Opening Music
Music is "Say Anything" by Manda and the Marbles
Band's MySpace page
PDFPen 5.0 is now available
Search and replace or Search and redact
Redact feature will black out your selected text to protect sensitive information
Works with OCR'd text too.
More advanced image adjustment and enhancement features
Better performance, including multi-core support for OCR.
Free trail available.
Apple's entertainment interests grow
According to a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Apple has entered into a multi-year licensing deal with Rovi.
The filing doesn't specify what was licensed.
According to the Rovi website they are, "global leader in digital entertainment technology solutions."
If your like me you didn't recognize the name Rovi, but you may know their prior name, "Macrovision"
They have a catalog of entertainment metadata for TV, movies, music and games.
This is speculated to be what Apple may be licensing
The companies site lists their program guide and copy protection technologies as what they license.
Gene Munster see the deal as more evidence that Apple is working on dedicate TV and DVR products that they will release in the next 2-4 years.
Way to stretch Gene.
Security Update 2010-006
Addresses a vulnerability in AFP (Apple File Sharing Protocol).
A remote attacker may access AFP shared folders without a valid password
An error handling issue exists in AFP Server. A remote attacker with knowledge of an account name on a target system may bypass the password validation and access AFP shared folders. By default, File Sharing is not enabled. This issue does not affect systems prior to Mac OS X v10.6. Credit to Pike School in Massachusetts for reporting this issue.
Apple's mobile profit vs unit sales
Canaccord Genuity and IDC posted numbers that show how Apple's mobile market share has little to due with the short term impact to their bottom line
From January to June 2010 Apple's unit share of mobile handset sales was around 3%. Their share of the industry profits however, 39%.
That beats out Nokia, Samsung, and LG who's combined handset profits accounted for 32% of the industry profits so far this year.
Canaccord Genuity estimates that Apple gets a 50% gross margin on iPhone sales with an operating margin above 30% while more others in the industry eek a 10% operating margin.
Apple readying CDMA iPhone for launch?
We continue to hear rumors of Apple prepping a CDMA iPhone
This time from an analyst who says he's checked with Asian suppliers who are set to make 3 million shiny new "Verizion-ready" devices in December.
Pegatron Technology has been signed to start building CDMA-based iPhone 4 models in November, and is expected to ship upwards of 10 million units by mid-2011
Most are convinced that Apple will end the AT&T exclusivity in the US and add Verizon
I think it's time.
With european sales numbers braking records, we've already seen how opening up carrier partners can fatten Apple's bottom line.
Rumors of a Qualcomm deal
A new survey from Credit Suisse says 23% of AT&T iPhone customers are ready to jump ship when and if Verizon gets the device.
Despite all the blogosphere's wishful thinking
Verizon's CEO said they want Apple, but they need to "earn" it.
Statement seems to point to their build-out of LTE network and showing they are ready for the massive amounts of data traffic that crippled AT&T
I still have a gut feeling that most if not all the initial supply of CDMA iPhone's are bound for China
Apple TV rental battlefield
Looks like TV execs aren't feeling Apple's $0.99 TV rentals
First Time Warner CEO Barry Meyer and then NBC Universal CEO Jeff Zucker said the price is just too low.
Meyer worried the price would eat into sales of "seasons".
Zucker claims $0.99 rentals will "de-value" their content. (I think his love for reality TV programing and for Jay Leno already accomplished that).
Seems like a repeat of the Music industries "album" sales argument.
Seems to me more like media "quote" fodder to attempt to keep leverage against Apple
Both are on Hulu, with ads, but free or $9.99/mo on the new Plus service
Both are also on Netflix streaming at $8.99/mo.
Since the new Apple TV supports Netflix I guess in a way Apple wins whether the networks play the rental game or not.
Drop in TV show purchases and loss of "rental" revenue since they aren't available.
Most TV shows I don't care to own. I'm watching a TON of streaming.
At Netflix price I estimate I'm paying $0.20 an episode.
Updates to iWork for iOS
Brings ability to export in Office compatible file formats for Numbers and Keynote. Pages already had .DOC export.
Support for file transfers directly from iDisk (Mobile ME) and Web DAV servers
Option to display Word count
Group and ungroup objects
Open .txt files from Mail
Open CSV files from Mail and other apps
Group and ungroup objects
Import and export Numbers ’09 tables with image background fills in cells.
Group and ungroup objects.
Support for audio in builds when importing Keynote ’09 presentations.
Add animated builds to grouped objects.
