devices like the iPad are the future of computing for many.
He didn't know when that would happen, but Forrester Research has a clue.
Latest numbers show tablets getting 6% of the market vs. netbooks 18% in 2010. Desktops at 32% and notebooks 44%
By 2013 tablet will overtake desktops 21% to 20%. Netbooks at 17% and Notebooks at 42%
2015: Tablets, 23%, Netbooks, 17%, Notebooks, 42%, and Desktops just 18%.
Apple gearing up for iAds
Some apps are already reportedly appearing with iAd placeholders. No ads yet.
Servers should be up on July 1st.
Can opt out of ad tracking by going to oo.apple.com on an iOS 4 device.
Need to for each device.
Don't know how you opt back in.
Quintet of new Canadian Apple Stores
Quebec City, Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver.
According to the MacNN piece Apple is already hiring for the locations
Saying some could be open for iPhone 4 launch in July
Smile On My Mac
Disc Label
CD and DVDs don't have to be boring
Great for archiving
Makes giving photo discs of images from summer parties, graduations, vacations more fun and relevant
Great themes, tools, and templates so you don;t have to be a designer, but you can if you want.
Free trial available for the desktop app.
Feedback, Comments and Commentary
Get "Hold" back on iPhone 4
Hold the "mute" button for a second or so. (via MacRumors)
AT&T Data Plan Confusion
Play comment from Eric
At first I thought the issue might be the move from the original $20/mo + 200 MSG plans to new plans.
This was forced on 3G owners, but they were able to get a $30/mo unlimited with no SMS
Since this is no longer a plan option I figured your being asked to pick one of the new metered plans.
Called AT&T and they say you should still be able to retain unlimited, but if you get a new iPhone you will have to move to the $30/mo unlimited with no SMS.
How to pick a new Mac
Darryl is unsure how to go about choose which Mac. Base desktop iMac to High End 8-Core Mac Pro
I personally almost always start off with application. How will it be used and what software will they be running
Consider not just now, but in the future.
The qualifier questions
Desktop or Notebook
related to this is longevity. Spend little now, but replace earlier or longer plans.
Personality, do they always need to have have the latest and greatest.
Do they have a display or need one?
The details
Mac Pro: 4 or 4 core Intel Xeons
iMac: Core 2 Duo, Core i5, Core i7
13", 15" or 17" Display
Glossy or Anti-glare
Core 2 Duo, Core i5, Core i7
Other factors
GPU, integrated or discreet
RAM, more is always better. I will sacrifice a few GHz for more RAM
HD vs SSD, size?
Ports and Expansion
Video, Display port, DVI, HDMI
Look at "real-world" benchmarks for the applications you will use
Core i5s and i7s bring performance gains to graphic intensive apps
If gaming is your thing you likely want a better GPU.
iTunes not keeping album artwork
Play tip from Chris
WAV files can't have album art, so maybe that was it?
If you go under the Advanced menu and don't see 'Create AAC Version'
Adjust the Import Settings
iTunes-->Preferences-->General-->Import Settings...
Select format, MP3, AIFF, AAC, Apple Lossless and encoding settings. iTunes Plus is 256kbps AAC
To get album art automatically
Select the track, albums, etc
Choose Advanced-->Get Album Artwork
Also 3rd party tools like
How to add album art manually
Select the track in iTunes, Choose File-->Get Info, go to the Artwork tab. Drag in a JPEG, PNG file (or click Add...)
Also drag and drop into the Album Art Viewer. Click the little square icon with the triangle in the bottom bar area on the lower left of the iTunes window to expand it if not visible
Click the Viewer title bar area to toggle between 'Selected Item' and 'Now Playing'
A track can have more than one album image, but I think only the first image syncs.
Sometimes the iPod doesn't pick up the changes or mis-matches the artwork and tracks.
Only way I have found to fix it is to turn off Music syncing. Sync the iPod and then turn back on and re-sync.
New iPads, iPhones, etc. have higher resolution. You'll want bigger Album Art images. At least 600 x 600
New iTunes preview pages have helped.
Find the album in the iTunes Store
Control+Click the album Art image and choose 'Copy link'
Open Safari and paste the link into the location bar. Hit enter.
Will likely launch iTunes, but go back to Safari and the iTunes web preview page should be there.
Control+Click the artwork image and choose 'Open Image in New Window'
Now look at the filename in the URL bar. It will likely have something like '.170x170-75.jpg' at the end. Change both 170s to 600s and hit enter.
In many case it will return the 600x600 pixel version of the artwork. Not always.
Choose Save As... or drag that larger image to iTunes to use as your artwork.
Of course you can always try Google Image search or other online tools, but size and quality typically varies.
Podcast Marketplace
Thanks to my sponsors
Circus Ponies
Smile on my Mac
Faronics, Deep Freeze
Cocoatech, Pathfinder 5
Keep emails coming. Audio comments.
281-622-4269 or 281-Mac-I-Am-9
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New Music
"Shake" by Buzz Meade
From MusicAlley
Buy on iTunes
EOL: Stormtrooper iPhone 4 Unbox
Even the Empire's finest want the new iPhone. (via Cult of Mac)