Opening Music
Music is "Say Anything" by Manda and the Marbles
Band's MySpace page
Kamalert turns your iPhone into a portable Personal Safety Device with intelligent photographic Surveillance for the home, hotels, offices etc., along with Medical and Panic alert buttons using GPS technology.
"Panic buttons" can be set up for medical or personal emergency situations
at the press of a button SMS and/ or email messages are sent out several different people or organizations with GPS data and contact details
Set up your iPhone as a motion detector
Detects motion and can send email and/or SMS alerts along with photos
Monitor your hotel room, sleeping, kids, or maybe room
possible re-use for your old iPhone
Based on user feedback, they Just released version 1.21 which has greatly improved the sensitivity of the motion detection and usability of the app!
USD $4.99 on the AppStore
Apple's Third Quarter Results
Revenue of $15.7 billion with net quarter profit of 3.25 billion. That's a year over year revenue gain of 61% with profits up 78%.
3.47 million Macs sold. A quarterly record and up 33% year over year.
Not concerned about iPad cannibalization.
3.27 million iPads
8.4 million iPhones, up 61% year over year.
AT&T reported activating 3.2 million iPhones in the quarter. And that pre-order sales were10x higher than for the iPhone 3GS.
iPod sales were down 8% with Apple selling 9.41 million in the quarter.
International sales accounted for 52% of the quarter's revenue.
Selling iPads and iPhones as fast as they can make them.
Working to increase capacity and don't see any specific component shortages slowing production.
Reported they expect the costs of free iPhone 4 cases to be around $175 million.
iPhone and iPad in business
60% of the Fortune 500 are deploying iPhones
50% for the fortune 100 are deploying or testing the iPad
Reports that Apple Stores are setting up teams to target small local businesses
Data Center on schedule and should be completed by the end of the year.
Conservative for the 4th quarter
New products have higher component costs which reduces Apple's margins
Apple explains how it collects geo location data
Policy was updated June 21st. Any iTunes purchases or downloads after that date required acceptance of the new terms.
Concerned two U.S. House of Representatives members asked Apple for clarification on how it gathered the data
When a customer's device sends Wi-Fi, cell tower, GPS, or diagnostic location information to Apple, it does not include any information identifying the particular device or use.
For iAds, a user's latitude and longitude coordinates are collected anonymously and immediately converted to a five-digit ZIP code. The latitude and longitude coordinates are not maintained.
iAd server does not match ZIP code info with a particular device or user.
Advertisers never see the ZIP code info.
Apple points out that customer can turn off location services completely or on an app by app basis.
They are also notified when an app first want to activate location services and must allow it it do so.
An icon also appears on the device anytime location services are active and in the Location Services setting it shows which apps have activated location services in the past 24 hours.
iTunes 9.2.1 update
Disables older versions of some incompatible third-party plug-ins
Addresses minor issues with dragging and dropping items
Addresses a performance issue when first syncing to some devices with iTunes 9.2
Addresses an issue upgrading to iOS 4 on an iPhone or iPod touch with encrypted back-ups
Addresses other issues that improve stability and performance
iBooks 1.1.1
Double tap an image within a book to view it in greater detail.
Experience books that include audio and video.
Enjoy substantial performance improvements when reading PDFs.
Look-up definitions to English words inside books without a specified language.
Addresses an issue that may have caused some book downloads to not complete.
Includes many stability and performance improvements.
1.1.2 update
Addresses a bug some users faced when installing the 1.1.1 update.
iPhone 4 dropped call rate gets perspective
Gruber found a publicly available powerpoint that put AT&T Dec '09 network dropped call rate a 0.91%
Assume the 3GS dropped calls were slightly higher than network average, 1-1.5%
Jobs said iPhone 4 was <1 per 100 higher than 3GS. That means it' s rate is 1.5 to 2 times more.
Still about the 2% range which isn;t too bad.
BGR found a more recent numbers given to Tech-Ex website in response to a ChangeWave survey. AT&T said the numbers were 1.44 % for AT&T network in March 2010.
Important to note that the cause of the drops is not a factor nor is the distribution mentioned.
I imagine NYC, SFO, etc are higher rates and other locations are better.
In Q&A Apple noted it takes 3 years to get a new cell tower approved for San Francisco. 3 Weeks in TX.
Gruber himself points out "the iPhone 4 gets usable reception in areas where previous iPhones got none. Those may well comprise many of the extra dropped calls."
iPhone 4 Free Bumper program
Free refunds already credited to customers who paid by credit card in store
If you paid cash then you need to go back with your receipt
Fill out a rebate coupon if you purchased your Bumper at AT&T
Free app to submit order for free case
Shipping in 3-5 weeks.
Available in all countries where iPhone 4's have been sold.
Case choices
Apple Bumper (Black)
Incase Snap Case for iPhone 4 (Smoke or Clear)
Belkin Shield Micra for iPhone 4 (Clear)
Griffin Motif iPhone 4 Diamonds/Smoke or the Griffin Reveal Etch iPhone 4 - Black/Black Graphite
Speck Fitted Case iPhone 4 (Black Tartan) or the Speck PixelSkin HD iPhone 4 (Black)
If you already bought one of the 3rd party cases it doesn't look like you'll get a refund.
White iPhone delayed until end of the year
Official announcement from Apple on Thursday.
Just two days after Q3 results call where they said end of July
Week after the "Antenna" press conference where Jobs announced the end of July ship date.
The black iPhone will launch on July 30th in 17 other countries.
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland
Apple prepping retail for iMac refresh?