Lens Flare, Spin and Wipe build animations.
Revolving Door, Swoosh and Wipe slide transition animations.
All 3 apps also get numerous bug fixes and other updates
Surprise, Apple customers generally satisfied.
Apple topped the PC category of the American Customer Satisfaction Index.
Scored 86%, 2% higher than last years rating which was Apple's previously highest score
Apple beat out the next highest competitors (Dell, Acer and HP) who all scored 77% (9% lower)
On the smartphone side Apple topped the latest J.D Powers and Associates customer satisfaction survey
Despite any "antenna issues" customers gave Apple an 800 out of 1000 score
They had "Among the best" rankings in 5 out of 6 categories.
Only getting an "The Rest" 2-"star" score in Battery Function (I assume because it's not removable?).
Motorola (791) and HTC (781) and Industry Average score of (764)
Apple TV shipping rumors
Reports of some customers being charged late last eek
Reports of Apple sending emails to customers who ordered Apple TV with expedited shipping.
I haven't seen those emails and I have an order placed with overnight shipping.
Macbook "Almost" Air rumors
A strange report out of the DigiTimes
Saying Quanta has orders to produce a new 11.6-inch MacBooks for Apple
The units would also reportedly lose the internal SuperDrive in favor of an optional USB 3 external unit.
Good news there is I guess next gen Apple products are getting USB 3 ports.
So basically a sub-$1,000 Macbook Air? Oh, and it will land here in this year.
And since we're miniaturizing things…
The 7-in iPad design is finished and ready to go in Shenzhen, China.
More like a big iPhone 4 w/o the forward facing camera (kills the rumor in my opinion).
iTunes 10.0.1 Update
iTunes 10.0.1 makes it easier to share your favorite music with your friends on Ping. You can now Like or Post about music right from your iTunes library.
You can also easily see the recent activity of a selected artist in your library, or of all artists and friends you follow on Ping using the new Ping Sidebar.
Replaces "Genius Sidebar"
Updated Terms and Conditions
Using the Ping Sidebar, iTunes will send information to Apple about the content you select in your iTunes library.
Hide the Ping Sidebar or opt out of Ping to not have that data sent to Apple.
Addresses an issue where the picture quality of a video changes depending on whether the on-screen controls are visible.
Resolves an issue where iTunes may unexpectedly quit while interacting with album artwork viewed in a separate window.
Fixes a problem that affects the performance of some third-party visualizers.
Addresses an issue where the iTunes library and playlists appear empty.
Resolves an issue that created an incompatibility with some third-party shared libraries.
"Ping" dropdown next to currently playing track and when selecting other tracks in your main library
Quickly "like" or "post" to Ping. Can also access artist profile and other iTunes Store pages.
Daylight savings time bugs
The States doesn't switch over until November, but in the southern hemisphere there appears to be mayhem.
The clock app is reportedly waking up New Zealanders an hour early
I have a listener in Brazil who has 2 October 16th. (they switch on the 17th) and when he has an event that spans the 16th and 17th and then syncs the bug manifests itself.
Personal safety and video surveillance app
Can set up "panic" buttons for personal safety and medical emergencies.
Can SMS or email preset contacts with a message and your location.
Surveillance can use the camera to monitor for movement
Can send pictures via SMS and email
Sound an audible alert
Great for traveling, keeping an eye on the cookie jar, an unruly pet, whatever.
Feedback, Comments and Commentary
Self diagnosing Mac issues
Last show I said don't be afraid to take your Mac into Apple if you think you have a hardware issue.
Concerned Genius worried that too many people would haul their systems in needlessly and create extra load on the system.
If they can't replicate the issue then there isn't much they will be able to do.
You need to do some things prior to taking it in. Up to and including re-installing OS X (pain in the butt, I know).
Rule out software conflicts
Add ons, third-party extensions and control panels, 3rd party hardware
Update software, drivers, firmware
Are you up-to date on your OS and Mac firmware updates?
Re-apply the latest OS combo update for your system
Do the "rubber-chicken" dance
Zap the PRAM
Run Disk Utility and verify the drive and repair permissions
Clear the caches, rotate logs, etc.
Create a new "test" user account
Swap out cables
Re-install the OS.
Bottom line, "Beachballs happen".
Clean out the kurfuffle.
Hide the new "Ping" drop-down
Quit iTunes, and open Terminal.
Enter this line:
defaults write com.apple.iTunes hide-ping-dropdown -bool TRUE
Restart iTunes.