AppleInsider says Apple began advising its direct and indirect sales channels of near-term shortages of iMacs
No more stock of the entry level 21.5-inch, 3.06GHz iMac for in-store pick-up
I didn't even know it was an option
Apple launched a "Reserve and Pick Up" program in Nov. 2009
Now good luck finding the links on their site. I Googled for it.
Dual Core i5 Models, Quad Core i5s and i&s, and possibly Core i3s at the entry level.
USB 3.0 support and a faster FireWire interface
Mac Pros are also reportedly "out of stock" at several locations.
I don't know if the "In store pickup" feature can be used as an indicator. I imagine in store stock goes up and down on a daily basis.
On-line orders are still shipping in 24hrs for both iMacs and Mac Pros.
Sidenote: Buzzing of an iLife Refresh
iLife '10 or '11
Out mid-August (in line with iLife '08 release timeframe)
Apps all 64-bit, dropping iDVD, new "mystery" app. All new iWeb (HTML 5?)
Mystery app: Make you own iTunes Album or iTunes Extra content. iBooks?
Smile On My Mac
TextExpander and TextExpander Touch
Couldn't get through my email without it.
Sync your snippets wirelessly between the desktop and iOS devices.
Integrated with over 30 apps for your iPhone and iPod Touch
Some of the most popular Twitter Clients, Writing apps, and more.
Free trial available
Feedback, Comments and Commentary
Follow-up on using star ratings
From Robert. Mark tracks you want to delete on your iPod as 1 star. then when you sync back to iTunes you can quickly identify them for removal.
Hold down Option when you delete it from a playlist and it will also remove the track from the main library and move it to the trash.
Rate tracks from the Dock or the Menubar
Control+Click the iTunes icon in the dock, select Rating, and assign it stars
Michael points out "I Love Stars" from Potion Factory. Give you the ability to rate the currently playing iTunes track from the menubar.
And if you want to control iTunes from the menubar too he points out Synergy (5 euro)
A better explanation of de-tuning
Play comment from Ted
We Have Communicators podcast with Spencer Webb of Antennasys
Bridging the gap is not causing the antennas frequencies to mix.
Your body is changing the characteristics of the cellular antenna. Like grabbing a vibrating bell.
Also the "hot spot" is that gap which is the connection point for the antenna.
Signal strength can play a roll in the severity of the effect.
Solution is to allow space (air) around the antenna.
That's why the effect is minimized with internal antennas
Also, the hot spot was on the back of older phones, now on side.
On the back the natural "cupping" while holding provided a natural space for air around the antenna.
Bumper or cases provide that "pocket" between your hand and the antenna hot spot.
Tape and stickers have to be pretty thick (a mm or so) to help. A couple thousandths of an inch won't help.
Print your own Cards from iPhoto
Many people are aware of the Card, Book, and Calendar features of iPhoto
But you don't have to buy them from Apple
Play with the different designs and themes.
Holidays, events, etc.
Card vs. postcard
The Picture Card, Picture Collage, and Year and review designs offer a lot of options
Embed "text" and titles into photos using the cards
Select photos and adjust. B&W, Sepia, Antique presets. Color, exposure, contrast.
Control fonts and turn off "Apple Logo"
Order from Apple
Print direct to Photo Card stock or Postcard stock
You'll need to play with print setting a lot to get a workflow that works
Print to PDF
Open in Preview to get more control of printing or convert to JPG/PNG, etc.
Print PDF to iPhoto to enable other sharing options, like email.
Time for your quarterly security reminder
A couple of Mac security warnings this month, so be diligent.
Malicious websites could use Auto-fill, plus Javascript to scan for and post saved password and credit card data
Consider turning off auto-fill and clearing existing data
Know what sites you visit. In Safari View-->Show Status Bar (Command+Slash). Hover over links in Mail to get URL tooltip.
ArsTechnica reports that Apple has displaced Oracle as the company with the most security vulnerabilities in its software, according to security company Secunia.
Report is on just number of flaws not severity
All software is considered, so not just Apple's or the OS, but also 3rd party
Quicktime, Safari, iTunes (quicktime via extension), Adobe (Flash and Reader), Java (Oracle)
Keep your software up-to-date
Converting VHS to H.264
I finally began this project and here is my experience so far
Finding a VHS player ain't easy
Using the Elgato Video Capture device and software
Makes it dead simple.
USB to composite or S-video. Conversion done in software
Wizard walks you through the set up
Video, audio, capture.
Trim and then send to QuickTime, iTunes, iMovie, or upload to YouTube.
Great features
H.264 or MPEG-4. Encodes directly, so it's fast.
640x480 max resolution, but appropriate given the source content.
Looks as good as source material.
Adjust video color, contrast, etc. Adjust audio gain.
Auto stop the capture based on length (10,30,60,90,120, or 180 mins.)
Mute sound during capture
A few minor issues
Occasionally I am getting what I think are a dropped frame or two
Switching to discreet GPU seemed to help, but now I get "crackling" pass through audio (not in capture though)
Can only trim ends, unlike Turbo.264
Adding metadata with Meta X
Recovering a deleted iTunes Library
Play comment from Chris
Prosoft Data Rescue 3
Reminder about the 3 places rule.
Apps that use Song Fingerprint
MusicBrainz database and AmpliFIND music ID
SongGenie and CoverScout
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New Music
"One Perfect Day" by Adrienne Pierce
From Musicalley
Artist's site
Other music available on iTunes
EOL: Darth's iPhone 4 Support Call
An Apple support rep gets a call from the dark side on the iPhone 4 antenna issue