To reverse the setting repeat the steps and replace the "TRUE" with "FALSE".
Running hardware tests
Email from Hamish who is having trouble with his Power Mac. Has 8GB of OWC RAM and is concerned about RAM issues
Main symptom is beach balls when just a few apps are open.
He did take his system to Apple and they ran overnight tests
Activity monitor showing low "free" memory, but high (5-6 GB) "inactive". Also high number of "page-outs".
High "inactive" isn't much of a concern and may account for the "page-outs".
At one point the physical memory must have been "maxed" out.
He asked about running his own hardware tests
Apple Hardware Test
Used to be on a separate disk
Newer Intel based Macs on OS DVD
10.5.4 and earlier on Mac OS X Install Disc 1
10.5.4 and later on Applications Install Disc 2
Disconnect everything except Apple Mouse and Keyboard (dig 'em out if need be)
Insert the appropriate disk and restart or boot up and holding down the "D" key.
Old school 8-bit Mac icon with "chip" should show up on the screen.
Perform the basic tests
Basic tests will take several minutes
If that doesn't find anything you can repeat and perform the "extended testing".
Extended tests can take an hour or more.
3rd Party testing tools
TechTool Deluxe (Included with AppleCare)
TechTool Pro
Backing up movie collection
David has been building up a movie collection mixed with iTunes purchase and his own back-ups
iTunes stuff is in iTunes and back-ups are on an external 1TB drive (no backup)
With hundreds of GB of data or TBs even, what to do.
Until we have iTunes cloud we are stuck on the iTunes stuff to backing up ourselves.
Our own stuff we also have to manage
Drobo + Cloud
Could be another "RAID" solution
NAS, mirrored 2 disk drive, etc.
Move the iTunes folder to the Drobo or set up a sync of the iTunes movies folder to the Drobo as a back-up.
I like ChronoSync for setting up automated sync. (USD $40.00)
3 external drives
1 is the 1TB drive you have already
2 and 3 are clones of the 1TB. Use Super Duper or Carbon Copy Cloner on a schedule.
Drive 2 and 3 rotate off-site depending on the frequency of adding new content
Drive 3 could be replaced with an off-site backup solution
2 bare drives and a drive dock.
Archive content to DVD as you acquire it
If you stay on top of it this isn't a horrible solution, but it can be time consuming.
Review: Switcheasy iPad Case
Play review, tip and question from Steven
Switcheasy Nude case for iPad
Online backup service that supports NAS
Wikipedia article with good comparison chart
Really difficult to determine which services offer NAS support. Seems like many don't.
I tested CrashPlan and I could get it to backup a shared drive from my Mac
Other option may be to get a local drive and use a tool like ChronoSync to sync the data from the NAS to the local disk.
Gives your a second local copy of critical NAS files.
Careful as some online backup services only support the main boot drive and not even attached storage.
Choosing off-site backup solutions
Play question from Jake
Drobo gives you a redundant local backup and should work well if you keep it connected locally.
Drobo FS is their new solution for network backup
Off-site is slow for large amounts of data
100GB will take over a month
Some services limit the max size of individual file and also restrict some types of files (say video).
For off-site many of the services offer a "mail-in" option to see the data on their servers.
Additional fees
Have to send in your hard drive, so may need a second drive.
DIY using external drives or bare drive docks.
How big an iPad do you need?
Play question from Garrett
Covered travel and the iPad on a recent Maccast Member episode.
Usage and what other devices will determine your size.
Games (esp. 3D ones), media, video, etc.
Large PDF documents (construction and drafting plans)
Do you use another device for your media?
Mac Computer Expo 2010
I'll be doing the Keynote Panel at the North Coast Mac User Group Mac Computer Expo in Petaluma, CA in October
Victor Cajiao, Jeff Gamet, Bryan Chaffin, Chris Christensen and I will discuss Apple changes and their meaning for the future
It's free
Saturday, October 2nd, 2010 9am – 5pm Petaluma Community Center
Podcast Marketplace
Thanks to my sponsors
Circus Ponies
Faronics, Deep Freeze
Cocoatech, Pathfinder 5
Keep emails coming. Audio comments.
281-622-4269 or 281-Mac-I-Am-9
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"That's Gravity" by Geoff Smith
One from one of the original Podsafe artists
From Musicalley
Artists web site, has video.
Buy album on iTunes
EOL: Etch-A-Pad
Cool new case makes your iPad look like a classic Etch-A-Sketch